Monday, November 30, 2009

JAPANESE fortune cookies

Today I went to the library with Amy and the kids. Then we went to Wal-Mart. I talked to Jojo on the phone for a bit but he was quickly scared away by the sound of kids in the background lol. And then we went on a huge adventure to find Chinese food. It was a bust. We went to the Chinese place in J-ville first. And it was closed. So then we went to the one in Cabot. It turns out that its not really Chinese food its Japanese food I guess. I walked out without a fortune cookie. And I was like screw this I don't care if I didn't dine in. I want a damn fortune cookie! So I went back in and asked for one. Turns out that was a highly offensive thing to ask. And she got really defensive. I'm sure she was thinking "stupid white people" and probably pretty proud of herself for getting an attitude with me. But if she thinks that she embarrassed me she is way wrong. It in fact made my day to make her so offended. And I had to keep myself from laughing in her face. So..after that I went to knight's and got a box of fortune cookies. SO YEAH, SCREW YOU JAPANESE RESTAURANT!

We went home and ate our crappy small amounts of Japanese food. That's another way in which Japanese food sucks apparently. Then I opened my fortune cookie and my fortune read "Boys will be boys, and so will a lot of middle-aged men." This was ironic because I had just had a convo with Angela about her ex-hubby sucking badly. And then shortly after reading and eating that cookie I had an arguement with Patty. IRONY! Okay, those are the highlights of my day. Moving along now.

Quotes of the day:
(And now Quotes of the day brings you..Angela and I pretending to be Edward and Bella.)

Angela: "Yeah you don't belong in my world!"
Me: "I belong with you. Dead and sparkly though.. Not the human way. Because that would only leave for some boring perverted books."
Angela: "Ok well then. So be it. I'll promise to love you eternally and touch your face alot."
Me: "That's all I ask. And that you not spend money on me. Or throw me parties. Or forbid me to do anything. Okay, I actually ask alot."
Angela: "As long as you don't want physical intimacy..."
Me: "Its okay I'll rape you on our wedding night and then get pregnant so you can't leave me. Then when you think you're going to force me into an abortion I'll bring your bitch of a sister into the situation."
Angela: "Sounds good. Where do I sign?"
Me: "Just sign this piece of paper saying "be safe." Then later we can both laugh at how you don't follow your own advice when I get pregnant."
Angela: "Hey... I have an idea! When you go into labor... I can rip the baby out of your uterus with my teeth. Fun times?"
Me: "Ah yes. I will enjoy that because I enjoy things that are bad for me just to see if you can grow grey hair. But its okay because you're the heroine addict here."
Angela: "Haha ok now I'm smiling. We're crazy!"
Me: "Yes we are. 10 mins. I timed that shit. And I was the last one to speak. What's the score Angela 2 me 3? Fuuuuuuck yeahhhh!"
Angela: "Not fair though.. I'm approving payroll for 23 people AND scheduling time off for them at the same time.. Along with working my time report for last wednesday."
Me: "I love when you talk work talk. Let's make out until its painful for you. Then I can try and force you into more because I'm a greedy bitch."
(This skit was brought to you by Snuggie.)

Me: "Hey do you have these in the boxes?"
Random Wal-Mart guy: "You play world of warcraft?"
Me: "Yeah..." /awkward pause with starring "So do you?"
Random Wal-Mart guy: "No.." /another awkward pause
Me: "Right.." /runs away

Angela: "K I'll let you know details later this wk."
Me: "You make it sound like an evil plan.. I'm waiting for Perry the Platypus to jump out and thwart our plans."

Me: "You forgot the fortune cookies.."
JAPANESE lady: "We don't have fortune cookies. This isn't a CHINESE restaurant."
Me: /grinning "OKAY.."

Amy: "You highly offended her!"
Me: "I KNOW! It was so worth it. That made my day. I almost want to go back in there and ask her what kinda restaurant it is then."
Me: "And why don't they have fortune cookies?"
Amy: "Well I guess you found your question of the day."

Zach: "Ask chacha what the definition of martian is."
Me: "Okay I will later. Wait what? Why are you looking up the definition of martian? And are you at school doing this?"

Me: "JoJo!!!"
JoJo: "Babysue!!!"
Me: "I'm glad we have interesting nicknames for each other. But they would be highly embarrassing to say in front of other people."

Question of the day:
Why don't Japaneses people eat fortune cookies?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

When it rains it pours

All I did all day pretty much was lay around. I am just in such a bad mood. I'm so depressed. I don't even fully know why. I just don't care about anything. I just hate everything. I just don't want to do anything or eat anything. I just want to lay around and be sad. I don't know why. But it seems logical enough. Especially since it rained tonight alot. I literally just laid on my loft and watched and listened to the storm outside. I didn't feel like reading or even really watching t.v. or being online. I just didn't want to DO anything today. So the picture of the day is just me laying down listening to the rain. OOOO creative right? Yeah I know. Amy was seriously the only person I really talked to today. Everybody else who texted me I was just kinda BLEH. And Jojo wasn't feeling good anyway. Angela didn't text me today she must be busy or something. Okay back to listening to the rain and or going to bed early.

Quotes of the day:
Amy: "How are we suppose to do that. You're getting too creative for me."

Me: "Sucks for you."
Amy: "Thanks for the heart felt sympathy."
Me: "No problem."

Me: "I hate EVERYTHING right now."

Question of the day:
Why can't Arkansas just fucking snow for once?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Got? Leaf...s

So today I went shopping with Angela and Jessica. I woke up took a shower and got ready then Angela picked me up. We went and got her car washed then went to La Push to pick up Jessica. Ha-ha. We saw this sign that said "Got? Leafs" and I don't really know what the ad was for but it was hilarious and poorly done. We then went to Chili's and stuffed our faces (literally!) Then we went shopping. ALLLLL DAY. And as much as I LOATH shopping this actually wasn't half bad. I had fun with them. And I got Zach and Ashley done! And part of John's gift. Now all I have left is Alan, Angela and the rest of John's gift. I think that's it..

Amy was sending me pics of the kids all day. It looks like they have been having fun in Mississippi. And Jojo called me while we were at Barnes and Noble. I like that I can talk to him about nothing and still enjoy it. I miss having that with people. I used to have that with Patty but now it seems to be lost. I can't seem to hold a conversation with him lately to save my life. I don't know if its me or him..or what.. But I know its why I have been moody lately and not at all in the mood to blog. I hope it changes soon. I miss him and what we have always had. And even though Jojo and Angela and everybody else is great.. I will always have this place in my heart for Patty. And without him to fill that hole its just a huge void. Nothing can replace it. And when we have these short little conversations that is just us asking how the other is and that's pretty much it.. It just makes the hole feel bigger and more empty. I'm tired of hurting from it. But I don't know how to fix it. But I know trying to avoid him and not think about him isn't working. So I need a plan B. Sigh.

