Sunday, December 20, 2009


Woke up. Felt shitty. Went to Beebe. Got my desk, bed and TV stand put together at the apartment thanks to John. But didn't have time to bake cookies for JoJo.. Gonna HAVE to do that tomorrow. Went to Waffle House with John and the kids. Went to Wal-Mart and got hit on by a guy that looked like a gay guy. Then went home and talked to JoJo. And I still don't feel good and I'm tired. And I'm going shopping tomorrow with Lori and Amy. And I have to bake. And I'm going over to Angela's. Hope I'm up for all of that.

Picture of the day is my sexy computer on my small desk that really wasn't made for a badass computer like this. a bit. But its so pretty. I love blue glowy stuff.

Quotes of the day:
John: "Amy is better at screwing than you. She has had more practice."

Me: "It won't fit in the hole!"
Me: "That's what she said.."

Me: "There is no such too much waffle house."

Me: "He isn't like the cool..redecorate your house and cook a three course meal for you gay. He is like the creepy I like to stare at you in weird ways gay."

Random guy in Wal-Mart: "You're hot are you legal?"
Me: "/disgusted look "No I'm 12." /runs away

JoJo: "You're always so cold. If I was there I could keep you warm. I'm always warm to the touch."
Me: /cracks up laughing
JoJo: "What?"
Me: "You sure you haven't read Twilight? Because that's a werewolf thing."
JoJo: "It is?"
Me: "Yeah their body temperature is always 108. You ARE a werewolf.."

JoJo: "So why don't you like sleeping?"
Me: "Bad dreams.."
JoJo: "We are going to have to fix that."
Me: "I don't think its fixable."
JoJo: "It is. When we meet I'll fix it. You'll see, I know how."
Me: "How?"
JoJo: "Its a werewolf thing."

Question of the day:
How many times have you gone to Waffle House in the past month?