Friday, December 18, 2009

Furry Boots

Today I saw Adam, Daniel and Caleb. And I also got Daniel's birthday present for tomorrow. And some black furry boots. Not fancy boots.. furry boots. Though I wouldn't mind some fancy ones either. They aren't as gay as I previously assumed. I also wrapped Daniel's present. And talked to JoJo alot. But not nearly enough. I also randomly styled my hair out of boredom? OH GOD! AAAAAALLLLIIIIIICE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!

All the quotes of the day are going to be perverted. Fair warning.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "I wanna see you naked."
Me: "You're drunk, give me your keys."
Angela: "Hahaha so. Wanna fuck?"
Me: "I'll have to pass on that as well."
Angela: "Oh man. I'm disappointed."

Angela: "Naked pictures?"
Me: "Oh my god. Leave me alone! Go fuck Que!"

Me: "Big hand."

Angela: "In HIS butt!!!!"

JoJo: "I have your present in my hand!!!!!"
Me: "Is your hand in your pants?"

Me: "Can you just give me a hint?"
JoJo: "Sure."
JoJo: "Its very pretty."
JoJo: "It'll make you think of me."
JoJo: "You might love it."
JoJo: "You might hate it."
JoJo: "Its not large."
Me: "There goes the hand in pants theory then. Zing!"

Question of the day:
Favorite hair style? (PIG TAILS!)


  1. Daniel has the squishest cheeks ever!

  2. favorite hair style... well, i used to wear it in pigtails all the time... remember that??? it was really cute but then i got older... and fat.

    btw... i'm seriously embarrassed by our level of texting lately... i'm going to try to make it a lot less disturbing... since you insist on posting it live via webblog... hahahahaha... and you know i'm totally joking... it's freaking hilarious to me.

  3. awwwww but ps.... this is truly going to be an epic adventure once you let Joseph have a link and he actually sees that you are in love with me and not his fancy boots, big hands and whatever it is you like about him.
