Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Very Merry Wild Catz Christmas

I am way too tired to say everything I want to say right now. So I will continue talking about tonight..tomorrow. But for now.. I LOVE ALL MY PRESENTS! THANK YOU SO MUCH ANGELA, AMY AND LORI! THEY ARE GREAT!

I had so much fun tonight. I loved giving gifts and receiving them. But the best gift that was given to me tonight..was the gift of my family accepting the most important guy in my life. JoJo is so important to me. I love him so much. And I'm glad my family finally knows that and isn't bothered by it. Because their opinion means alot to me. And so does he. So I'm excited and happy that it all worked out. Even though I was highly embarrassed tonight. Probably the most embarrassed I've ever been, because of that phone call with JoJo and ALL the Wild Catz.. But it was still the best Wild Catz night EVER! Great sweets, great fun, great times.

Okay.. So.. Too many pics to post. So I'm just going to post the first picture that I myself took. And its Angela! You're welcome Angela. I know how you like being posted on the interwebz. Consider it another gift, from Bella to Alice, with much love. ;D

Oh and a random pic of my shoes I didn't mean to take lulz.

Jingle bells..werewolves smell, vampires sparkle in the sun..when wild catz get together for christmas its alot of fun..hey!

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "I love you."
Me: "I love you more!"
JoJo: "I love you more than sparkly vampires."
Me: "GASP!"
Me: "That's alot!"

Lori: "Its barely covering your vajayjay."
Me: /frog face

Me: "Lotion obsession!!!!!"

Me: "You just want sugar cookies? That's it!?"
JoJo: "It's what I like."
JoJo: "You really gonna make me buy a Volvo?"
Me: "Lol it's what I like. Pwned by your own phrase."

JoJo: "I haven't seen you this happy in a long time :)"
Me: "You make me happy."
Me: "And I'm happy that maybe my family realizes that and accepts that."


JoJo: "One can silver glitter added to shopping list..."

JoJo: "Edward drives a Volvo? A silver one? No wonder.."
Me: "I liked Volvo's before that.. It just made me like them more. And in silver."
Me: "You'd understand me more if you just sucked it up and watched the movies and read the books."

Question of the day:
Soooo.. Did you enjoy Wild Catz Christmas?


  1. Yes! I had so much fun last night!...and ha I bet Angela again on the commenting :) Are you telling me SantaJo has never read Twilight?

  2. seriously Karen!!!! He HAS to watch the movie.... IDEA!!!!!!! why don't you invite him to come visit and we'll have a twilight watching party at my house!!! complete with sugar cookies and fancy boots... then we'll pile into the porsche and go see New Moon again... following that... we'll all snuggle up (inapppppppropriately) on my bed and read Eclipe and Breaking Dawn!!!

    hahaha great idea!!! AND... if i hurry... we can make Jojo's present and give it to him in person! EPIC!!!

    btw... i truly love that pic you posted of me... i look cute in my new scarf!