The picture of the day is actually from inside Angela's car when we were getting a car wash. It was the most exciting part. I clapped my hands and got all excited. I'm not sure what it's suppose to do exactly.. But it's prettyful!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "La Push baby, La Push!"

Waiter guy: "Can I start you ladies off with some margarita's?"
Me: "NO!"

Angela: "I feel like I'm always embarrassing you."
Me: "Well you are. But it's's like you said I'm easy to embarrass."

JoJo: "Did you show them that picture I sent you with Blade?"
Me: "No..they wouldn't find it funny. They are serious fans. I've trained them well."

Jessica: "You guys are a trip."

Me: "We would need rap names. Like Lil J and Lil Ang and Lil KK."
Angela: "We can't all be Lil."
Jessica: "I could be De Jon."

Angela: "Got leafs?"
Me: "Actually its Got? Leaf....sssss."

Question of the day:
If you were a rapper..what would your name be? HOLLA IT AT ME, YO.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Salty and non-salty

I was pretty much lazy all day until around 2ish. I went out with Cynthia. We went to Chili's and Hastings. It was fun. I bought her a random lil stuffed hamster keychain. And she bought me a drink and I bought us chips. Epic right? Yeah.. I then went home and continued to be lazy. I'm waiting for Jojo to get online but he is taking forever and i'm so tired and my head has been hurting all day. So I don't know if I'll be able to stay awake long enough. But anyway..the picture of the day is my car. You can tell from the tootsie roll air freshener. Tomorrow I'm going shopping with Angela and Jessica. Lori was suppose to go but she is going to spend time with the kids instead. I have so not been in the blogging mood lately. SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME.

Quotes of the day:
Cynthia: "I had the best Thanksgiving! How about you? How was yours?"
Me: "Epic fail."
Cynthia: "I got my mom saying that now."
Me: "Uber."
Cynthia: "That too."

JoJo: "I promise I'll never leave you :)"

Me: "We have..salty..and non-salty. We're good."
Cynthia: "Uh yeah..your two basic food groups."
Me: "Seriously all we are missing is chocolate."

Me: "Okay two guys have winked at me now. It's time to go."
Cynthia: "They are probably just like 'hey that 13 year old is drinking!'"

Me: "CHOCOLATE! Now we are good!"

Cynthia: "When I was little I always thought beer looked like it tasted good. Like root beer or caramel or something."
Me: "Yeah then you grow up and realize it tastes like ass."
Cynthia: "No! You just haven't tasted the right kind of beer. Like the kind that tastes like fruity pebbles."
Me: "I actually don't know if I care much for that cereal."

Question of the day:
Worst holiday?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Uneventful Thanksgiving

I woke up today at 9AM. I watched the parade while talking on the phone with JoJo. It was the only good part of my day. The rest was spent being bored, being lonely and being bored. I even fell asleep from being too bored. The meal was good, but honestly, Thanksgiving is more than food. So its depressing to me that food was one of the highlights of today. I'm going to be glad the Lori and Amy will be home for Christmas. Because this blowed.

Okay so instead of listing everything I'm thankful for which would take all day. I'm going to list the things/people I'm thankful for TODAY. (Meaning the people that made me happy today.)

/clears throat -

Yep, six people and a dog. But especially JoJo. He kept me from going insane from lonelyness.

P.s. People who are getting a divorce shouldn't have Thanksgiving dinner together. It's fucking awkward. I took my dinner to my room it was so awkward. I yelled "DONE" after a couple of minutes and ran away with a plate of turkey. True story.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Omg paper cut! Where's Jasper?"
Me: "Ohhhhh shiiiiiiit!"

Me: "She thinks you're my..sugar daddy."
JoJo: /cracks up laughing "That's priceless."
Me: "That's not funny!"
JoJo: "That made my day."

Me: "You're Indian?"
JoJo: "Cherokee. Echotan Cherokee."
Me: "Lol!!! Ew you're a werewolf!"
Me: "I'm telling Angela you're a werewolf. She'll like you more."

JoJo: "Sugardaddy wants to know how his sugarbaby is."

Me: "Happy Thanksgiving Patty!!!"
Patty: "You too, squirt."
Me: "How has your Thanksgiving been?"
Patty: "I cut my thumb, but its okay I suppose."
Me: "So THAT'S where Jasper was. No wonder he didn't show up at Angela's."
Patty: "What?"
Me: "Oh..nothin. Put a band-aid on that shit."

Question of the day:
What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Twilight Beauty

I did alot of shit today. I went to carpet stores and looked at carpet. I helped Mom pick out the carpet she wanted for her room and the living room and I got carpet for my room. Its blue, I like it alot. I also got Twilight make up in the mail today. Now I can like wear make up like a real girl. Yay? Yay maybe. I honestly have no idea how to apply any of it. Awesome. And apparently Angela was planning on getting me Twilight make up for Christmas, oops! I went and picked up Cynthia at like 6:30 and we went to Angela's house then Waffle House and then back to Angela's. Then Cynth and I went to Wal-Mart then back to her house. Good times. It was fun. I had alot of fun. I missed Cynthia. Even though she isn't the same person I once knew I still love her. I guess I'm not the same either maybe. It was slightly awkward for me. But I enjoyed it nonetheless. The picture is my Twilight make up. Its really pretty. It almost looks too pretty to wear. I bought Angela's Christmas present today and Joseph's. So I did get something done I wanted to today. Yay? Yay.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Holy hell I'm ready for good food.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "That should make you feel funny... Going with ANGELA and JESSICA to LaPush... And then to Port Angeles to shop!"

JoJo: "Blade made him shit sparkles."
Me: "Shut up. Edward would kill blade faster than you can blink. WHILE saying something really sweet and romantic to Bella at the same time."


Me: "Fuck you I'm playing Elvis."
Cynthia: "Well fuck you I'm playing the Wal-Mart song."
Me: "FINE."
Cynthia: "FINE."

Me: "Well I'm glad you enjoyed your hashbrown buddy."
Cynthia: "Me too! She is rad."

Cynthia: "Oh so you have a sugar daddy."
Me: "What??? No. Seriously no."
Cynthia: "So you like him?"
Me: "Noooo not like that I mean. BLEH its different."

Question of the day:
So how was your day?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Back up off my hashbrowns

Packed up some stuff today. Went to Wal-Mart with Amy. Bought Adam his Christmas gift. Went to Beebe. Had Waffle House again. Tried to find carpet. Failed. Blah blah blah. I'm so tired.

Picture is Danny with his Waffles.

Quotes of the day:
Mom: "That's just embarrassing."
Me: "Whatever.. You are embarrassing."

Amy: "Fail."
Me: "No Mom fails."

Amy: "Are you going to eat your hashbrowns?"
Me: "YES! Back up off my hashbrowns!"

Me: "Good news... Cute guys do exist in Beebe."
JoJo: "Yeah?"
Me: "Yeah!"

Question of the day:
Why didn't Angela and I talk hardly at all today? I was obviously more busy than I realized.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Peanut butter and waffles?

