Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I'm so stressed out and tired and just generally can't handle life right now. And I'm sick of this no card reader thing. I'm too used to just sticking the memory card in the card reader to blog. SOoOoOo yeah. Angela read me some interesting horoscopes today. HMM..

I wore my fur coat all day around the house because I was so cold. Moving on..

Jen: "What are you doing?"
Jen: "HISANA!"
Jen: "You there???"
Jen: "So Joseph I heard about your affair with Doxin."
Jen: "You're not going to say anything about it?"
Me: "This is Toby lol but that's interesting news!"
Jen: "Oh lmao omg don't tell him I told you that he would be pissed."
Me: "lol."
/Jen logs off

Mom: "SUPERMAN!!!"

Me: "I'm glad you like your keychain. =]"
JoJo: "Best gift this year :)"

Angela: "Not until she pooted."
Austin: "Not until she pooted."
Me: "Huh??"
Angela: "Naruto shippenden? Is that how you spell it? Not until she pooted."

Question of the day:
What's your horoscope say for today?

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha it was Austin's idea to double text you that. We were watching tv last night and the commercial came on and he and I simultaneously repeated "Not until she pooted"... and then laughed.

    I picked up my phone to text you and he JUMPS up and says, "no, momma, we need to do it at the same time and it needs to say the same thing.".

    This morning he was still talking about it. He actually followed me into my closet when i was getting my clothes out for work, talking about how "we really fooled Karen, she was so confused. I bet she's still thinking about it."

    i tell you... he was in rare form last night.
