Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halo Kitty!

Today I was just half asleep all day. I still am. I took Alan back to Conway. Made my way back to Cabot after spending the morning with Angela, Alan, the kids and Lori. Then I came home to Mom and Hank leaving to go out to eat. I go in my room and they changed everything around! I got a new loft though. It looks cool. I like it a lot but I'm too tired to take a picture of it. Just sleep on it. So maybe tomorrow. I got to see Adam, Daniel and Caleb. And we had pizza for dinner while I bitched to Amy about Mom. Good times.. Again.

The pictures of the day is a statue of a guy from the game Halo. Its at this video game place in Conway that Alan and I went to. And he bought me this Hello Kitty Japanese drink called Ramune Soda (first picture.) It was pretty awesome to open and stuff. Also, touche is now pronounced like douche. And douche is now pronounced like douch-aye. Yeah, you heard me. And it might seem off topic but its not.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Oh my God, Angela I need your make up stuff to make me look less like shit!"

Angela: "I really think he's PRECIOUS! I would like to keep him in a little box with holes in the top!"

Me: "I suppose we should get ready so Zach won't complain about not being able to see Alan again for the second day in a row."

Alan: "This is seriously just going to turn into a mohawk."

Me: "Well you watched me sleep. You are officially Edward Cullen."
Me: "Even though I was only half asleep I think it counts."

Alan: "When you live forever what do you live for?"
Me: "CANDY!"

Question of the day:
Favorite video game ever?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Human and The Glampire

Today I ran around doing everything all at once for the party. Then at 5:00ish I made my way to conway. By the time I picked up Alan and made my way to Angela's house we got there at like 7:00 one hour from the party time. We ended up staying at Angela's doing hair and make up on each of us until 9 though. Fashionably late and yet we were still the only ones there lol. Not too many people showed up but I still had tons of fun. People couldn't get over how much we looked like Edward and Bella. Somebody girl that was dressed as a cat or mouse or something even said I looked more like what she thought Bella would look like from the books than Kristen Stewart. She was a really annoying person though.. I wanted to kick her in throat at least 4 times. But still a nice compliment. People took pics of us and we acted out a scene from the twilight parody because Serina asked us to. We also kept quoting lines the whole night. And I carried around an apple all night. Alan eventually kicked it off his shoe and caught it. After like a ton of failed attempts. And of course we did poses for the camera everytime our pic was taken. The pose with his arm around me everybody seemed to love because it was like the poster pics for the movie. It was lots of fun. And I'm really glad Angela showed up and really glad Lori decided to do it this year. And I'm so proud of Lori for not drinking too. I know it must have been hard.

We went to Waffle House at one point and called the cops on some really drunk people that were totally going to crash if they drove home. And we went back to Lori's house and dropped her off some Waffle House food and then Alan and I went to Angela's house and I talked to them for a while about things and they made me feel really good. I'm glad I have friends as great as them. It was a really awkward situation for me but they made me feel better. And we went from down to laughing and talking for a few hours until we all crashed, fully clothed on her bed with the lights on for like maybe 2 hours of restless sleep until we woke up and talked more. Oh and I totally saw the faceless black smokey ghost thing in Angela's room when both of them walked out to get blankets and pillows. I freaked out! Good times..good times...

Quotes of the day:
Alan: "I figured out a name for the Twilight vampires..since they sparkle..GLAMPIRES!"

Alan: "Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies."

Alan: "This is officially a gay pea coat."

Alan: "Get on my back I'll take you for a vampire ride!"

Me: "I'm only afraid of losing you!" /bats eyelashes

Alan: "I would have quit 100 jobs just to have this one night with you."

Angela: "Aristus cat?"

Me: "That gay cowboy over there is the guy that plays WoW that Lori wants me to date I think."

Question of the day:
Why do I suddenly feel less sympathy for people who use the phrase FML? I am going to stop using it. From now on if I ever feel the need to say it I will just spell it out completely.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

WoW Wafers and Bat Pumpkins

I woke up today to Lori reminding me to pick the kids up from school and to make sure Ashley cleans her room. And Amy also texted me telling me mom planned on getting my new loft this weekend. And that John would probably take my current loft apart tomorrow. So I should clean my room. BAH! That set me into a panic. Between baking for the party tomorrow, washing clothes, making sure I have everything else ready for the party tomorrow, and making sure I have everything planned out right. I certainly don't have time to stop and clean. And where would I sleep!? I hope she ends up taking it later because I'd rather not sleep on the floor and I didn't have time clean. And I won't tomorrow either.

I spent all morning getting my cake balls ready to chill. I put them in the fridge then left. Amy texted me asking me to buy her a pregnancy test. Greeeaaaat. I always pictured my first time buying a pregnancy test to be something like this -

Me: /grabs pregnancy test at Wal-Mart and runs to the Wal-Mart bathroom, sees the little plus sign and freaks out happily while running around Wal-Mart waving it and screaming "FINALLY ITS MY TURN!" While handing out candy cigars to random people in trashy clothing. Then proceeding to call my husband and yell "WE DID IT!!!!!!"

But alas, that was not how my first time buying a pregnancy test went. It went like this instead -

Me: /Looks at a sign in horror that reads "We sell our pregnancy tests behind the counter." I then make my way to the line and a cute boy proceeds to talk to me. We exchange names and just as I'm sure he is about to ask for my number because he whips out his phone all dramatically, the lady at the counter asks me what I need.
Me: "Uh, I need a pregnancy test please."
Lady: "Oh we don't have any more here you'll have to go to the first lane and get on there." (She then proceeds to yell to the lady at lane 1 to check and make sure they aren't completely out of pregnancy tests.)
Me: 8 (
Cute Boy: /makes the "O" face and rocks back and forth on his heels while rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at his shoes.
Old Lady that was behind me: /looks at me like I'm some sort of hussy and shakes her head and makes exasperated sounds.
Me: /walks over to lane 1 with my face and ears completely red "Yeah..I need a pregnancy test."
Lady at lane 1: "The 4 dollar one of the 10 dollar one?"
Me: "The cheapest one."
Cute Boy: /nowhere to be found
Old Lady: /behind me in line again still shaking her head and making exasperated sounds.
Me: /storms out of Fred's in Beebe with a ruined reputation thanks to my sister who thinks she is pregnant every month. Thanks Amy! lulz

I then picked up the kids at school and then took the test to Amy after. And told her the epic story of my first purchased pregnancy test. Adam and Daniel made me cookies today. Adam wanted to make me cookies and name them like I always do. He wasn't sure what cookies to make so Amy said "What is the first thing you think of when you think of Aunt Karen?" Adam answered "WoW" (as in world of warcraft.) So of course the cookies are named Wow wafers. And Daniel had to get on the act and named his Bat Pumpkins. Clearly both are very creative and very good. And being as OCD as I am I appreciate the fact that Adam's cookies have an even 4 chocolate chips on each cookie. He had big plans to make them in the shape of monsters or animals like in the world of warcraft game. But Amy pretty much told him he had to settle for simple. I still think they are great and it made my day.