Got my carpet today but it didn't fit my room. So I have to get another one instead. Awesome.. I did get my shower curtain rod and curtain on in my bathroom though. I hope I can accomplish more tomorrow. Amy, John and the kids are spending the night tonight. We went to Waffle House for dinner. The waitress really enjoyed Caleb. He kept glaring at her but she finally got him to laugh. It was funny. I'm not really feeling very good right now. And I'm just not in the blogging mood. I haven't really been lately. Sorry. /shrug Stressed out, what can I say?

But I do have a short story. Amy and I were driving to Wal-Mart and this cop stopped at this yellow light, paused, it then turned red and he turned left on the red light. I honked my horn at him. He is a fucking cop! SERIOUSLY! He just ran a red light and he is a cop?! Pathetic. So yeah, I'm going to honk my horn at you. You aren't above the law dude. Not at all.

The picture of the day is Amy's pjs because I forgot to take a picture today. And then Amy wouldn't let me take a pic of her. So...yeah..there ya go!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I got an email from snuggie!!!"

Me: "I just honked at a cop for running a red light."
Angela: "You're insane!"

Angela: "You know. You prob need a key to my house... I'm not sure why.. But you do."
Me: "That seems very logical."

Daniel: "Karen.."
Me: "Yes?"
Daniel: "I can make noises with my mouth watch." /makes a noise with his mouth "SEE?"
Me: "That was truly amazing..spit and all."

Adam: "Peanut butter ALWAYS belongs on waffles!"
Me: "I'm so sorry I didn't realize this was a rule."

Question of the day:
How do you eat your waffles?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tinkerbell and Tacos

The kids, Mom and I went shopping for stuff for the apartment today. Then we went to Waffle House. Then we came home and watched the new Tinkerbell movie and ate tacos. Then I went and got gas in my car, went to drop the kids off, picked up Kevin and took him to the apartment to make him unload stuff, took him back to his house. Then I went and returned the movies then called Jojo. Talked to him all the way back. Then made tea and played wow. And I'm so tired. It was alot today even though it doesn't sound like it. I shortened it because I'm tired. So yeah.. PEACE YALL I'M OUTTIE!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I bought make up. Aren't you proud?"
Angela: "I am."

Ashley: "I'll trade you a 'bite me' sweettart for a 'I <3 EC' sweettart."
Me: "Only if you throw in a 'bite me' sweettart."
Ashley: "DEAL!"

Me: /after tripping over my own feet while walking "Oh man. I'm so glad I didn't just spill my drink all over me just then."
Zach: "That was full of fail."

Me: "Tell Que nice shirt."

Ashley: "That Tinkerbell movie was AWESOME!"
Me: "It really was. I'm glad we could share this moment of Tinkerbell movie and Tacos together."
Ashley: "They went well together."

Me: "I wish I had a pet firefly."
Ashley: "Yeah then you could use it's butt as a flashlight."

Me: "I don't think you can handle my COLORING dreams, fucker."
JoJo: "Well FUCK you can't keep between the fucking lines...that shit drives me NUTS."
Me: /gasp "How dare you! ITS CALLED OUTLINING! Only good artists know how to do it!"

Question of the day:
Favorite fairy? (I call Tinkerbell. If you don't know them all it, mother fucker.)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New Moon: with my niece and nephew

I saw the movie again today for the third time in a row. But this time I saw it with Zach and Ashley. I woke up at 8AM after exactly 8 hours sleep for the first time in...well I don't know an extremely long time. Even though I still woke up alot during the night it was great. Then the kids came over and Ashley and I cuddled while watching cartoons, while Zach was outside. Then we all three went to get our tickets, see the movie then we went to Burger King. We met up there with Amy, John and the boys. Then we went back to Amy's house to have cake and celebrate Mom's birthday. Then kids decided they wanted to spend the night. So I took them back to their house to grab clothes. Then we went to rent a movie then back to my house where we just were really lazy but still had fun. Now I'm going to continue having fun watching the nanny with them before I crash. NIGHT!

By the way, first picture is Ashley and I watching cartoons and cuddling and the second is the three of us at the movies. Its obvious..but whatever.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "You're a sparkle vampire junkie."
Me: "Yeah! Proud of it lol."

Ashley: "My heart broke in half when Edward broke up with Bella."
Me: "Me too. I noticed you got teary eyed."
Ashley: "Yeah, I cried."
Me: "Its ok I did too."

Ashley: /as we are walking into Burger King she notices Jacob Black on the front door "NO WRONG DOOR! Quick run to the Edward one!"

Zach: "Emmett is just the coolest."

Me: /drinking out of my Burger King cup with Edward on it "I can almost taste Edward."
Random lady at least in her 50s: "Ha! I heard that! That's the same reason I got one!"

Me: "Aro creeps me out so bad."
Zach: "Jasper was creepier than Aro."

Ashley: "Edward has it all!"
Me: "Truer words have never been spoken."

Ashley: /turns and looks at me during the scene when Edward takes his shirt off "NICE!"
Me: /nods "I know right."
Ashley: "He has chest hair. And Jacob doesn't. Some werewolf he is!"
Me: "Real men have chest hair. And by real men I mean real vampires."
Ashley: /nods "I know right."

Zach: "There is a reason you're so cool."
Me: "Is it because I randomly take you to PG-13 movies that involve vampires?"
Zach: "That's partly it yes."


Ashley: "Ashley B. is team Jacob. I don't get why though."
Me: "Look Ashley, I'll tell you why people like "Jacob's" and why you and I will never like "Jacob's" so it will all be clear. Some girls like guys like Jacob because they like the easy way out. The best friend that's comforting and non-challenging. But we like a challenge. We like to sacrifice things for a guy that can give us everything, including but not limited to adventure and passion."
Ashley: "Plus Edward is hotter and sparkles."
Me: "That too."

Zach: "Or maybe gay guys."

Question of the day:
Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Moon: with Jacob, Alice, Jasper and company

I drove EVERYWHERE today. Seriously. I drove EVERYWHERE. Bleh. But I saw New Moon for the second time. And I saw it with Jacob, Alice and Jasper no less. Plus Alice's son and Jessica. It was epic. What can I say? Then we went to IHop. We saw the wolf pack there. And we got yelled at by random black ladies walking out. And tons of other shenanigans mixed in with all this. Then I took Jessica home to La Push. It was all fun times. Fun times indeed. But I am epicly tired. I forgot to take pictures of ANYTHING of importance. Pretty disappointed about that. I planned on getting pics of everybody. But I forgot because I was busy having too much fun. So the picture is me stuck in traffic. Yay? Anyway, I have to go pack a bit then go to bed. Or fall asleep while packing or something. /shrug

Quotes of the day:
Me: "The wolf is IN the bag (or car rather) and we are on our way to rave. Do you copy, Alice? Over."
Angela: "10-4 BFFE!"
Me: /looks at Alan "Yeah, we are cool we talk like this all the time."

