Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fancy Boots

So tired. Got up early today went to Beebe. Sent off JoJo's box, hopefully it gets there before Christmas. Then went to Waffle House. Then back to Cabot. Then to pick up pizza. Then to Beebe again. Then got a bunch of cool gifts from JoJo! :D INCLUDING FANCY BOOTS! Played Band Hero with Austin and Angela. And Que. I had lots of fun. But I'm so tired. Quotes of the day took forever too. Didn't want to leave anything out. I have spent too long playing WoW. I'm tired. Must go lay down. Eyes burn. Look at my fancy boots though.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "It's best to solve problems quickly."

Me: "I'll always be here for you. Whether its helping to feed your denial so your blissfully ignorant. Or telling you the blunt annoyingly hurtful truth."
Me: "That sounded less sweet than I meant it btw."

Me: "Holy crow I'm spoiled!"

Me: "I put the hype in hyper!!!!!"

Me: "What are you doing for dinner? Want me to pick up some pizza?"
Amy: "With what your looks? Although you'd probably get a few for your looks..I've got leftovers."
Me: "I've got money. Epic boyfriend remember?"
Amy: "Hahaha...whatever pleases you."

JoJo: "I keep looking at that pic of you Angela sent."
Me: "Lol why?"
JoJo: "Because you're beautiful and it makes me happy."

Alan: "The hell is wild catz night?"
Me: "When angela lori amy and i get together and drink coffee and talk."
Alan: "That's so sisterhoodofthetravelingpants of you."
Me: "Wtfever dude we INVENTED that movie."

Alan: "I mean think about it, if we were dating right now, it would be like Bella choosing Jacob, except Jacob can't change back into a human for some reason."
Alan: That's right toby."
Alan: "Dating stoner Alan is just as bad as bestiality."
Me: "Somehow i knew this."
Alan: But only in our story cus that's the characters we are.
Alan: "No other person in the universe would actually compare me to a werewolf pedofile loser who doesn't get the girl or really anything for that matter."
Me: "You never know!"
Alan: No that brand of unintentional cruelty can only come from my first love."

JoJo: "Toby is AFK anyway."
JoJo: "She's such a pain.."
Guildy in WoW: "Is she your wife?"
JoJo: "Yeah."
Guildy in WoW: "Figured."
Me: "lol."
/10 mins later
JoJo: "They gotta down those adds."
Me: "You gotta hold aggro on them."
JoJo: "Oh I had aggro."
Me: "LIES!"
JoJo: "Were any free?"
Me: "I had to feign death so I didn't die."
Guildy in WoW: "lmfao yep they are married."

Angela: "Its much funner with you over here. The boys don't play with me........ever."

Me: "That monkey came out of nowhere!"

Question of the day:
How do you like my fancy boots? :D

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