Zach, Ashley and I then went to Sonic and grabbed drinks. Then Zach and I played rock band 2 until Ashley was finished with her homework and cleaning her room. Then we all three played. Ashley is getting better at drums. Sorta lol. It was fun. I had to stay there a bit longer than I wanted because of a random tornado. /shrug Kevin made dinner so I was okay with it. By the time I got home I had to finish my cake ball baking. I am very frustrated with how they turned out. They don't look anything like they are suppose to. I must have done something wrong. They are probably still good tasting. But they are not good looking, hence I am angry. If it doesn't look good, then the taste doesn't matter, in my opinion. Especially with something like this, I picked this recipe because it was suppose to be both good tasting and good looking! Oh well, I'll bake my Fangtasia Delights tomorrow and at least they look good! Can't wait for the party tomorrow but I still have so much to do.

First picture are the WoW Wafers and the second picture are the Bat Pumpkins.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Well its not like I could say 'its not for me its for a friend!' How many times have people heard that excuse?"

Me: "I bet I only got weird looks because people thought I was 13 years old again. The old lady was probably like 'they just get younger and younger!'"

Me: "No, it is actually horrible because I wasn't even wearing my fake wedding ring. So I really did look like a hussy!"

Me: "I'm just going to start kicking all random guys that hit on me in the throat. Or the balls."
Patty: "Tease, some guys like it rough LOLOLOL."
Me: "Patty are you saying you want me to kick you in the balls?"

Me: "My balls didn't turn out right."

Question of the day:
What happened when you bought your first pregnancy test?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fangtasia Delights

I woke up this morning from a dream, a dream of Quuuuue calling Angela tonight. It was a really weird black and white dream. Actually it was a black and white dream but a few things were in color. Like Angela's outfit (which she was so wearing tonight!) and her cell phone. It was like somebody used the color splash thing that comes on IPhones in my dream! Weird. Anyway, so I woke up after that dream and I was like huh Que is totally gonna call Angela tonight. So I told her I called it. And he totally did! Woot! I'm good! Totally pulled an Alice.

I got my other Bella bracelet in the mail today just in time for the Halloween party. And I baked some awesomely good looking and good tasting vampire cookies today. They were sorta time consuming but totally worth it. Lori didn't like them very much and I don't think Kevin did either. And they were the first people that saw them. So it kinda made me disappointed. But Lori just doesn't like jam cookies I guess. I was pretty damn proud of myself though. I was so excited and happy with how they turned out. Especially since I wasn't sure if I should poke the holes in them before or after they had baked. Turns out I was right to poke the holes before. Just in case you were wondering.

I went to Lori's house after and unloaded my rock band, my wii and my 5 disc cd changer for Lori to use at the party. I then got distracted by playing rock band with Zach. Then Lori and I went to Angela's for wild cat night. Where Angela spent the whole night doing Lori and Amy's hair. While I watched and yawned. Then we started making playlists for the party. It was fun.

Now I'm home and about to play WoW with Jojo for a while. By the way, Joseph is hereby called Jojo. It was either that or Joey. He picked Jojo. Personally I liked Joey better, but whatevz! I am going to get up early and bake tomorrow. Then apparently pick up the kids from school. Last minute request. /shrug

I am Sam is on t.v. right now. I love this movie. And I just mentioned it tonight. Which is weird. I remember when Cynthia and I would quote the "I WANNA GO TO IHOP!" from this movie when we were actually in IHop. I'm sure everybody there thought we were retarded. Not only because we were saying I want to go to IHop while we were in IHop, but also because we sounded retarded while doing so. Good times.. Good times..

Okay serious. Just had the cookies with hot tea. BEST FUCKING COOKIES I HAVE EVER MADE! EVERRRRR!

Quotes of the day:
Zach: "For somebody who doesn't like to sing you sing really well."
Me: "Aw thanks Zach."
Zach: "Yeah, I meant you sing well according to rock band."
Me: "Oh. Well, I am still going to consider that a compliment."

Me: "Bloody good cookies! Bhahaha get it!? Get it?? You get it."

Me: "What kind of harlet are you!?"

Austin: "My teeth fit right into the bite marks!"

Me: "I feel left out."
Amy: "Well why don't you go play with Austin?"
Me: "Maybe I will! He is cooler than you guys!"

Ashley: "Why is your rock band character half naked?"
Me: "Because..I'm too sexy.. Too sexy.. for my shirt.."

Alan: "Maybe if it needs to be shorter Angie can cut it a bit."
Me: "Angie? You mean Angela?"
Alan: "What I can't shorten her name?"
Me: "No. Unless you want to call her Alice. But not Angie.."
Alan: "Alice?"
Me: "Yes she is to Alice as I am to Bella. Duh.."
Alan: "I hate you so much right now."
Me: "Yes..yes I can tell the two of us are going to have so much fun with you and you will be so annoyed."
Alan: "It will be a nice change from your family being annoyed by me."

Question of the day:
What's the most disturbing and or uncomfortable moment you have had with a random guy?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Red Plaid

My morning isn't worth mentioning. It was frustrating and annoying. And just all in all a bad morning. But I did go to Amy's house and drop off some stuff for her. Then I went to Lori's house. And we went to Mazzio's for dinner then to Wal-Mart. We redid her whole bathroom. Repasted the walls and everything. Then I printed off her Agent Dana Scully badge and went to Angela's house. We talked for a while lost track of time and eventually dyed my hair after reading a story about tapeworms and tracking Angela's food. Today was fun. But I'm seriously pissed off at my hair.

ITS NEVER THE RIGHT COLOR EVER!!!!! I'm so frustrated with it. I almost want to just go to some hair salon and dye it and call it a day. Because at least then it turns out how I want it. These stupid box dyes are WORTHLESS. Sigh. At least its slightly more brown. I guess.. Fuck you, Megan. (Megan is the name of the girl on that box of dye. Angela named her.)

Sigh. Pictures are Lori's bathroom (I like the curtain holder clip thingys and the soap dispenser) and then last one is Angela petting Jacob Black's eye. Its an inside joke. If you don't get it or you don't find it funny then well, you probably own a ferret.

P.s. Isn't my shirt awesome? Robert Pattinson owns one just like it. What you don't believe me? Look! Kristen Stewart even has one. Or maybe she is wearing Rob's... /jealous Either way this proves my point. RED PLAID OWNS ALL! Especially on Rpatz. His lil bum is so cute!

