Saturday, December 26, 2009

Just Dance!

Today I went shopping with Angela, Lori and Amy. You would think after all the times they have made me go shopping with them it either wouldn't bother me anymore or I might grow to like it. But no I still hate it. The only fun part of it is driving. Oh well and I got something for JoJo. Its silly but I like it. I think he will too. I missed him so much today. He slept all day. I think he is still sleeping actually. I got some wireless nunchucks for my wiimotes. Now I can play Just Dance without hitting myself in the face or choking myself! I have been playing it ever since I got home from shopping. So now my feet and arms officially hurt like hell! I'm going to relax now and try to sleep. I am going to Cabot tomorrow and spending the night at the house. Going to try and finish packing some shit that I really need. Plus I want to see Rogue. I miss him. Hope he is doing okay. Also need to try and get my computer ready to give to Angela.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "I beat Edward on that song."
Me: "Poor Edward."
Angela: "It's ok Edward beat me on a Taylor Swift song! Haha"

Amy: "Just follow the big stick I'll use it to point to the car."

Angela: "It's 5 inches."
Lori: "That's not big enough."


Me: "This shirt is Miley Cyrus..... But I'm still getting it."

Angela: "We do have our secret moments, Karen.... /pause And that was one of them."

Me: "I scream you scream we all scream for...PIE."

Me: "I can't remember all that stuff.. Write it down or something."
Lori: "Write down..the order? Seriously?"
Angela: "Yeah I'll text it to you." /sarcastic
Me: "AH! PERFECT!" /texts it to myself

Question of the day:
Favorite kind of pie?

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday was alot of fun! Shopping. HM. Pie. Just Dance. And even all the cleaning and laundry I had to do made me happy. I truly like the thought that you're going to get the computer to me soon. That makes me happy too.

    Oh favorite pie. Probably cheesecake. Is that pie? It's round like pie.
