Sunday, December 6, 2009

Computer blues

I spent all day with Amy, John and the kids. We had lunch together then went to K-Mart so Amy could pick up her layaway. When we got home I convinced John to put my computer together. He barely got started when he said "I need thermal grease." Amy and I raced to radio shack to try and make it back in time for him to finish putting it together before he had to go to church. But we didn't make it. So I packed up all the parts and shoved them in my car, as it conveniently rained. And then followed Amy to her house. All just to find out on my way there when JoJo called me, that I in fact didn't need the grease. Because the computer part that Joseph bought me as it already on it. OOPS! Then John followed me to the apartment and we put the computer together there. Or rather I bugged him while he put it together. But I stupidly forgot to bring to the keyboard. So I left the apartment and JoJo called me complaining that he should have called and walked us through it. Men.. They all think they know everything.

Now I'm home and playing WoW with Jojo. But I'm trying to convince him to just call me so I can lay down in my warm bed and stop getting frustrated with the fact that I'm still playing on my old computer. And not my new fancy one. The good news is..before we realized we couldn't download windows 7 without a keyboard..I GOT TO SEE IT ON! And the LED blue lights are AWESOME!!!!! :D

The picture of the day by the way, is of Caleb. Cutest baby everrrrrr!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Its okay I told him you were a geek."
John: "Apparently not geek enough."
Me: "Not as geek as him.."

John: "So what's his name?"
Me: "Joseph but I call him JoJo."
John: "But I'm not you."
Me: "Right so call him Joseph."

Me: "If cookie is know what.. Then sweettarts is to boobs... Think about it!"
Angela: "I love his cookies mmm."

JoJo: "I'm frozen."
Me: "Poor Jojo!"
JoJo: "I know!! I'm a meat popsicle!!!"
Me: "Can I lick? lol"
JoJo: " :) You're epic... I was in the middle of texting you "wanna lick?" You're just too good."

Me: "My sister had a dream about you ahahaha!"

Question of the day:
Are you good with computers?

1 comment:

  1. forgot to put the reply to my sister had a dream about you...and no, I'm not good with computers.