Quotes of the day:

Ashley: "If I am going to be Rosalie for halloween...I will need a two beauty marks. But I don't have blond hair.."
Me: "Just wear a baseball cap. She wears one in the baseball scene anyway."
Ashley: "I'm going to need a baseball bat."
Me: "For heaven's sake you're going trick or treating not the red carpet."

Me: "LORI! This stuff is sticky and wet and you're not helping!"
Lori: "That's what she said!"

Angela: "Uh yes, I'd like one chicken smoothie please."

Lori: "If you do find one though it can't be one of the ones were the screw goes in the hole. That's how this problem started."
Me: "That's what SHE said!"

Question of the day:
Will the phrase "that's what she said" ever get old? (Because I've said it more times today than I can count. And they were all very hilarious.)

Monday, October 26, 2009

Chocolate Macaroon

I spent all day feeling shitty. But Amy and the kids came over and that was fun. And then I went to Wal-Mart. I got baking stuff and hair dye. Hopefully chocolate macaroon will actually turn out the right color this time. Some guy in Wal-Mart tried to hit on me I think. I'm not really sure. It was weird. He was on the baking isle and was like "Oh you like to bake? I like women who know their place." And he winked at me. I'm not sure what he meant. And I'm not sure I want to know. I still feel shitty. I'm going to lay down.

Quotes of the day:
Amy: "How are you feeling? Mom said you were awake."
Me: "I feel shitty. And I am awake I just feel too shitty to get up and eat."
Amy: "Want me to hand you your food so you can eat on your bed?"
Me: "That's a brilliant idea!!!!"

Angela: "Do you think he's going to try to bust in on the party?"
Me: "Idk. But I'm kinda getting that feeling. But what do I know? I just have a shield."

Me: "At least you don't turn them gay like I apparently did with Alan."
Angela: "Not sure. Jamie? And people think Dallas is gay...and Marq! Remember."
Me: "People think Patty is gay too. =["
Angela: "Well we both have bad taste in men then. We like... Say it.. Out loud, say it... GAYS!"
Me: "Ahhhhhahahaha so funny and depressing at the same time."

Me: "Being gay is the easy way out. I know plenty of girls that could like me. But I hate girls more than guys. I would make a terrible lesbo too."
Angela: "Everything you just said!"
Me: "I can't be a lipstick lesbo. I don't wear make up. But I can't be a butch one..I like girly things too!"
Angela: "I'd def be a girly lesbo."
Me: "Can two girly lesbos date? Who would be on top?"

Me: "I think I want to be gay. How does one turn gay?"
Joseph: "I know I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body!!!"
Me: "Do I have to go find a lesbian and make her bite me to turn gay? Like a vampire?"
Me: "That could be fun!"
Joseph: "I wanna watch..."
Me: "So you are a lesbian!"

Joseph: "And we fail again."
Me: "You're a guy you always fail."

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Satellite Heart

I was feeling sick all day. So I basically did nothing. I read and watched movies all day. Good movies like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, and Beetlejuice. Mom made fun of me for liking Edward Scissorhands. She hates that movie. I don't know why.. /shrug

Tomorrow I'm going to shop for baking stuff I need. I'm going to be making some really awesome cookies for the party this friday. I hope.. If they turn out like I want them to they should be really awesome anyway.

I don't really have much to say today. So yeah.. Picture of the day is my new moon soundtrack. I've been listening to it allllll dayyyyy. I have the song satellite heart stuck in my head now. I think its my favorite song besides The Killers one.

Quotes of the day:
Mom: "You know you used to have a crush on this guy when you were younger." /points to Edward Scissorhands
Me: "Maybe I just have a thing for guys named Edward. It would totally explain why I can't find a good boyfriend. Nobody is named Edward now a days. And names like Jason, Jimmie, Alan and Patty just aren't old fashioned sounding enough."

Me: "Whatever blows your skirt up."
Angela: "No skirt....apron!"

Question of the day:
What is your favorite song on the new moon soundtrack?

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Amy randomly came to the house and woke me up this morning. Handing me this American Girl Doll named Kirsten. The story behind this is as follows. - When I was little I wanted this American Girl Doll. But these dolls are expensive and my parents couldn't afford it. So all my sisters, and my Mom all pitched in money to get it for me for my birthday. It was by far the best present I've ever received. Not only because I wanted it so badly for so long. But because they had all pitched in to get it for me. I took the doll everywhere. I wanted this one because it was a pioneer girl and I liked that time period and she had bangs like I did when I was that age. So I would always wear my hair like hers. A couple of years ago I sent my doll to my niece Laina because she wanted one and my sister couldn't afford it. She said she would give it back but she really loves it and wants one of her own. Then yesterday Amy and I found this doll at a flea market for 15 dollars. So Amy bought it for me and surprised me with it. Now I can send this doll to my niece and ask for mine back. Sentimental value and all. I can't wait to have it back.

Anyway, after Amy left Ashley and I baked cookies. Then we read Twilight magazines. Then I went to Lori's house and we went to Savers. I got three long sleeved shirts. I really needed some warm shirts. It was fun but Lori and Mom got into a huge argument. It was awkward. We went to Waffle House though that was fun. And then we went back to Lori's house. Angela and Austin came over and we watched the movie Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past. It was okay.

Quotes of the day:
Ashley: "These are like heaven cookies!"

Ashley: "Robert Pattinson's favorite cereal is cinnamon toast crunch! Isn't that your favorite?"
Me: "Yep."
Ashley: "You guy could eat that together!"
Me: "Yeah, that's totally my dream Ashley. To one day meet Robert Pattinson and say "Rob..will you eat cinnamon toast crunch with me?"
Ashley: "AWESOME!"

Me: "They have picket signs in the back!"
Lori: "'s just car show signs."
Me: "Oh..that was less epic than previously assumed."

Me: "You gonna finish eating that?"
Zach: "Yes!"
Me: "Come on Zach! I can feel you're full."
Me: "That's my vampire power, I can feel when people are full."
Zach: "So when Jasper yelled '5 second rule!' you just said 'no you're full!' and pushed him out of the way?"
Me: "Yes. So am I going to have to do that with you? Or are you going to be civil about this and just hand over the hashbrowns?"

Question of the day:
What is the lamest super power you can think of?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Warning: Contains cuteness

Woke up early today and went shopping with Amy and the kids. We went out to eat at waffle house too. After we were done shopping at all these places. One including a flea market where I found a cowboy vest that Daniel got. (All the boys are being cowboys for halloween.) And then we went to wal-mart and got the rest of the costumes. Like the cowboy hats and boots. We went home and I got ready and Amy and I picked up Zach and Ashley. Then we picked up pizza and went back to my house and hung out for a while. Then Amy took Zach back to Beebe so he could go to some church lock in. And Ashley stayed with me and we watched the Adam's Family the movie, ate candy, and messed around online while talking. You know..girl stuff.

