Thursday, December 3, 2009

Presents from Sugar Daddy Part 2

I woke up this morning and the first thing I had to do was put on lotion. I then realized..HEY.. Angela has changed me! It's true I'll never like shopping. And I'll probably never like make up even if I start using it. But I am starting to like lotion and the idea of body splash is looking more and more interesting. Nail polish will probably never be appealing unless its black though. And I'm not sure about other girly things. Especially when make up is so confusing to me. But hey that's alot of change. And all because of Angela. See what having your own personal Alice does?! CRAZY!

I went through my clothes some today. I just get so a.d.d. when doing things like that. I don't know. It went from going through my clothes to..deciding I need to wash all my dirty clothes before I actually go through my clothes. And then that turned into me deciding I need to figure out what kind of cookies I'm going to make. And then while I was trying to decide that..I hear a honk outside. I run to go answer it (in boxer shorts, big mistake it was cold outside) and it was the UPS guy giving me another box from Jojo! This had a gaming mouse in it THE EXACT ONE I WANTED! No idea how he knew that. And a bunch of other top of the line parts for my computer plus a random t-shirt lol. The t-shirt came with the mouse and its huuuuuuge. It swallows me whole. But oh well. I can't believe how much he spent on me. At least a thousand dollars. AT LEAST. That's insane to me. INSANE! I am so happy though. Its so nice and so great. And I love it all so much!

I then played WoW with him for a little while before we both decided we were bored with it. And we talked on the phone for two hours until he had to go to sleep because he has business meetings tomorrow. But he is going to get off early so I'll be able to play WoW with him more tomorrow! I'm excited. He has been pretty busy all week. And I think I'm going to hook up my new monitor tomorrow at least. AT LEAST. I just can't all this new stuff just starring at me waiting to be used! But right now I'm sleepy and cold. So back to my loft! /batcave theme song

P.s. Angela - I am giving you my old computer if you still want it. As soon as I can get all my stuff off of it, and restore it. But you'll need to get a new mouse and a new keyboard. (Christmas idea maybe?)

Quotes of the day:
UPS guy: "Is this from the same friend?"
Me: "YEAH!"
UPS guy: "Huh..nice friend!"

Me: "I just realized this computer monitor is bigger than my tv! Holy shit!!!!!"
JoJo: "Lol hook it up. It's a top of the line one."

Me: "You're never going to let this poison thing go are you?"
JoJo: "I'm sorry it's just funny to me."
Me: "Well its funny to me that you have more than 20 cars and you don't own a damn volvo."
JoJo: "Sweety, it's because I own a porsche."
Me: "Volvo's are better than porsche's."
JoJo: /gasp
Me: "Yeah I said it."

Me: "I hate to break the news but...I'll never like shopping."
Angela: ":-D I'll like it enough for both of us."
Me: "You already do Alice.. You already do."

JoJo: "I'm different I don't fit in any molds."
Me: "Well that's why I like you."

JoJo: "I found out my sister is a Twilight freak. She read all the books and stuff."
Me: "Great! Now you can borrow them from her and read them!"
JoJo: "Hun, I can't read. I'm just a farm boy from Alabama."

JoJo: "So why am I werewolf?"
Me: "Because! You're Indian.. You have a pony tail.. You're tan.. You're Indian."
JoJo: "And all werewolves belong to Angela?"
Me: "No. not really. Because Alan is werewolf and he belongs to me. And you belong to me and you're a werewolf. But she does like her some werewolves."

JoJo: "I'm thirty-five and I'm not married.
Me: "Yeah but you have a little boy."
JoJo: "I got lucky with my lil boy. You're only twenty-two, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't rush things."

Question of the day:
What are you werewolf, vampire or human? (Human soon to be vampire!)

1 comment:

  1. OMG... first there are TOO many things i want to comment on and i'm SO tempted to make many separate comments just so i can see many different word verifications....

    most importantly... THANK you for considering me for your old computer... i'm well please and very appreciative of it!!!

    next. i'm really glad that you got a new computer... i know how much it means to you!!! i hope to get a new one some day too.

    should it bother me that Jojo knows so much about me??? i mean really... but i think it bothers me more that he doesn't know me at all and is seriously worried about the fact that he MIGHT have to belong to me just because of his heritage... tell him i said... Thanks a lot for making me feel "not worthy".... :-)

    now....... WHAT was he telling you to NOT RUSH... are you not telling me something that i desperately need to know?

    but seriously.... back to this jojo concept... he is a "werewolf"... and owns a porshe... he's PERFECT.... aaaaaahahahaha!!!

    so, i'm truly happy to be your Alice and i'm glad you like lotion... but there is more than that... i will gently ease you into liking other things as well... you won't see this coming... just like you didn't think you would like lotions either. it just happens.

    btw... as for your quesiton of the day. i'm torn...
