Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve!!!!! I had a really annoying morning. I ran around trying to accomplish things and I kept having shit happen that made me run even more late. And yeah it was just alot of bad luck. And then the roads were flooded. And all this other shit. I don't want to talk about it. Let's just say.. Angela fixed my hair and JoJo talked to me and sent me gifts. They made everything better. I spent the rest of my day at Angela's for half then at the apartment for the other half. Mom invited the Fisher's over without asking if it was okay. Yeah... Kinda annoying. It wasn't really the best Christmas Eve ever family wise. It was awkward because of the divorce and new house. And then Lori, Kevin and the kids didn't even show up. It was just...different and not the best. But JoJo, Angela and Amy at least still made it a happy day.

And I really think John liked his gift! I hope he did.. I put alot of planning and thought behind them. I went back and forth on things I wanted to get him forever before finally deciding on those two things. I got a reaction so I'm assuming he liked them. Woohoo!

The pictures of the day are of course John opening his gifts.

Now I have to go because JoJo is going to call me so we can open our gifts together at midnight..privately just how I want it. =]

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I made it!"
JoJo: "Damn I was hoping for more water :)"
t AnMe: "Ha ha..."
JoJo: "Omg Joseph omg omg oh oh oh Joseph (boing!)"
JoJo: "Epic."
Me: "Lol I'm glad my panic is exciting to you."

Angela: /looks at my mess of curls in disgust "I'll even let you use the big clippy"

Daniel: "And I knew you would get me something Batman for Christmas Karen."
Me: "Yeah why is that?"
Daniel: "Cause Batman is awesome and you are awesome!"
Me: "Aw that's the sweetest thing!"

Val: "You really have grown."

Question of the day:
Why is sparkling grape juice so addictive?


  1. Because it's really wine in disguise. John did like his gift, his top favorite! I still tease him about getting a doll for Christmas.

  2. Seriously glad I could help make your day better.
