Monday, December 21, 2009

Popcorn and Sugar Daddy cookies

Got up early and took care of my animals and took a shower and got ready. Went to Beebe and met Amy and Lori to go shopping. Took way too long going shopping. But got JoJo something else! And he said I should buy myself something nice. So I did..even though it was like really cheap because of what I got JoJo. It was like a deal Hot Topic was doing. But hey..I like it! Its a t-shirt. I'll wear it eventually and take a picture of it. Its a World of Warcraft t-shirt. And of course the guys in Hot Topic were all YOU PLAY WOW?! WHAT SERVER?!?! And then I was just like "I'm Alliance!" And they lost interest. Easy.

We came back to Amy's house and I stayed there for longer than I planned. But I got to see Angela for a while and I had fun spending time with Amy. But I got a really late start on baking JoJo's cookies. But I refused to half ass them. So instead I just made myself extremely tired. I spent hours on those damn Sugar Daddy cookies! (See picture above) Hope he likes them.. I mean they probably won't look as awesome as they did when I put them in the box.. Lets face it..sugar cookies are the worst cookie you could ever pick to ship. But that's why I took pictures. And hopefully they will at least still taste good. With the extreme lengths I went to for the frosting and the recipe for the cookies themselves I hope they are.. I switched it up alot to try and make it better. I'M NERVOUS! I'm nervous about everything I got him. I hope he likes it all. Because I really want to make him happy. He makes me so happy. And he gets me such great things. I don't want him to have the raw end of this relationship.

Told Mom we were dating today speaking of which. She said "Isn't he the guy that is 35? Pfft he is way out of your league." EPIC. That helps my self esteem on the situation so much!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Did you accept it!!??"
JoJo: "All I see is you devirginized me"

JoJo: "Your dad smoke?"
Me: "Nope why?"
JoJo: "Have some really good cigars."
Me: "John likes cigars every once in a while. Kevin and hank too. But they don't smoke all the time."
JoJo: "Ok I'll send some opus x for them."
Me: "Lol ok santa."
JoJo: "Psh I like you I gotta be nice to your dad."
Me: "Relationship confirmed btw."

JoJo: "I'll send you one of my fancy shirts I like to wear :)"
Me: "Lol a fancy shirt to sleep in?"
JoJo: "I'll send two :)"

Me: "I seriously pray every day that Angela will fall in love with somebody that will fall in love with her and take care of her. Or at least have the balls to admit that he is in love with her. And no I don't think its wrong to pray for that."

Me: "If I were your t-shirt what size would I be?"
JoJo: "L"
Me: "K just wonderin.."

Angela: "Then we went to the store with purple heart lights.. And bought some things."
Me: "And you came home and used it?"
Adam: "Popcorn??"

Amy: "Have fun with the popcorn."
Adam: "Yeah have fun with the...WAIT she already used it!"

Question of the day:
Do you like popcorn?


  1. Omg I love the QotD's. And I love popcorn even though no one has popped my corn in a long time.