Alan: "Jacob is a racist."

Me: "Did anybody else notice that Sam just appears out of nowhere and then makes an order and runs away?"

Alan: "It shouldn't be against the law to murder somebody in a theatre."

Me: /pretending to be Sam "You're next Jacob. Take off your shirt..and shave your hair."

Me: /pretending to be Bella "She can stay as long as she likes because we are lesbo lovers!"

Angela: "The wolf pack is hot!"


Me: "EEEEEEEAH! EEEEEEDWARRRRD!" /claps hands when he first appears on screen

Question of the day:
Favorite time of day? (i'm going to go for 3a.m.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Moon: with my sister

NEW MOON WAS THE BEST MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD! Lori and Serena made fun of me for crying during the break up scene. But seriously.. I have only cried in ONE other movie. And it was Moulin Rouge. But with this movie I couldn't help it. It was heart breaking to watch. I could feel Bella's pain. I thought I was going to need my inhaler! I felt like Pat had broke up with me all over again.

There were alot more funny parts than I thought there would be. And it actually wasn't as painful to watch Jacob and Bella together as I thought it would be. They managed to sneak Edward in here and there which made it easier. And OH MY GOD! I just can't even talk about it because Angela and Amy haven't seen it yet. And I can't give anything away! But let me just say.. I could watch this movie over and over and over and never get sick of it at all. It was brilliant. CHRIS WIENZ IS A GENIUS!

I feel bad that Amy was sick and couldn't get to go. But its just another excuse for me to go again with her later!

I wore my dress and tons of people noticed and said stuff about it. It was great. I HAD SO MUCH FUN JUST WATCHING THE MOVIE! Though Serena and Lori were a bit clueless with alot of it. I can't wait to see it with Angela tomorrow! And the kids on saturday!

The line was from the door to the middle of the parking lot! But we managed to get in right away! SCORE!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Yeah, I'm just never listening to you about directions ever again. You are always wrong. And I'm always right."
Lori: "Bite me."
Me: "That's MY line!"

Random little girl before the movie: "Mommy look is that Bella!?" /pointing at me

Random chick after the movie: "HEY! I love your dress! That's so cute! You look just like Bella!"

Another random chick after the movie: "You're wearing her dress! Awesome where did you get it?"

Random little girl while walking to the car: "Look she looks just like Bella! Has her dress and bracelets and everything! That is so cool!"
(I love that everybody noticed after they saw it IN the movie. But ONE little 6 or 7 year old girl noticed BEFORE the movie.)

Serena: "You also have the whole pale thing going on."
Me: "Yeah, I was pale before pale was cool."

Me: "Aro scared the living crap out of me. I'm going to have nightmares of him and Jane and Victoria for the rest of my life."

Me: "I knew what was going to happen and I was still shocked and kept having emotional and physical responses to everything. That just proves how brilliantly done it was."

Me: "I kept thinking through the whole thing 'so that's where that song was..that fits..' And I totally called it about where Satellite Heart played. I knew it would play at that scene because that song made me cry the first time I heard it. Its like my heart knew what was going on."

Me: "Nice the only parking spot is next to the dumpster. At least we won't forget where I parked."

Question of the day:
How many times are you going to see this movie?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New Moon Pie

So today I baked of course. I used my NEW baking stuff. It was epic. I also baked while watching Kellan Lutz on the Ellen show. Then I sat down and looked at my cookies after taking a picture of them. I decided..these are my favorite cookies so far. Well these and Edible Edwards. Mmmm...I love me some Edward's. Then I went to Angela's house. We talked for a while and then we decided we wanted hashbrowns. Or rather Angela decided she wanted hashbrowns. They were good but oh my god we were full after. And I don't know why some people insist on talking to you while you're eating. But it's annoying. Then we went back just in time for Lori to get there. And we talked, and got Kevin a birthday present. And drank coffee. And hmm what else OH YEAH I KNOW FRIGGING WATCHED ROBERT PATTINSON ON THE LATE SHOW! He is so awkward. I love him for that. He is like the guy version of me with all his nervous habits and not knowing what to say. Only he is hot and I'm not. /shrug

Tomorrow I'm packing during the day..then at night I'm going to.... FUCKING GO SEE NEW MOON MIDNIGHT SHOWING!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAT! YEAHHHHHH!!!!!! I was just Lil Jon for a minute there.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Look dude, I'm sitting by Angela at the movies this friday and that's final. If you don't fight me on this..there could be some sweettarts

Angela: "I'm exasperated!"
Austin: "I'm exposed!"

Angela: "So I'm scrupulous and your incorrigible."
Me: "So we both just belong on hashbrowns."

Question of the day:
How do you like your hashbrowns?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today Amy came over with the kids. And we went to Biglots and Wal-Mart. We got an angel off the angel tree. She is four years old and her name is Jaylen. In case you don't know what the angel tree foundation is.. It is a foundation run by the Salvation Army to help needy children have gifts to open on Christmas. I love it! I do it every year. Last year (actually I think the last two years) I've had a boy. So this year I got a girl. And i'm so excited. I can't wait to spoil this kid. Giving people gifts is the best part of Christmas. Especially if they are kids. Needy or not. I love it!

We had KFC for dinner. Its the only chicken I can stand to eat. My guess is..because its not really chicken. I bet you its like..beef pretending to be chicken. Who knows.

Okay so I was watching Star Trek The Next Generation randomly on t.v. And all I have to say is.. OH MY GOD. Lt Commander Data is NOT an android at all! HE IS A FRIGGIN VAMPIRE DISGUISED AS A ANDROID! Proof in the picture below.

Note his GOLDEN eyes and PALE WHITE skin. And even though you obviously can't touch him from a picture..I'm guessing he is cold as well. Good try "LT COMMANDER DATA" good try. But you just can't fool me. I *am* a vampire myself afterall. Enough with your tom foolery!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Just saw an interview with Rpatz. They asked him what his favorite cookie type was and he said white chocolate chip. I smell a new recipe!"

Angela: "Aaaaaaaiiiiiggggghhhhh nickleback AGAIN!"
Me: "Lol wow. Bad music day I guess."

Angela: "Titles are one of my favorite parts of writing."
Me: "I know right!"

Me: "I didn't know Tom Cruise invented the hover round. I might have to reconsider the whole scientology thing then. Not really though. I disliked shrinks before scientologists."

Adam: "That's a boy!"
Amy: "No its a girl. A girl that wants pirate stuff for Christmas."
Adam: "That's silly!"

Me: "Daniel, you just killed Padme."
Adam: "Yeah he kills all the girls because he doesn't like them."
Daniel: /shaking his head furiously "I like girls!"

Me: "Oh my gosh you can buy a snuggie for your dog now! That's crazy! Dogs can't read books!"

