Friday, December 25, 2009


My Christmas started at midnight last night. When JoJo and I opened our presents over the phone. All of his gifts were thoughtful and perfect. And I've never been so happy over material things before. But not because of the materials themselves. But because a guy actually cared enough to not only buy me lots of expensive things. But pick them out himself based on what he knew of me. And he even wrapped them! Everything was so personal and sweet and perfect. I've never been so happy on Christmas before. I spent the day at Amy's house. We had Christmas dinner and played the Just Dance Wii game JoJo got me. I kick ass at it! We also opened up gifts of course. And I got some amazing gifts this year. Not just from JoJo.

Then I went to Angela's house and spent some time with her. Including more Just Dance. My legs are killing me from dancing! I need to get a wireless Wiimote so bad. Because I love this game so much and I'm actually good at it but I keep hitting myself in the face with the cord! Ah well..

Now I'm home wearing JoJo's t-shirt that he gave me. All snuggled up in my Edward blanket that Mom got me. I really want to see Joseph so bad.. Smelling him on his shirt makes me want to see him so bad. Well..soon I hope. Valentines day maybe..

I had a great Christmas. Much better than last year. Which is weird because I was expecting it to be so bad.. It was different for sure.. Not traditional. Odd and sometimes awkward. But good. Maybe I'm finally getting used to changes? Or maybe just not all changes are bad. We'll see..

The pictures of the day are my gifts from JoJo. Or at least some of them. He got me two flannel shirts from Victoria's secret, sprinkles for baking, heart shaped cookie cutters, animal cracker cookie cutters, two different cool twist and press cookie cutters, hot coco with marshmellows, the christmas classics on dvd, two of his t-shirts that smell like him and a WOVEN mink coat. I can't believe he spent so much on me. But honestly it means more to me that he cared enough to spend that much on me. And all the thought that was behind the gifts.. I'm just..I'm floored. Seriously. He is so perfect!

Btw I didn't put a picture of the fur coat in this entry because.. I want to take a picture of it when I actually am looking nice. Right now I look tired and stuff. So I'll do that later.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I don't remember ever crying because I'm so happy. So thank you JoJo.."

Me: "My werewolf boyfriend bought me a fur coat!"
Angela: "Yep!"

Me: "I have the best most caring boyfriend in the world."

Me: "No minks were harmed in the making of this coat. Just..shaved naked."

Ashley: "I love it! Now I can wear it in front of Ashley B and be like 'WHAT NOW?!'"

Zach: "Not many people can pull off this look. But I can."
Me: "I didn't know the dork look was hard to pull off. I pull it off every day."
Zach: "I didn't know dorks wore mink coats."
Me: "They do now!"

Me: "I'm going to get the fancy boots icon because I miss JoJo."
Angela: "In that case I'll get the glasses because I miss Que."

Me: "Candy wine is the best wine."

Question of the day:
How was your Christmas?


  1. Dorks wearing mink coats...epic.

  2. I truly have to admit. This Christmas was 100 times better than I expected too. It has nothing to do with any material gift I recieved. (though I did get some nice ones and my list of wants has been narrowed down to mostly appliances and an iMac) Honestly though, my family got together and no one fought or argued or tried to make anyone feel bad. I had my son with me and was able to spend alot of time with him. And after an eon, I finally heard the L word muttered. Not to mention the other piece of valid and heart lifting information your sister revealed last WCN!!! I haven't been this blissfully happy in years.

    Oh. And my arms are killing me from the dang Just Dance game.
