Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cookie swap

I woke up today and got ready to go to a cookie swap at Amy's church. It was fun and I ate alot of good cookies. Then we went to McDonald's and we met Ronald McDonald there..he was pretty terrifying. He gave Adam and Daniel stickers that said "I met Ronald." And both Adam and Daniel insisted on putting the stickers on my jacket. Then we went to the J-ville library and had cookies (again!) and coco and watched Christmas cartoons while we waited for the J-ville parade to start. At the library there was a older man dressed sorta like Santa. Even though Daniel and Adam don't believe in Santa, Daniel insisted that this guy was the "christmas guy" which is what he calls Santa. So Amy and Daniel got a picture taken with him. It was cute. The parade was fun but long and I froze my butt off. (I can say that now that I somewhat have a butt to freeze off!) So basically my day was great!

That is until I got home and realized that my niece had given me lice. I wasn't even going to say this on here because it grosses me out so much. I had never had lice before so I freaked the heck out. It was by far my most girly moment ever. Three and half hours and three and a half bottles of lice shampoo later...I don't have lice anymore but it was the most annoying thing I have ever had to do. Changing my sheets, trying to get all that stuff in my long ass hair, cleaning my brushes, etc etc. It was annoying. And I'm still grossed out at the thought. But what can you do? I mean..when you spend as much time as I do with Ashley and was bound to happen I suppose. Lori didn't get it, wonder why?

The picture of the day is a picture I took at the parade. I don't know why I like it so much but I think its because of the use of colors. Moving on..

Quotes of the day:
Me: "NO! Nobody can swap those cookies! That's my Sugar Daddy and werewolf cookie! Swifer no swapping!!!!!" /waves arms around frantically

Me: "Crying over something like was the most girly moment I have ever had and probably will ever have."

Hank: "NO!! Don't lose that mug! It's my only mug!"

Me: "I should cut my hair really short again."
JoJo: "NO!!!!"
Me: "Why not?"
JoJo: "Don't like short hair on girls :)"
Me: "But I look okay with short hair."
JoJo: "Yeah I guess I could chop mine off too... Get a military do."
Me: "NO!!!!"

Me: "My nose is red =["
JoJo: "You can lead santas sleigh!"

Daniel: "Mommy!" /points to the guy that looks like santa

Adam: /pointing to a cake ball "THERE IS CHOCOLATE IN THIS!"

Me: "Those guys are wearing snuggies!"
Adam: "What??? Where are the snuggles?!"
Me: "Snuggies! Not snuggles!" /cracks up laughing "What's with you and infomercials anyway?"

Question of the day:
How was your day?

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