Saturday, December 19, 2009


Woke up today drove to Beebe. Baked cookies with the kids. Went to Amy's for lunch. Had some of John's AMAZING ribs and sweet potato fries. Stayed there and helped Amy with Danny's monkey christmas birthday party. Then I went to Knight's and got some flour for tomorrow. I'm going to be baking JoJo's sugar daddy cookies. =]

Then I went home and I talked to JoJo. And I'm still talking to him. And I forced him to make a facebook. And I had a great time today! But I'm going to go and keep talking to him and then go to sleep. Today was TIRING. By the way. The picture of the day is Danny and his friend Abbey. I swear those two kids are going to grow up and get married or something! And the second picture is of all the kids after we baked cookies. Good times.

Quotes of the day:
Amy's friend (I think David): "So does your boyfriend sparkle?"
Me: "No boyfriend is a werewolf."

Me: "Happy birthday Danny! Do you feel older?"
Danny: "Yeah I can do this." /does a random dance/karate move
Me: "That's quiet impressive I can see how that makes you older."

Ashley: "What do you call a tired Edward?"
Adam: "BEDWARD!"

Zach: "You're ridiculous."
Me: "AHHHHH YOU SAID THE SECRET WORD!" /jumps around waving arms
Zach: /starring at me like I'm crazy
Me: "Okay see..if you were like 10 years older.. You would be cracking up right now."

JoJo: "I only eat a few things... I gotta diet."
Me: "Don't diet! I like your big hands and arms!!"

Me: "I love you!"
JoJo: "Love you rainbow bright."

Me: "Make a facebook!!"
JoJo: "WHAT??"
Me: "Pleaseeeee!"
JoJo: "I don't get were glad I didn't have a facebook. You didn't want me to talk to your family. Then you had me on speakerphone saying fancy boots. And now you want me to make a facebook."
Me: "Yes, I'm confusing. You'll get used to that."

JoJo: "So what happens if Bella falls in love with a werewolf?"
Me: "Tons of team Jacob fans rejoice."

JoJo: "Now every person in the USA will be forced to pay (a dollar a month) for abortions."
JoJo: "Epic fail."
Me: "You have no idea how much that pisses me off. No idea."
JoJo: "Me too.. I don't want my money used to abort kids."

Question of the day:
How do you feel about the health shit that Obama is trying to pass?

1 comment:

  1. I had fun yesterday. Thanks for all the help. I'm going to facebook now :)
