Monday, December 7, 2009

Geeked out

I have felt sick all day. Coughing and sneezing and a runny nose and fever. John gave me whatever he has I think. So I pretty much was just miserable all day. And then eventually I went to the apartment and JoJo helped me get my computer up and running. I was getting frustrated and then JoJo called me and he figured it out really fast. Apparently John forgot to plug in the graphics card lol. So..anyway..I got my computer up and running and I was thinking about naming it Edward since this computer I'm on right now the gateway is named Bella. Though I didn't name it after Bella from Twilight actually. I just really liked the name. It was complete irony that the name would later fit my life alot. But alas, I decided why not name it after the person that bought it? JoJo it is!

Now I'm back at the old house. And I'm starving and feeling really sick. Hank has already rearranged the whole living room.. Weird. And he is overly excited about there being only one coke left in the fridge..

The picture of the day is my bag of sweettarts that I have been eating like crazy. They aren't really helping my throat much.. I need halls or something but I really can't stand the taste of halls.

Okay..not many quotes of the day. I didn't talk to many people today since I didn't feel good. And I don't feel like typing tons of stuff anyway. Move along..

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I thought I figured it out but I didn't so now I'm just frustrated! I thought it was the monitor but I can't fix it."
JoJo: "Relax sweetheart. We'll figure it out. I bet I know what it is.. Did he plug in the graphics card?"
Me: "Oh..nope. FAIL. Oh well.. give him a break he hasn't seen alot of new technology. And I haven't even seen any graphic cards that have to be plugged in."

John: "So..I got geeked out by SantaJo."

Question of the day:
Favorite fast food place?


  1. is Ghengis considered fast food? I really like that place.

  2. oh... btw i thought the sweettarts were trix.

  3. Ha Ha.. I thought they were trix too! Fast food...hmmmmm, maybe McAllisters.