Question of the day:
What the name of your angel tree kid? (If you don't have one this just means you have to get one now.)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Down With Love

I watched the movie Down With Love today. I have owned it forever because it was given to me because it has Ewan McGreggor in it. Its a good movie. But honestly, I just want to watch one movie right now.. Just one movie. That shows at least one guy that is a total douchebag, AND he DOESN'T fall in love and get the girl. Because the only movies I have seen so far that has a typical male chauvinistic perverted leading role, he always ends up falling in love with the girl and getting her. And it ends all happy and is all like aww look at that! Douchebags can fall in love too! Yeah, whatever. That's all well and good but we know you ended it at the wrong moment and like 3 months later he went off and cheated on her or some shit. So that's what I want to see. I want to see some movie with this typical douchebag male, but either ISN'T capable of falling in love and getting the girl. OR he somehow "pretends" he is capable only to get the girl then later cheat on her. Is that too much to ask for? Is it really? Come on Hollywood. You have done more twisted shit than that.

JoJo is back! I'm so happy! And tomorrow I hope to get carpet for the apartment. /crosses fingers

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I used to be SO COOL."
Alan: "Now you're somewhat godlike."
Me: "But what I'm really aiming cooly godlike."

Me: "I think I might have had swine flu for the past couple of days and its just now starting to go away."
Patty: "You got bit by a pig!"
Me: "Yeah.. You."

Angela: "Now Alan has witnessed the power that is.... Alice."
Me: "Its a brilliant thing to witness."

Angela: "Ironic... You're going to watch the Jake movie with your Jake!"
Me: "That IS ironic.."
Angela: "What about me... I get to bring 'I always look like I'm in pain' Marq! Irooooooonic!"
Me: "Oh yes, this will be truly enjoyable."

Me: "Night Jacob."
Alan: "So long Bella."

JoJo: "So if I got you a cheerleader outfit would you cheer for me?"
JoJo: "Vampires love cheerleaders!"

JoJo: "You're a good girl...and I love ya for it :)"
Me: "I feel like I missed something of some grand importance."

Question of the day:
Favorite sport? TO PLAY not watch.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tis the season

I MISS JOSEPH! Sigh. I went to Wal-Mart today and I did a lil happy dance in the middle of the store when I saw this isle (the picture above.) It's a whole friggin isle of Christmas cookie stuff. Yeah, I flipped. I'm excited about baking cookies for Christmas.

But not nearly as excited as I am for NEW MOON! This thursday! YEAH! Can't wait! Okay, nothing exciting happened today. Seriously. The only exciting thing was I talked to Cynthia and Angela on the phone. Cynthia is going to be down here visiting next week. She is going to be here for Thanksgiving. Hopefully I'll get to see her this time. Because I wasn't able to last time.

I bought part of JoJo's Christmas gift today. Its hard to pick out a gift for a guy that can buy whatever he wants. /shrug I still have to find a gift for Ashley, Zach, Cynthia, John and Angela. I might be missing some people.. I've had Patty's gift for months though.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "John Mayer is worse than Nickleback."
Angela: "He's bad not worse."
Me: "Mmm..I think worse. Lyric wise."
Angela: "Does he do that... Your body is a wonderland....shitty song?"
Me: "Yes."
Angela: "Ok. You win."

Me: "Tis the season to be naughty fa la la la la la la la!"

Me: "YES! That was my goal for today! DONE!!!!!!!"

JoJo: "Cheerleaders... You need one of these outfits."
Me: "They are whores."

Me: "You guys are like bffs now."
Alan: "We've had 2 conversations, but I imagine being bff's with Angela wouldn't be nothin to sneeze at."
Me: "This is a correct assumption."
Me: "I am okay with my besties being besties as long as they both know I'm the bestest...I think you see where i'm going with this."

Alan: "I'll do that then."
Me: "Look Alan..look..just make sure your bouffant is looking good that's ALL you have to do...EVER."

Me: "Speaking of bouffant's I never noticed that Ewan's hair is exactly like Robert Pattinson's only cleaner. Until I watched him on the late late show. But I guess since Robert Pattinson got the hair idea for Edward from James Dean and Ewan McGreggor is just a better version of James all makes sense.."

Alan: "So I tried not washing my hair for two weeks."
Me: "Seriously? So you just...were Robert Pattinson for two weeks? How did that work out? Did you just wake up and look in the mirror and say "Yeah..this hair style will do." And get tons of fans?"
Alan: "It looked swell but I felt awful."

Question of the day:

Pumpkin pie or Apple pie? (I'm thinkin Pumpkin!)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Naughty List

I don't even wanna talk about my day it was just bad. I wish I spent my whole day at Angela's watching Trueblood. That's all I wanted to do. But noooo. BLEH. Don't wanna even think about it. So I needed a break so I went to Hastings, I figure I won't be able to go there as much once I move..might as well get my fill. /pout

While I was there I had the most outrageous thing happen! Some guy GRABBED my ass! Yeah, that's right he grabbed it. I was in total shock. I reacted before I even fully understood what just happened. I slapped him on the face. Then we both starred at each other for a minute in shock. And then I got completely angry and embarrassed and just knocked all the stuff he was carrying out of his hand then stormed away. No words were exchanged at all. But I at least did wipe the smug smile off his face. I was so angry and embarrassed and just well shocked, that I honestly thought I was going to cry. Because I always cry when I get angry /rolls eyes I mean come on, I hate when guys touch me and it always gives me an instant panic attack. But a random guy I have never met or anything? Grabbing my ass? UH NO THANKS! I am not going to be talking about this.."matter" anymore than this though. Please don't bring it up again. At least not in person. I will probably freak out all over again.

Well after that..happened I stormed over to the check out and paid for my movie and then left. I came home and watched the movie "The Ugly Truth." How ironic that the movie is about a sweet, innocent girl who just wants to be in love and a perverted, douchebag, asshole guy who just wants to fuck tons of girls. It was funny but it seriously made me realize, all guys are douchebags, even the ones that do fall in love with girls. That guy kinda reminded me of JoJo just a bit. But that's highly offensive to him. So I take it back. Its just some of his lines seemed like things JoJo would say. Perhaps its just because I miss him since he is on a trip and won't be back until monday. /pout

The picture of the day is at Hastings while I was waiting in line to check out. Only minutes after I was ass grabbed. I figured THIS is a moment I will never forget. THIS is the moment that really proved my day was shitty. THIS is the reason I don't like guys. And THIS is why I should take a picture RIGHT NOW. So I did. And trust me, it works well, because I know for a FACT that guy, is on the fucking naughty list. He better be anyway!

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "That's crazy. Do people just not respect personal space anymore?"
Me: "I guess not! Or I missed the memo that said ass grabbing is the new way to say "hi."

Me: "All guys are douchebags, I swear!"
Angela: "I know right!"

Me: "Girls just wanna have fun."
Me: "And the gays too."

Me: "Just saw the most amazing volvo!"
JoJo: "Volvo? You been in poison again?"

