Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Lion

Nothing important happened today really. Or at least I didn't do anything important. But I talked to JoJo, Amy, Angela and even Lori today. Though only 5 mins with Lori. And only because she wanted to know about the thing saturday. But whatever. Meanwhile I still have a migraine and I am tired. So I'm going to bed. I'm going to be doing stuff at the apartment tomorrow though. Yay? MEH!

Picture of the day is my Lion Edward! He is a musician, likes pizza and baseball and is seriously just the real Edward in Lion form. PERRRRRFECT. Oh and I gave him a bouffant. Yep.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "A murse."

Me: "Them some fancy ass boots. They don't look as gay as I thought they would."

Angela: "14.5 shoes!!!!!!"
Me: "Clown feet."

Angela: "So warm. Feels like a werewolf around my neck."

Amy: "Btw if you ever elope with Santajo at least hire a photographer."

Question of the day: