Sunday, December 13, 2009

Haul weigh sewn mime hind

I had a very confusing and complicated day.. Too much to explain. In other news..I am finally starting to feel better. Still coughing and sneezing alot but getting better. Not going to chance it by not taking nyquil tonight though.

So Angela has been using Spanish as her super secret language. I realized I need my own super secret language for today's blog title. I can't use Spanish because that's Angela's.. So instead I am using something that can't be translated. It has to be FIGURED OUT! AH HA! Tricky tricky! Its Mad Gab language. If you have ever played Mad Gab you'll understand. You just have to say it over and over again until you figure out what you are saying. Or fail miserably and never figure it out. Bwhahahaha! Here is an example in case you're slow, or don't know the game -

Gnome Ore Deers = No more tears

The picture of the day is the pattern on my camo pants. I don't fit into them anymore and since I'm now at the weight I am suppose to be..and shouldn't ever weigh less.. I'm going to say goodbye to the camo pants.. Goodbye camo ass hardly knew ye.. /pout

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Haha my mom txt me and I thought it was you. I asked if she was in the poison again. No response."

Me: "Knowing mexicans there are like 50 of them under there."

John: "New Moon is still the best."

Me: "I don't know why I was still in love with Patty. I guess because I hate change. And I've been in love with him since I was 15. But he isn't the same person I was in love with. I'm not in love with him anymore."

Question of the day:
Favorite language? (Also..did you figure out what the title means? =])

1 comment:

  1. Always open minded!?

    Apesta su pedo!!!! hahaha Now I don't know what to do since Que got a spanish translator on his iphone... i'm in trouble now. Guess I could just change languages everytime I need to say something secret to him. Keep him guessing.