Question of the day:
Why are all guys douchebags?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Chinese Trueblood

Had to babysit for a short time today. I picked them up from school and took them to the new apartment which we are moving into tomorrow. Or we are at least gonna start moving into tomorrow. That is after I went to Sonic for happy hour, of course. Then I stayed at their house until Angela got home and then went over there. We then both went to Knights and to get Chinese food. We then watched some very disturbing Trueblood episodes. Man, I love that show but I am also extremely traumatized by it. I might have nightmares tonight. And not from the violent parts either!

I have to get up early. So yeah, the pictures of the day - first one is Ashley (she is so stylish /points to converse!) modeling my soon to be new room. Its not much bigger than it looks.. Okay its a bit bigger than my current room I guess maybe. But I hate the wood floors..and I don't know. BLEH. So not excited about this apartment. The second picture is Angela and I's chinese food. Notice, that two dragons are making out on the box. Yeah. On that note. NIGHT!

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "Do I need to convert you to a vampire for you to be happy?"
Me: "Yes."

JoJo: "Old spice... O.M.G."

Ashley: /in front of her friends "Thanks I love you."

(I can't remember anymore quotes, yeah fail.)

Question of the day:
Why are there chinese (screw you red underline, I'm not gonna capitalize the "C" in chinese!) restaurants that don't give fortune cookies?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Swine Flu

Today Amy and the kids came over. Adam and Daniel played with me (and the wii and computer) while Amy took Caleb to the doctor. He has swine flu. Sigh. Seems like the whole world is getting swine flu. I'll be next I'm sure. I mean I catch everything all the time. I'm pretty much always sick. I'm suprised I haven't gotten it already.

So I'm really stressed out. And I'm still "gonna snap" but apparently I'm not the only one that's in danger of snapping. Tons of people are. I's just a fucking fall/winter month thing! Anyway, I don't have much to say today. Jojo made me feel better though. He always tends to do that. I realized today that I really don't have many friends. Especially compared to other people. But I have the fucking best friends. And that's what it's all about right? Val once told me "Its quality not quanity" he was so right. Its like when you go to Wal-Mart and you get the "best choice" stuff. But you know its really not the best choice its just the cheapest. I went for the more expensive name brand friends. So thanks guys, for not being the crappy cheap-o best choice friends!

Quotes of the day:
Daniel: "Karen do you have those eggs?"

Adam: "Watch me beat this level!!"
Me: /clearly watching
Adam: "WATCH ME!!!"
Me: /still watching "I am!"
Adam: "DID YOU SEE???"
Me: "Yeah that was great!"
Adam: /shakes his head "No you missed it."

Daniel: "IT BROKE!" /points to the laptop
Me: /pushes a key "That was just the screensaver."
Daniel: "YEAH! You fixed it!"

Me: "Your baby has swin flu. =["
Angela: "Who? Alexander? Taylor? You?"
(Had to put that one in because I found it hilarious Angela said two guy fictional characters then me.)

Question of the day:
Favorite winter drink? (I'm going to have to go with Mexican Coffee or Hot Coco.)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Gonna snap

Since I feel like I'm going to snap. What better cookie to make than ginger snaps? I feel like every day lately is just me getting closer and closer to an epic nervous breakdown. But maybe that's a bit dramatic. But probably not. I feel like only certain people keep me sane. And others threaten to steal my sanity. Sometimes I wonder if I would be better off alone like I used to be. I used to only talk to Patty and that was it. There was nobody else. Ever. And I was pretty sane. Sure really horrible social skills but still sane. Unlike now I still have lack of social skills and I'm insane! Ahhh whatever.

I've discovered that the electric mixer Amy gave my mom is actually fucking brilliant! I was scared to use it for the longest time. Then today I starred it down for a while and was like "fuck it" and tried it out. Its amazing. I just throw shit in the bowl while its still doing its thing blending. And it just keeps going on its own without me having to do anything until its all blended. Its godlike I tell you! And as I was waiting for the mixer to blend one of my eggs I looked at the other egg that would eventually meet its doom..and that's when I got the brilliant idea that is picture number 2. Yes, my eggs fear me. They have every reason to after all..they will always become cookies. Its just a matter of time. /evil laugh

I heard the song Headstrong on my way home tonight from Wild Cat night. Do you remember that song? It was popular along time ago. That was the first song that was ever "dedicated" to me. And it was dedicated by a friend who told me I was the most headstrong person he had ever met. /shrug

Okay, I know a lot of people who are using twitter. And I gotta say I will probably never be one of those people. But if I ever do get an account it will be for one reason, nay, one person. And that person is Peter Facinelli. Because I think he is amazing and I saw this picture today and it was apparently from his twitter account. So here is the pic and the caption that he "tweeted" with the picture. -

Broke down and got a Bluetooth. Comes w/ free service, but I hate these things. They always make u look so dorky.

Tell me that isn't fucking brilliant. Go on, do it, see what happens to your disco stick or muffin. It will become well acquainted with my foot.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Part of my horoscope: You have a few serious responsibilities to deal with before you cover yourself with chocolate sauce and run through the streets naked."
Me: "Well shit. I guess we can't do that friday then. /snaps fingers in disappointment"
Angela: "No. That's todays... If I handle my responsibilities... Then I CAN run around naked in chocolate sauce!"
Me: "Its a date then! /winks"
Angela: "I'm so glad we're dating now! I've waited for so long... /winks back!"
Me: "Dude. I'm no Lady Gaga but I think its clear if anybody was to be your lesbo lover it would be me."
Angela: "Absofuckinglutely!"

JoJo: "My gay guy > yours lol"

Me: "My eggs fear me."
Alan: "I needed that egg..."
Me: "Best response so far."

Me: "If I wasn't slightly suspicious that JoJo might be gay.. I could be madly in love with him. Then again I always have a thing for gay guys.."

Question of the day:
Have you ever had a song dedicated to you? If so what song?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monster Mash

I don't feel like talking much today. But this picture is Karebear's lil toy monster named Mash (get it??) She was playing with it today and left it in my room. And although its annoying to trip over toys full of drool, if we end up moving without her.. I'm going to miss them just as much as I will miss the cat prints all over my car. =[

I'm so stressed ooooouuuut. Sigh.

Quotes of the day:
Mom: /after listening to a Lady Gaga song "That girl is crazy!"
Me: "Crazy awesome!"
Mom: "No crazy insane."
Me: "No more than any other artist."
Mom: "This is true."

JoJo: "I'm a heterosexual man whore."

Me: "Dude, when does that fundraiser shit finally come in! I wantz my bakin stuffz."
Angela: "Today! Its in my kitchen now!"
Me: "Woah. As Austin would say... Alice moment!"

Question of the day:
Should I cut my hair real short? HMMMM....

