Saturday, December 12, 2009

Crazy bitches

I don't feel like typing. So I'm going to sum up my day here.. I played with JoJo in WoW most of the day. I felt really sick. I coughed alot and sneezed even more. I took this nyquil off brand stuff Angela gave me. My eyes are all blurry and have been all day. And Angela and I are both crazy bitches. And I can't wait for our Very Merry Wild Catz Night. But I hope I'm feeling well by then. Also..SNL tonight was hilarious. I think that about sums it up. Moving on..

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "I've found that when a woman is upset it's best to just comfort her."
JoJo: "It's better if she figures things out for herself."

Angela: "I'm a crazy bitch!"
Me: "Lol its all good. I am too."
Angela: "Glad to be crazy with you Bella!"

Me: "He is like your own brand of heroin."

Angela: "I'm almost done shopping for everyone."
Me: "Epic dude. But what will Alice do when her shopping is done? lol"

Question of the day:
Favorite chick flick?

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