Pictures are Adam and Daniel at Waffle house in their overly big hoodies. And Caleb in his lil leather jacket rockin his frohawk. And the last is a book that Ashley got with her book fair money at school, I'm so proud! We read it together. And tomorrow we are baking cookies, her request. Good times.

Ashley and I have spent the last hour trying to come up with ideas to decorate my bathroom when I move. She thought of nightmare before christmas theme and pirates of the carribean. I thought of moulin rouge and star wars. We couldn't decide on anything though lol. Then we got bored and stopped. Now we are going to watch The Nanny. PEACE.

Quotes of the day:
Adam: "You are always cold! Are you cold blooded?"

Ashley: "Yeah..when you are you gonna like..take Edward Cullen and Jack Sparrow with you? Are you going to buckle them in the back seat of your car? Or just tape them to the roof of your car?"
Me: "Yeah, because its totally legal to tape him to the roof of my car."
/Edward falls over
Ashley: "I think we upset him, maybe you should buckle him in your backseat."

Me: "I should totally frame this."
Ashley: "You should totally frame your face."
Me: "It is rather beautiful isn't it?"

Ashley: "What kind of cookies are we going to make tomorrow?"
Me: "Whatever you want that we have the stuff for I guess."
Ashley: "Can I name them?"
Me: "Sure."
Ashley: /jumps up and down "WOOHOO!"
Me: "I'm so glad my nieces and nephews are dorks just like me."

Question of the day:
What do YOU think I should do for my bathroom theme?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Weird dreams

I find it funny that the one night of the week Mom doesn't make chicken is the one night she makes a salad and lima beans with sausage in it. And she calls it dinner. I'm confused I don't know alot about cooking and balancing a meal but isn't this just a vegetable and a appetizer? /shrug

Speaking of funny things.. Hank and Mom are getting along great now. I don't get it. They are acting HAPPY with each other for the first time in ages. And they are going to get a divorce? What the fuck? Mom is making dinner every night. (Whether its a salad and a vegetable or just chicken) And they are actually talking about things together. And they are acting like this divorce is the most normal occurrence ever. They are acting like its a vacation not a divorce. Whatever..

Hank came home today and banged on my door. And then threw a bunch of boxes into my room and some duct tape and said "Have at it." Though I'm not completely sure what this meant. I am going to take it as "You can keep all your stuff." Or at least as "Whatever you can get in these boxes is yours to keep." So needless to say I will be packing my computer, tv, playstation, wii, psp, Ipod, dvd player and books first. Yep.

I went to Hasting's tonight. I can't help but feel sad thinking I won't be going there very often anymore. It will be too far away to bother with it. But I totally pulled 20 dollars out of some random jeans that don't fit me anymore. Yeah, Zach and Ashley always make fun of me because I do that alot. I'm constantly pulling money out of my pockets at the most random of times. But since I had 20 dollars. I thought hmm what do I need right now. A new journal! So I went to Hasting's to find a nice leather one. But they all sucked. So I kept looking and what do I find? UH FRIGGIN TWILIGHT ONES! Yes! Leather ones are nice but getting four journals and a tin case for the price of one leather journal is nice. And they have quotes from the book in them. Nice. I rented Ghosts of Girlfriends Past. I'm going to see if it sucks or not. My vote is it will. I don't care to be visited by the ghosts of my ex's but I wouldn't mind watching a movie about it though.

I had a friggin weird dream today and so did Angela. And all I can say of us is going to get pregnant.

Quotes of the day:
Mom: "I got some new pots and pans because Hank wanted to keep the ones we had."
Me: "What?? If you get new pots and pans I get new cookie stuff! Like a mixer that doesn't blow smoke!"

Me: /pointing to a weird plastic soda cap "What does this do exactly?"
Mom: "It keeps the soda fizzy."
Me: "Ah so its pointless."

John: "You know I'm right here with Amy?"
Me: "Good! Annoy her."

Adam: /reading a Star Wars comic book where the ship is named Twilight "Everybody sure loves Twilight!"

Question of the day:
What's the weirdest dream you have ever had?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dark Dramas

Angela actually canceled Wild Catz night tonight. But I went to her house anyway. We ate baked potatoes and talked. Then we went over to Lori's house. Angela had to leave early but Amy and I stayed a little later. Actually I stayed alot later and Amy left a while after Angela. We were going to help Lori clean and get ready for the baby and stuff but it kinda just turned into Wild Catz night at Lori's house. /shrug

Lori and I finally decided on a costume for her. She has hated ALL my ideas so far. But alas, we decided on Agent Dana Scully from The X-Files. Lori already has short red hair. And already owns a pant suit and black high heel shoes. Ta-da! I am going to photoshop her a FBI badge and she is going to buy a plastic gun. And its something she can wear to work too. Perfect. Finally!

I made Dark Drama cookies today. They are dark chocolate. Because of two reasons. 1) Everybody including me has been in a dark mood lately from dealing with drama. 2) What do you want when you deal with drama? Uh chocolate! Dark chocolate for dark drama, perfect. Plus I've been listening to the New Moon soundtrack and it fits my dark mood perfectly. So, I just put that on and made the cookies.

Driving to Angela's today..two guys mooned me. I'm still tramatized by it. So i'm not going into detail. Let's just say..I not only could have lived without it..but its not something I want to ever see again ever. That're Robert Pattinson.

The picture of Angela is with her new painted nails. Its called MIDNIGHT PLUUUUMS. True story.

Quotes of the day:
Hank: "Well you can put soda on that list of yours because I don't want any of this damn soda. When you both leave I won't have soda in this house."

Me: "Cookies > Que"

Me: "Well at least I can finally paint my room when we move into this apartment."
Mom: "They don't allow painting."
Mom: "That's a bit dramatic."
Me: "I'm an ARTIST. Telling me I can't paint my room is like telling me I can't BREATHE. How is that for dramatic?"

Angela: "Your cookies sound like a vampire soap opera."
Me: "Tune in next week to see who gets bit on dark drama's! Only on the soap channel."
Angela: "And only.....after dark!"
Me: "Starring Johnny Depp."

Question of the day:
Who started the term "moon" for such a disgusting display?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Rock n Roll

Went to McDonald's with Amy and the kids today for lunch. Then we spent the rest of the day at their house hanging out. We saw some apartments in Beebe. It was interesting.. Looks like Mom has decided on the 700$ a month one. She'll have to wait for an opening. Could be a week could be several months. Who knows?

