Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas eve eve!

Today I went to Beebe. Got a happy meal. Went to Angela's. Got a really friggin sweet and cute gift from Austin. Candy lip balms! SO sweet. One of the sweetest gifts. Then I went to Lori's house to print a coupon off that Angela needed. Went to the apartment. Angela picked me up and we went shopping. Yay... You know how I love shopping. Not really. But I still had fun even though it was the worst day to go shopping. Glad I didn't wear my fancy boots afterall. Then we went to Waffle House, where I got pie. Then Wild Catz night. Too tired to tell more. K thx bye.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Sorry I squashed your face with my boob."

Angela: "Was that a goat?"

Angela: "He likes to give me gifts from the back door."

Ashley: "Since when do you wear stylish clothes?"

Lori's friend: "What sex does your sister want?"

Question of the day:
How much have you slept this week? (Answer - 5 hours total.)

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