Monday, November 9, 2009

Jesus is the light

Today I attempted to go through my clothes. I failed miserably. I eventually gave up and read and texted people. I then went to Hastings. Where I saw a cute guy starring at me. He then proceeded to come to me and say "I couldn't help but smell delicious." Look I know to normal people this would be either a really lame pick up line, or a creepy stalkerish pick up line. And okay maybe it was kinda both. But to somebody who is a vampire freak like me I found it highly amusing! I still giggle when I think about it. Plus, I have never been told I smell good before. Its a nice compliment I think! /shrug

I went to Angela's house after and I watched her play on her computer for a couple of hours (highly amusing shit!) Then we watched an episode of Trueblood. I would have liked to watch more but I was tired and hungry and it was getting late. I went home, changed into my fuzzy tinkerbell pjs and raided the fridge only to find NOTHING. I then complained to my mom about there being no food. To which she replied "Yeah I wish we had pie or something too." I said I wished we had hashbrowns then thought, Hey..Waffle House has both of those things! Hm! Of course I am a random kinda person and going out to Waffle House randomly at 11 at night is no more odd than going to Wal-Mart late at night. I mean I am convinced Wal-Mart and Waffle House stay open all night long specifically for people like me. So why not go? I mean they are open for me! Either that or for vampires and people with rare skin diseases who can't come out during the light of day. Either way I convince my mom to go to Waffle House with me. Even though, she is not as random as I. And no, I didn't see the point in changing back into everyday clothes. Its Arkansas, and its Waffle House, half those people don't even have teeth I highly doubt they will be offended by my tinkerbell pjs and peacoat.

After I was full on waffles and eggs I went home and played WoW with my JoJo. And now I'm going to read a bit before going to bed. But before I go I need to explain the pictures. Okay, so the first one is me (OMG NO WAI!) in my new shirt that I got for 5 dollars at a Christian book store. It says "Jesus is the light of the world because of Him you can live forever" and on the back it says "Team Jesus" and has John 3:16 on it which is my favorite Bible verse! I love it. Its a bit big but it works for a bum shirt and a sleep shirt. And I would like to point out that my eyes are green today. I don't know why I didn't drink any alcohol, but I'm going to assume it was the pot of coffee I drank at Waffle House. Or maybe I'm just in a bad mood. /shrug I'd also like to point out that Alan said after seeing this pic "omg you look so christian!" Huh, I hope I look Christian in all my pics even if I'm not wearing a Christian shirt. But he said my hair also looked really catholic and I had an innocent smile. Huh. Okay. Weird. Because JoJo said after seeing this pic that I had a devious smile. Innocently devious perhaps? /shrug
You decide.

The picture below is my new desktop background that I made. I am now ready for New Moon on the 19th. My firefox has the "stupid lamb" theme. My Google page has a picture of Bella Swan laying on top of a shirtless Edward Cullen. My cell phone of course has a sexy pic of Edward Cullen. And now my desktop is also proudly displaying New Moon now with this pic! And it makes me sad every time I roll over in bed and look at it. So I think it serves its purpose. Depression, loneliness, heartbroken, I feel ya Bells, I feel ya. And I'm so ready to watch this moviiiiieeee! In case you have poor eye sight (and are too lazy to just CLICK IT FOR FULL VIEW) it says -
"The absence of him is everywhere I look. It's like a huge hole has been punched through my chest."

Me: "Edward Cullen would make a good lawyer."
Angela: "Why do you say that?"
Me: "Because lawyers and shrinks are the biggest mindfuckers. He could be a good shrink too."
Me: "What better shrink/lawyer than a mind reading mindfucker?"

Alan: "They say the devil's water it ain't so sweet, but you don't have to drink right now."
Me: "But I'm thirsty."

Random guy at Hastings: "I couldn't help but notice you smell delicious!"

Me: "Word verification - eidsirhc. Die chris backwards!!!!!????"
Angela: "Hahhahaha omg! How did you see that?! You're cryptic!"
Me: "Apparently haha."
Angela: "I'm seriously amazed!"

Me: "I'm at waffle house in my tinkerbell fuzzy pjs."
JoJo: "Hawt."

Question of the day:
Best song as of right now? (I vote Satellite Heart!)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Hidden Past

Today I was lazy. It IS Sunday though. I think I'm allowed to be. However I did find these old pictures as I was sort kinda starting to go through my room. I got a.d.d. and frustrated though and gave up and went back to being lazy. But I did find it pretty funny that I found these pictures of me as a kid. Especially since I had just told Angela that when I was little I dressed myself and I came up with some weird outfits. One being rainbow socks as gloves. And I totally found the picture! Bahahaha. The sad thing sense of style has not improved over the years. Bleh! Oh and in the other picture. That's me and my old dog, its either Jenna or Penny, I think that's Jenna though. Both Penny and Jenna look the same. But Jenna had more black. Oh and..that smile I'm giving in the rainbow sock pic....priceless. Cynthia calls that smile of mine the "chin" smile. And somebody I forget who, recently pointed somebody else doing the same smile. Who was it? Oh I know Kristen Stewart does that same smile sometimes. I invented it first though. Proof in the pic, yo.

It was ironic that I had a random need to read the Star Wars book "The Hidden Past." And then found a bunch of childhook pictures INSIDE of the book. The last time I read that book I was like literally 12 years old or younger. So those pictures have just been hidden in there the whole time. Wonder what made me put them there. The title maybe? /shrug

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Brb keep typing but I hear Edward in the other room."
Patty: "Who the fuck is Edward and why is he in your house?"

Me: "Pecan pie is ok."
Timmy: "Psh you're ok!"
Me: "Aw thanks!"
Timmy: "Lol. No Toby! That was supposed to be bad because you're way more than ok!"

Me: "Mmm I got a snack."
JoJo: "GIMME!"
Me: "No! Its my ding dong!"
JoJo: "I'll let you play with mine if you let me have yours."
Me: "If you have one why do you want mine?"
Me: "Ohhh...ew."

Me: "Sometimes I wonder if he'd even notice."
Me: "I think he would but it would take too long."
Me: "I'm fucking stupid."
Me: "Fucking stupid lamb."

Question of the day:
Nickelodean, Disney or Cartoon Network?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Whined out

I had about two hours sleep this morning. I couldn't sleep and then when I finally fell asleep I slept for an hour and woke up to a text message in the middle of the night. It was Val and we talked for about an hour and a half. It had been forever since I talked to him. So I didn't fall asleep until like an hour before I was suppose to get up at 8 to get Zach back to Beebe. I then spent from 8 to 12 listening to kids whine and cry. Not sure what was up with all my nephews and niece today. But they all whined AND cried at one point. YES ALL! Ashley, Zach, Adam, Daniel and Caleb. So by the time Lori, Amy and I left to start our shopping I was more than ready to go. Shopping might be horrible but I was getting a migraine listening to whining and crying.

We went out to eat at Dixie Cafe, then went to Kmart, then Wal-Mart, then Hastings, then Mardel's, then back to Lori's house for lunch. It was so tiring. I mean seriously so. I really didn't want to go to Mardel's even because it was so late by the time we got done with all the other stores. Ah well..