We came home for dinner and I ate it and fell asleep for a while. I was going to go back to Beebe to see Angela. Oopsy. I'll see her wed though, hope I can make it up to her then. Tomorrow is the Pro-Life day of silence and Mom forgot and invited Lori and Amy and everybody for dinner. Annnnd I won't be able to talk. NICE! Hope Kevin and John give me a break and don't make it difficult. That would be mean.

Picture of the day is something Adam drew on the marker board.

Quotes of the day:
Daniel: "Karen I need a bandaid!"

Random little boy: "I like your converse! I write on mine too! SEE!!" /holds his foot up in the air
Me: "Awesome dude!"

Joseph: "What are you in mooood for?"
Me: "Sex drugs and rock and roll!"

Me: "I dropped my pieces on the floor."
Me: "Reeses Pieces*"
Me: "Hm I sure left out a vital word there."

Question of the day:
What do you consider the worst movie ever?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jedi Mind Tricks

Today I slept on and off and ate soup and ate pie. I felt really shitty all day. Sore throat and fever. Freezing my ass off in this weather and my room never gets the right amount of heat and or air. Because my vent is broken. So although I smell the wonderful (sarcastic) smell of burnt dust, I do not feel the heat coming through my vent for crap. So I stayed in bed under two blankets and played WoW for a while. I read a little bit but everytime I picked up a book to read I would fall asleep. Fail.

I played alot of Jedi mind tricks on people today. It was kickass! That is all.

Quotes of the day:
Joseph: "Toby is fussing at me to heal."
Me: "I do not fuss."
Me: "I use jedi mind tricks. There is a difference."

Mom: "Would you like some pie with that whipped cream?"
Me: "Yes." /waves hand "You will go buy more whipped cream."

Me: "What is Bill's favorite magazine?"
Me: "Glamour! ahahahaha!"

Me: "I'm going to McDonald's with my nephews tomorrow..should be interesting. I bet I'll be working there in the near future."

Question of the day:
What's your favorite nickname?

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I think I'm making myself sick from stress or something. I spent all day feeling sick. Hank has proposed a sort of "business marriage" to Mom. She still hasn't decided what to do. I can't decide if it would be in her best interest to take one of his proposals or to just go through with the divorce. I mean she would be broke as hell if she did go through with the divorce. I don't know.. Anyway, I was expecting Hank's birthday party to be really awkward tonight. Seeing as she just told him yesterday she wanted a divorce and all.. But it was less awkward than I assumed. I went to Wal-Mart today with Mom and tried making the point that she wouldn't actually get alot from Hank if she got a divorce. But I still think she adament about divorcing him. /shrug While I was at Wal-Mart I got this magazine. Huzzah for RPatz hottness.

Amy text me when she got home tonight and said that Daniel thanked God for Me and Bandaids and cupcakes. He really likes the fact that I always carry bandaids in my bag. Simple things make him so happy.

I don't remember any amazing and or hilarious quotes of the day. I know I fail.

Question of the day:
Have you noticed more people have started hating Obama lately? Do you hate Obama? I hated him first.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Yadda Yadda Yadda

Too much happened today to talk about. So I will just talk about the good points. I got a grey peacoat. I got the new moon soundtrack that came out today along with a free cullen crest keychain that came with it. I saw everybody today. It was Adam's birthday party. It was cute and fun and Wii themed (batman themed too.) I got to go to waffle house with Zach, Ash and Lori. And I got to go to The Underground with Lori and Angela and spend time with them and talk. It helped alot. I got alot off my chest. So those are all the good points. I made them sound like they weren't a big deal but they were. I'm just too tired to go into detail. I do however want to say that I apparently make a really weird cartoon-like expression everytime somebody mentions something involving sex and or other things that make me uncomfortable and or tramatized. And that expression is now called "the frog face." Because Angela thinks it looks like a frog I guess. She says my eyes get wide and my mouth turns into a very thin very perfect frown. So since I don't feel like taking a picture of that expression and I don't even know if I could since I have yet to look in the mirror while I make said expression. I will show you what I think it would look like -


Picture of the day is Adam with the present I got him. Its a webkinz vampire bat. Its kickass! I wanted to steal it. I miss the webkinz site. If I had money I'd buy me the caramel lion and name it Edward. /pout

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Frog face!"

Me: "Yadda, yadda, yadda."

Question of the day:
Why can't I ever remember quotes when I'm so tired?! I have a good memory damnit!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Full plate

Mom filed for divorce today. I'm still shocked and confused. I'm tired of life's little surprises lately. Its too much to handle. My plate is full, God. Full! I don't have room for all the crap you're throwing at me! Don't you get I can't handle change well? Even little changes! Like when somebody comes in and moves something in my room. Let alone changes like life and death! Papa dying, Lori getting pregnant, now a divorce and a move to Beebe! Some of these changes aren't even bad I mean I have wanted Mom and Hank to get a divorce since I was little. I have expected this for half my life. I wasn't shocked about that or even sad about that. But I do think this could be a very bad choice. How are we going to afford to live? I will probably have to get my G.E.D and a job and Hank could really screw us over if he isn't happy about this idea. Which he won't be. He could leave Mom with nothing. My car is under Hank's name. He could easily keep EVERYTHING and leave us with nothing and no money. I feel like she hasn't thought this through at all. Its like she just came back from Arizona and decided she would finally go through with it without preparing for it!

Then Lori texted me and told me I'd probably have to get a job to support Mom and I. Holy shit! I hadn't even thought of that. God, I won't even be able to get my G.E.D. and go to college. I will be forced to work at some dead end fast food place to support my Mom and I because she made a hasty decision to get a divorce 22 years too late! What the hell!! What are you doing to me God? I haven't even been able to handle the stress and change of Papa's death and Lori being pregnant. And now you throw this at me that will literally cause an avalanche of changes for not only me but my whole family. And changes that probably won't be good!

I am so overwhelmed, stressed, confused, angry and scared. I hate not knowing what will happen to my life. I hate wondering what other changes are coming my way. And I especially hate not knowing if they will be good. And I hate knowing I can't handle anymore. And knowing I'll fucking have to. I want to just have a nervous breakdown. I want to just curl up in a ball and cry. But I can't even do that I'm experiencing so many emotions. The only ones I am able to focus on right now are shock and confusion. And anger. Angery at her for thinking now is a good time. Angry for not just doing this when I was little. Angry that this will probably just make things worse. Angry that it could have made things better when I was little but not now. Angry that people get mad at me for calling him Hank instead of Dad. When they should realize THIS IS EXACTLY WHY. People think you are a "Dad" the moment your wife gives birth. But they are wrong. People might think you're a husband the moment your wife says "I do" but they are wrong there too. You're a husband and a dad the moment you act like one. Not once in my whole life has Hank acted like a Dad to me. You fucking earn that title, its not just given to you because you had sex and one of your sperm got lucky.

