Friday, December 4, 2009

Not my gumdrop buttons!

Today I went to Amy's house and made cookies for the cookie swap at Amy's church tomorrow. I made gingerbread men and women. It turned out to be a big project. But I had fun doing it. I made a vampire gingerbread man (last pic) and let Adam eat it. I made a Sugar Daddy gingerbread man (second pic) complete with fancy boots! And of course Jojo in wolf form too! I had to use green for his eye because none of the other colors were working right and there was no brown. /pout And of course the first picture is the not my gumdrop buttons picture. You know..Shrek.. Come on!!

Okay so I spent all day making cookies until I was extremely tired. I got McDonald's on my way home. Came home, took a bubble bath, got in my PJs, now I'm writing this and waiting for Jojo to get in WoW. But I'm going to try and actually sleep tonight since the cookie swap is at 10 in the morning. Ehhh!

Quotes of the day:
Amy: "You should make them thicker."
Me: "Yeah they aren't good thin."
Amy: "That's what she said!"

Amy: "It's stuck."
Me: "That's what she said!"

John: "You know these are for church right?"

JoJo: "They're trying to mooch your sugar daddy!"
Me: "Mooch or smooch?"

Amy: "This isn't the right consistency. Its runny."
Me: "That's what...she said..?"

Question of the day:
If you were a gingerbread cookie..what would you look like?


  1. aaaaaaahahaha. the wolf jojo looks like he's about to eat the man jojo.... look at man jojo's face... he's concerned!
