Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I went to Waffle House with Angela and Austin tonight. And we had Wild Catz night.. But I didn't stay very long at all. And I knew I wouldn't. Still feeling too shitty. But I did have fun while it lasted! And I can't wait for Wild Catz Christmas next Wed. But I'm so tired and I feel so sick right now I'm going to go lay down. So this was an uber short blog entry. Oh wellz.

Fail pic of the day because I forgot to take a picture until I pulled up in the driveway.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "Hun you are the LEAST bitchy woman I have EVER known."
Me: " really haven't known me for that long have you."

Me: "Do you still like werewolves? Just wonderin.. Not gonna get you one or anythin.."
Angela: "Ahhhh mean!"


Me: "You got a cat?"
Ashley: "Yeah. Her name is Alice Cullen."
Me: "Nice. I'm sure Angela will feel honored."

Austin: "He is hiding his man bush!"

Question of the day:
Favorite kind of car?


  1. They got a cat?...nice shirt btw.

  2. i was totally going to comment on the shirt too! haha.

    favorite kind of car? are you kidding me? i can't decide... i LOOOooooovvvvVVVVeeee cars.