Sigh.. I went shopping with Angela and Austin today. We went for peacoats and ended up coming back with nothing. I was glad for the distraction at least. It seems like I will need alot of that lately. My mind is going crazy right now. So many thoughts. So many worries. I don't want to be living this life I am living right now. I wish I could go back in time with life was less stressful. Oh right.. its always been.

I need to stop thinking about things and having dreams about things. Because I have been thinking lately how great it would be to live in Beebe. Careful what you wish for I guess.

Perhaps I am being a bit too negative. One day I'll look back at this picture and think one of two things. 1) That's the day my life changed for the better. Or 2) That's the day my life fucking fell apart. It could go a positive way or a negative way. Guess we'll see.

Quotes of the day:
Mom: "I filed for divorce today."
Me: "That's..interesting."

Me: "My mom randomly filed for divorce today."
Joseph: "What???"
Me: "My thoughts exactly."

Me: "If anybody ever tries to tell me 'God doesn't give you more than you can handle' ever again..I will kick them in the throat."

Question of the day:
Why is it that September, October and Novemeber ALWAYS seem like the most dramatic, life changing, depressing months of the year? (Shit ALWAYS happens then..)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sassy Spritzers

Made cookies today of course. I missed the pepperidge farm cookies called spritzers. They were powdered sugar cookies that tasted like lemon, lime and raspberry. But they stopped making them. So I made my own. These are lemon. I named them Sassy Spritzers because people have been calling me sassy alot lately. At first I was offended, now I'm thinking..I enjoy being sassy. I went to Wild Catz night early and Angela dyed my hair for me and styled it. I love my Alice! Its a brown color. Its really dark at the moment and in certain light can look almost black. But I know it will lighten in a few days. And if its not exactly what I want I will redye it. But what I was going for was a Bella brown. For my halloween costume. And also wanted something close to my natural hair color. I think I got pretty close. /shrug We'll see.

Amy said Daniel cried for me today because he got hurt and needed a bandaid. It made me feel good. I miss him. I'm glad I'll be spending time with them friday.

I had fun tonight but I'm uber tired. I'm excited though because Angela got her halloween costume. She is gonna be Sookie from Trueblood! PERFECT! Bella and Sookie together! Bffe's ftw!

The pictures are my cookies, me and my new hair color and Angela's eye after alot of vampire glitter. Yep.

Quotes of the day:
Joseph: "They think I'm a man whore."
Me: "You are a man whore lol."
Me: "A man whore I love but you're still a man whore."

Joseph: "Man I love to shop. I would have made a great gay guy."

Me: "It looks like you ate tinkerbell."

Angela: "That's what she said!"
Me: "Yeah, you, that's what you said. And you meant your belly button!"

Question of the day:
If you could have a special power what would it be?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Woke up early today got ready and spent like 30 minutes trying to find a pair of pants that fit me before giving up and wearing the same pair of pants I've been wearing for the past 4 days or more. I swear weighing 115lbs is great but its making me sad I don't fit into anything anymore. Then I went by Burger King to get some food on my way to Lori's house. I spent all day at Lori's helping her organize and get rid of stuff. Trying to prep the house for the baby. We got alot done. We took two boxes of stuff to Goodwill. And cleaned out the movie room. The T.V. that was in the movie room is now in Zach's room. And we cleaned out the closet in the movie room as well. We found Lori a new DVD player at Big Lots, and also got her some clothes. We got some Halloween stuff for the party at Wal-Mart. She got Adam's birthday gift along with some other stuff she needed. And we did all of this while Ashley was sick too. Lori was worried she wouldn't get much done since we got a late start and she had to pick Ashley up at school early this morning because she was sick. But we still got alot accomplished. I'm quiet proud. But tired.

We had to go to Hasting's to grab the birthday present for Adam. And Lori found this bracelet there and bought it for me. Its so cool! (See picture above, also you can see my Bella jacket!) Oh and today it was raining all day and I got to use my Edward umbrella for the first time! Friggin sweetness! Oh man, we went by Starbucks today too. Lori was craving it and when we got back to her house I said something that made her laugh while she was drinking. And she totally spit it out all over the place! It was funny.

I was planning on dropping by Angela's house after I was done at Lori's. But it was pretty late when we got done. Or at least it felt way later than it was. I am so fucking tired! I am going to finish my tea and go to bed. I think for once I'll actually be able to sleep! Maybe...

Today was all about shit. Whether it was us looking like shit, feeling like shit, or cleaning up shit..rat shit that is. It was all shit.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I look like shit."
Lori: "I look like more shit than you."

Me: "I'm so tired."
Lori: "I'm tired."
Lori: "My leg hurts so bad."
Me: "My legs hurt too."
Me: "I'm hungry."
Lori: "How the hell are you hungry?"

Lori: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Ashley and I can't figure out why your sim randomly got fat."
Ashley: "Maybe she is pregnant."
Me: "No that's not it. Oh, its because she is an elder."
Ashley: "Ohhh yeah!"
Me: "Okay I think we have offically depressed Lori. Moving on.."

Angela: "Has anyone seen my boyfriend? Vampire Bill? He's about yay tall and just as cute as the dickins!"

Lori: /laughs "Oops!"

/Lady Gaga - Poker Face plays on the radio
Me: "How do you bluff with a muffin?"
Lori: "Seriously?"
Me: "Does she mean like.. a muffin top? Like belly fat over her jeans?"
/Lori rolls her eyes

Question of the day:
What's black and white and red all over?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Peter Pan the vamp

I felt sick all day. So I pretty much did nothing all day. Yep. Tired of being sick and sick of being tired. I think I will shoot my head off if I wake up again tomorrow with another migraine. Yep. That's where I am right now.

Picture of the day is of a book I got for like 2 dollars. Its a Peter Pan book. It smells like an old book. What's better than old book smell? Its great! And the pages look cool. I love it. Started reading it today. I think Peter Pan was a vampire and that's why he never aged. Just my theory though.. /shrug

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Goober fuck."

Me: "Man hoes! I adore Edward AND his virtue!"

Me: "I'm at the point between caring and not caring. Where you care a lil bit but then you also don't care enough to do anything about it. You know? What would you call that exactly? Oh wait.. I guess lazy."

Question of the day:
Why are jews so smart?

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Missed church because I slept in this morning. Had a bad migraine. Everybody came over for lunch though. Lori had to eventually go to work. Amy, Ashley and I played the Twilight board game. Ashley was bored and it was a good solution. And shortly after Amy, Zach, Ashley and I went to Party City, Target and Wal-Mart. Ashley bought a slushy for us to share lol. I was broke and thirsty, it was sweet of her. Then I took Amy to her church and dropped her off then dropped the kids off at their house. Hung out with Angela after that.

