Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Proud werewolf owner

Went to Wal-Mart today. Got all the stuff I need for the Very Merry Wild Catz Christmas tomorrow night! I did laundry all day. I wrapped gifts. And I got another thing for JoJo. As seen in picture above. I'm going to make it into a keychain in a little while. But I'm going to finish wrapping gifts first. Because I will be busy tomorrow baking! Yay! Okay..let's see what else happened that was important today? Oh yeah.. The first picture might seem random but it's not. I worked my ass off to get that Pug puppy in WoW. It took DAYS. But I finally got it today. Much to JoJo's relief. You had to do 100 random heroic instances to get it. And I must have done like 30 Occulus heroics for it. And that place blows. I kept forcing JoJo to help me with it lol. But he hated it so today while he was busy making zillions of dollars (a bit of a exaggeration) I finished up the heroics I needed. And it was HELL. But look at him! He is so cute! Okay.. I think that's everything. Though it seems like I did a shit ton of stuff today. I'm just glad I got out of the damn house today. And tomorrow I'm also getting out of the house! Yay! So excited about tomorrow! Can't wait to give gifts and see happy faces! YAY! CHRISTMAS RULES!

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "We both wanna see you naked."

Angela: "A solid goooooooold shirt!"

Me: "Stop giggling and help me out here lol!"

Angela: "Tastes yummy but it's spoonable."
Me: "Must resist urge to say that's what she said.."
Angela: "Hahaha it is something I would say."

Angela: "Lol. A pack!"
Me: "Not a wolf pack.. Sadly. But a pack of 2 boxes lol."

Question of the day:
What is the main thing you asked for for Christmas?

1 comment:

  1. i'm not sure what the main thing i asked for Christmas was. They were all pretty equal. But i wanted a dvd player... check... and i also wanted an iPod dock so i can listen to music in the kitchen when i'm cooking and cleaning!

    and undying devotion and love and adoration from Que. That is all...

    btw... nice that all the QotD involved me! haha FUNNY!
