Friday, December 11, 2009

Not Saturday

I AM STILL SICK GRRRR. In other news my sonic drink has a tater tot elf on it...and he says "Deck their mouths with cheese and chili." And I can't help but think..that's perverted. What do you think? Do you think that's perverted? Or have I just been spending too much time with JoJo and other guys?

I thought today was Saturday ALL day. But then SNL wasn't on and I was like WTF? Then I realized hey its Friday! Which explained alot actually. Okay, I'm tired. In case you were wondering though..the cookies in the picture. Taste good but weird. Like minty..but I guess that should be expected. But it wasn't great with coke. Drink it with milk.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "Lol trevor says your family gonna hate me lol."
Me: "Why would he say that?"
JoJo: "Hmm I wonder."
Me: "I don't want them to hate you!"
JoJo: "They won't he just thinks your Christmas gift is epic."
Me: "Oh shit. What did you do!!!!!"
JoJo: "Noneya."
Me: "/pout"
JoJo: "It ain't Christmas yet I'm not gonna spoil it!!!"
Me: "Just give me a hint."
JoJo: "People will be jealous."

JoJo: "She only made me cookies because I'm rich. But I gave them to Trevor I thought you would like that."
Me: "Yeah, I'm going to make you cookies because I love ya and that's what I do I make cookies. Imma cookie maker!"

JoJo: "Whatever blows your skirt up."
Me: "You know you got me saying that.. And I actually don't like that phrase."

Me: "DAYAM! That's how you type it in black talk. So I've been told."

Me: "Man, I suck."
Jen: "That's like that."
Me: ""

Question of the day:
Favorite color? (Its one of those questions everybody asks. But I haven't asked it.)

1 comment:

  1. Yellow...why would your family hate Jojo?! How could we hate someone that's so sweet to you? Besides, no one hates Santa, right? :)