We went to Knight's and her Mom's house for this epic adventure to get flea medicine for her dogs. Then we got high off of poison for two hours while watching Trublood. Then I went to Lori's house and force her to go to Waffle House with me. And then I went home. True story. All of it. Except for the part about being high. Maybe.. Maybe not.. You decide.

Picture of the day is my car, using the heater on full blast for the first time. Hello fall and winter seasons. I have two words for you and your coldness and wetness. Fuuuuuuck yoooouuu.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "You know what that reminds me of?"
Angela: "A cowboy's shirt?"
Angela: "Guess not.."

Me: "If Zach was a vampire his special ability would be running jokes into the ground and boring you to death."

Ashley: "What would my special vampire ability be?"
Me: "The ability to whine to death."
Ashley: /in whiney voice"That's no fun!"
Me: /pretends to die


Angela: "I feel like we shouldn't be breathing this stuff in."
Me: /shrug
/two hours later
Me: "I think we are high."

Question of the day:
Did Edward Cullen answer all your questions yesterday?

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Woke up early took a shower and went to the mall with Zach and Mom. We got Zach a hair cut. And I got a umbrella for when it rains. It has Edward Cullen on it. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. I met up with Angela and her friend at Rue 21 while Zach was getting his hair cut. Angela was shopping for a pea coat. She got a pretty sweet one too.

Mom, Zach and I went to IHop for lunch then went back to our house to drop Mom off pick up some baking soda (because Ashley got stung by a wasp) then went to Beebe. I stayed there the rest of the day/night. Angela eventually came over and we went to Knight's and got food. Angela ran over a nail. We ate the food at Angela's then went back to Lori's and watched Trublood while eating lots of junk food and coffee. Then I went home and here I am tired as hell. Yes, I explained that fast. Because I am 1) really tired and 2) really fucking cold.

The picture of the day is a wallet Angela bought me! Its so cool I love it! And it was really sweet for her to buy it for me. I am totally gonna use it ALLLL the time.

Today was Todd's birthday. Happy birthday Todd. I didn't go with Amy and John to see him today. But I got to see him on my own. And I think that was better for me anyway. Even if it wasn't on his birthday.

Quotes of the day:
Zach: "My name is Rick Ricardo and I want to sell you pies."


Angela: "You can have Edward, I want Bill."

Me: "Zach its 50 degrees outside and you don't have a jacket and are wearing cut off shorts.. Aren't you freezing?"
Zach: "Not really."

I'm too tired to even think of a question of the day today and too cold. So instead. You can ask me one. No wait.. I'm too tired to answer a question too. Wait.. You can ask Edward Cullen one. Hold on

Me: /attemps to dazzle "Edward, wouldn't you love to answer questions my readers ask you?"
Edward: "No, and you can't dazzle me, Toby. You might be alot like Bella but I am immune to your dazzling."
Me: /pout "Pleaseeeeee?"
Edward: /Sigh "Fine..but they better not expect much from me. I'm just a piece of cardboard for God's sake. And you better stop making out with me after this! My beautiful pouty lips are starting to rub off."
Me: "Okay! We can just face touch from now on!" /jumps up and down excited

Friday, October 9, 2009


Today I went and picked up Zach at the rain..without an umbrella. And apparently I wasn't the only one without one. Zach was soaking wet since he didn't have one either. We then went to Sonic for happy hour. And got Amy a drink too. And took it to her and talked to her for a while before heading to Zach's house so he could pack a bag. Then we went home to pick up mom and she took us to rent a movie and eat at waffle house and went to Wal-Mart after. I saw a guy that looked like a fat Charlie Swan there. But he walked away too fast for me to take a picture /pout! At least I got some badass cookie cutters.

We rushed through the Wal-Mart trip so I could be back in time to raid in WoW. It was my first WoW raid in months! It was..intersting. No bosses died. Pathetic yes. Lame yes. Total waste of time?! Okay yes. But it was fun.

Seems I'm not the only one Mom is buying stuff for. She bought Ashley a matress..a 100 dollar one. And she is already making plans to buy Lori's baby stuff. And she wants to buy Zach a haircut tomorrow and buy both Zach and I an umbrella. Weird..yes. Will this stop me from accepting the stuff?! I thinks its more than just her being a bitch and not being able to say sorry though. Because she also bought all the kids books today at Hastings. I think she is just I don't know maybe realizing she can be a shitty mother and is trying to make up for it? I don't know I feel like more happened in Arizona than she is telling.

Speaking of Arizona, Mom got a box from Nana of stuff. And she is going to let Amy and Lori pick from the stuff that was sent. I already picked my item. It will remind me of Nana because its hers and of Papa because its a crystal candy dish. And he always gave me candy. Its perfect and I love it. Even though its kind of wasted on me because I'm not married with kids.. /sigh. But one day it will look nice in my home. With all my fucking cats probably. Oh God, I can see it now. 12 fucking cats running around and a bunch of empty pizza boxes with cat food. And all my stuff is random shit from the dollar store that I think is SOOOOO AWESOME when really its cheap garbage. And this one single lonely crystal candy dish, fulled with werthers orignals. OHEMGEE.. /cries

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Zach's jacket is all wet so I made him wear my supergirl hoodie!!! lol!"

Zach: "Yes Robert Pattinson is soooo dreamy!"
Me: "I know right!"
Zach: "Yeah..I'm going to leave before this gets really awkward."

Me: "Women."
Me: "Don't fucking make sense."

Me: "What was your first impression of me?"
Joseph: "Ever?"
Me: "Sure."
Joseph: "Best sounding voice I ever heard on vent lol."

Angela: "Austin said he's been thinking. He wants a peacoat."
Me: "Omg I'm so proud!!!!!!!"

Me: "His lil spiderman logo is even glowing in the dark right where the hole is."
Me: "Its like "look you can use me even in the dark!"
Me: "And I'm like 'no spidey I can't I'm sorry..I don't have a towel lifter!'"

Random mom in hastings talking to her kid: "Stop it! You are not a vampire, son!"

Me: "I feel dreamy today.. Not like hot, sexy, dreamy. Like I feel like today has been one long dream. And I'm still asleep so that why I feel tired. That makes sense right? No maybe not..but that just proves my point.. I'm tired!"

Me: "From wash cloths to jeans. Disturbing on all levels guaranteed or your money back."

Zach: "They sure do have alot of cool halloween stuff at this Wal-Mart." /holds up a skeleton and points to it excitedly
Me: "These are just white trash decorations Zach. Come on let's go."
Zach: "Well did you look down this isle?"
Me: /in whiney voice "Come onnnnnnn.."
Zach: "Look!" /pulls me down the isle
Zach: "White trash indeed."
Me: "Zach, cookies are many things to me. Many, many things..but white trash is certainly not one of them."

Dreamy was used twice in the quotes of the day. I think I found my title. And my picture is of the crystal candy dish Nana and Papa gave me. Yep.

Question of the day:
Waffle house or Ihop?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Waste of tiiiiiime

I had an argument with mom last night. She was pretty mean but it wasn't a very long argument. And yet today she bought me the replica of Bella's dress AND jacket in new moon. Crazy expensive for a not very long argument. Would save her alot of money if she could just fucking learn to say those two simple words. /shrug

I went to Amy's house for a minute today and dropped off the cookies she left. And bought her a route 44 vanilla Dr. Pepper. We talked for a while and I showed her my new dress and jacket. Daniel picked me a flower. I bet you thought today the picture would be the dress or the jacket but nope.. That's what the picture of the day is, Daniel's flower on my windshield. Its simple and sweet. And its what makes my life worth living. Simple sweet things.

I went to Angela's house after that and we watched like..I think 5 episodes of Trublood. Maybe four I'm not even sure. We paused for an hour at one point and I fell asleep while she was on the phone with Quuuue. And then we had one episode left on one disc but we were both too tired to attempt it. Mission failed again. Sigh. Still had fun though. Tired though. So tired..

But I did put in some widgets today. On the side of my blog! ->
They are awesome. One is a countdown to new moon the movie. One is a news feed to the Robert Pattinson site (spunk-ransom) and the other is a news feed to a cool twilight site. Yep. Go ahead..enjoy them. I know I do. Because I'm a dork. And so are you. Embrace your dorkishness. I won't tell anybody. /raises eyebrows up and down

Quotes of the day:
Joseph: "I have such a good's easy for rough ppl to run over you."
Joseph: "I think you always would sacrifice yourself for other's happiness."
Me: "I KNOW! I'm so stupid."

Me: "Its hard to take you seriously when your nose is sparkling."

Angela: /sings hillbilly music "COLLIE TIME!"

/blood and guts and puking is happening on the tv
Angela: /pushes plate away "Well, I'm done with the cheese."

Angela: "Well that was a waste of tiiiiiiime."

Me: "I want to be so happy its disgusting..that's all I want damnit."

Me: "Get out of town!! You'll never believe this!"
Amy: "What?"
Me: "I'll tell you later. You'll get a kick out of it. I'm driving right now though."
Amy: "Are you pregnant?"
Me: "If so I hope its Edward's."

Question of the day:
If Kurt Cobain hadn't died would he still be making music today?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Berry Happy

Mom got home from Phoenix, Arizona today. I stayed home while Hank picked her up at the Airport. I baked my cookies and listened to music. Then when she got home I helped her unpack some of the things Nana had given her. Then she took a nap while I finished baking the rest of my cookies. Then we took two cars to get to Lori's house where we had dinner. The purpose of this dinner was so the kids could see Mom and so Lori could drop the preggo bomb on our parents. The truth is I don't think Lori would have actually gone through with it had I not been glaring at her all through dinner AND desert. After I finally just wouldn't stop starring at her, she said "Okay so Karen is making me tell you this." Okay lol she can blame me I guess as long as she spills it. Which she did. And it was fine. They were utterly shocked but who wouldn't be? They were happy though. We all are. Its already been decided that the room theme will be Carebears. And I'm going to help paint the walls. I am totally sketching ideas tomorrow. Oh and since its my fault Lori is pregnant since I had a vision about it and all. I get to pick the boy name!

The pictures of the day are of course my cookies. They are strawberry. My favorite and Amy's least favorite. But I can't help it. I have been really happy lately. So I needed something that I loved. And that would be strawberries and sweetness. And these cookies are for sure sweet and strawberryish. I love them but I'm pretty sure everybody else except Ashley hated them. But seriously I couldn't stop smiling even while making these. They smell so good and look so good. They are fucking bright cookies..I mean come on! They fucking look happy! Happy fucking cookies how many people do you know that can make happy fucking cookies? I think I'm one talented mother fucker! /shrug They are suppose to represent my happiness not anybody else's so screw you guys! I know the name is cheesy. But that's how I feel right now. Cheesy, dorky and fakishly happy. You know the kinda happy that you feel could just quickly turn into a dream. Or something completely drastically bad could happen and make you realize you weren't actually happy at all? Oh yeah that happens to me alot. But until then.. I am berry happy!

Wild Cat night was fun tonight as always. But I totally can't remember many quotes. Here goes my attempts though.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Wow you totally had both your feet in my butt this whole time and I didn't even feel it."

Angela: "There is a huge difference between in and under. There is a baby IN Lori right now. If it were under and she got up and walked away she would leave the baby."

Me: "Its an exact replica!"

Angela: "Ohhhh so that's quote of the day material but "you had your feet in my butt and I didn't even feel it" wasn't?"

Angela: "If we start watching at 5 we can be done by midnight."
Me: "Woohoo!"

Me: "That is a badass webkinz room."

Question of the day:
What is the difference between being sensitive and easily offended?

P.s. Come on..just looking at those pink fucking cookies in the picture makes you fucking berry happy doesn't it? ....DOESN'T IT?

Fuck you if it doesn't. Douche.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Aw Sookie Sookie

I read alot today and slept a lil. Then I went to Angela's house and we watched 3 more Trublood episodes. They are starting to get alot better. Still really graphic but still getting better. Its making me seriously want to start reading the series. I'm really tired and I can't really think of much to say today though. But yeah. I had fun tonight. Then I came home and played WoW with Joseph. That's about it. I forgot to take a picture at Angela's so here is a picture of my new pocket knife I got a few weeks ago at the festival thing. I have had several people tell me its actually a switch blade which is illegal. But its a POCKET KNIFE...switch blade. So its not completely illegal I don't think. It had a lock on it so it doesn't go off in my pocket! Its badass. And it has a wolf on it. Which I actually didn't even notice until after I bought it. But yeah..First picture is it open after I pushed the cool button. The second picture is it closed and wait its actually unlocked. But you get the idea. Yeah, I bought it from a guy named Sam. He was an Indiana. Coincidence that his name was Sam and it has a wolf on it AND he is Indiana? Yeah...I think so. But still.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "He killed him for her?"
Angela: "Yes."
Me: "Awww that's so sweet."

Angela: "I'm like pea coat obsessed!"

Austin: "I have wormapobia now."

Me: "I enjoy Sookie!"
Angela: "Me too!"

Joseph: "Awww sookie sookie."

Question of the day:
Why am I the MOST a.d.d. out of ALL of my friends?