I pocket dailed somebody for the first time today. It was Joseph! Poor Jojo listened to Lori, Amy and I talking in the car and ordering Starbucks lol! And then I accidently did it again later. Oopsy.

I helped Ashley with her homework before leaving their house and coming home. Glad to be home, geez. Sure, I got three nephews done for Christmas shopping and only 6 nieces/nephews to go. But still.. I am so tired!

The pictures of the day is me at the park while I was waiting for Kevin's family to get their family pictures taken there. I've been told the first pic is my best smile. And I realized today that's a crooked smile! You see where i'm going with this.. Don't you? DON'T YOU!?!?!

Quotes of the day:
JoJo - "Pumpkin frapuccino?? Tell her to order cinnamon dolce."
Me - "Wait what? Did I just pocket dial you?"
JoJo - "I heard all the girl talk."

Me - "Taylor and Taylor sittin in a tree..."
Angela - "Makin me want to scream!"

Me - "When I was your age I was really good at whining." /nods proudly
Ashley - /rolls eyes and sighs
Me - "In fact just today I was telling my friend Val how good you have gotten at whining and he said you must be a mini version of me. Sure he didn't mean this as a compliment, but it takes talent to be extremely annoying. We both do it well."

Alan: "I thought you might want to know that I might become a werewolf soon."

Alan: "I think that drugs are the proverbial human blood that I crave."
Me: "Lovely."
Alan: "I think that's the sin in my past that makes you not belong in my world."
Alan: "I think getting you high would be like turning you."
Me: "If thats a ploy to get me to do it youre howling up the wrong tree wolf boy."
Alan: "It isn't."
Me: "Good."
Alan: "It's merely an observation I've made."

Me: "Yeah I can't even spell that word let alone pronouce it."
Zach: "Well I'm 12 and I can." /smiles smugly
Me: "Well bully for you."
Zach: "What?"
Me: "Ooooo you don't know that term? Not so smart now are you?"

Question of the day:
Did you see where I was going with the crooked smile thing? (cookies for whoever gets it.)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Leeroyyyyy Jenkiiiinnnnns

I felt sick all day. Sneezing and coughing and fever. Plus a bad migraine that made it so I couldn't possibly drive. So I made Mom pick up Zach from school. Which was great because then I got to be lazy for once and then Mom brought me back a sonic drink. Then Zach and I just watched funny youtube videos for a long time. And then I made him watch all the New Moon trailiers and clips. Then I showed up my new pets in WoW. And then we watched George Lopez. I personally can't stand the show but he likes it. I made him watch the Leeroy Jenkins WoW video. And then we found a Lord of The Rings version of it. We both laughed until we were crying. But now he is behind me trying to go to sleep. So I'm going to get in bed as well. I have to have him in Beebe by 9 tomorrow morning.. Yay...

By the way, pray for my sister Stacy. She has swine flu.

Quotes of the day:
Zach: "You should get a solid white Christmas tree and put red orchids on it."

Zach: "Hey how are you feeling? Woah you look like crap."
Me: "Thanks Zach, I feel better already."
Zach: "Sorry you don't look like crap."
Me: "I just FEEL like crap."
Zach: "Ah I see what you did there. Clever."

Zach: "You disgust me!"
Me: "I get that alot."

Zach: /with a full mouth he mumbles something incoherant
Me: /with a mouth full of food also "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Question of the day:
Best day of the week? (I'm thinking saturday)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Remember Remember the 5th of November

Well..we now have a deposit on an apartment. The lease starts December 1st. I have mixed feelings. At first I thought this is what I wanted and I was just waiting for this news so I could be excited. But alas, I have the news and I am not excited. I am going to miss this house. This street. The silence. The animals. The privacy. The seclusion. I am just not a city girl. And I don't want to be. I can't sleep with the sounds of people and cars outside. I need coyotes, I need crickets, I need lots of trees and sky full of stars and a big moon with no city lights blocking it. I need random forest animals and a gravel road! I need a house in the middle of nowhere so I can go outside in boxers and a t-shirt and know nobody will see me! I need this house. This house I grew up in. I don't know if I can do this..

Especially since the two things I looked forward to was moving closer to my family. And getting a back door in my room so I could come and go as I please without annoying Mom or Mom annoying me. Well, the apartment she got doesn't have a back door in either of the bedrooms like the ones we saw. The back door is in the kitchen. SIGH. And the apartment DOESN'T allow pets. They used to but now they don't want to allow pets anymore. So not only will I be saying goodbye to this house but I'll be saying goodbye to both Rogue and Karebear. I really wanted a last Christmas here too.. Bleh..

Sigh. I spent all day reading and just generally being stressed out and depressed. I eventually decided I needed to be cheered up and thought "Hey..didn't I just rent a Robert Pattinson movie the other day?" So I put it on and..let me tell you. Just because a hot guy is in a movie.. Doesn't mean its a good movie. Some made for t.v. movies should just stay made for t.v. movies. The only good thing about this movie was that Robert Pattinson was really good in it. And looked really good in it. But the movie was just weird. I still can't figure it out. Plus, I don't know how I missed the fact that this "suspense" movie had SPIDERS in it. Robert Pattinson plays a boy named Toby who is scared of spiders (among other things) and was crippled by an accident in the War and sent to a special place to help him. First of all, his name is Toby and he is scared of spiders. Okay, irony! But seriously I still can't decide if he just went completely insane in the movie, or if the Dr. at the place was giving him drugs that were making him see and do all this weird shit. Seriously! I watched the whole movie and paid close attention and I still don't know! But the ending was insane! I literally jumped up and went "WHAAAAAT???" Yeah, you can see the mental picture of me doing that. I know you can. So all that being said final Toby rating for this movie -

And the only reason it gets that is because of Robert Pattinson's hotness and good acting, and the fact that RPatz name was Toby and he feared spiders. Me too, Rob. Meeee tooooo.

After that I realized the movie was suppose to be returned today so I went to Hastings and also bought a new book with my left over gas money. I won't be needing gas money again until next week anyway. /shrug I got Romeo and Juliet (my favorite!) with the famous Twilight inspired cover. Woot! While I was looking at books I saw a random black guy who kept talking to himself. I thought he was on the phone for a minute there until I realized there was nothing but earrings on his ear. Then I was suddenly disturbed and it was like a bad t.v. show that you can't bring yourself to change. I watched him walk by this huge stand of New Moon and Twilight merchandise. He then stopped dead in his tracks, looked wide-eyed at all the stuff and yelled "THIS THE SHIT!" I cannot tell a lie, this was an awesome moment. I gave him a thumbs up and grinned really big. He nodded at me and went about his business of talking to himself, but only after he grabbed a Edward Cullen bookmark. Oh random yelling black guy, you are my hero.

Speaking of heroes. JoJo, I love him so. He bought me two new pets in WoW. They costed 10 dollars each and I was telling him how I was gonna save up for them because they are awesome as helllll. And then an hour later he told me to check my email. And there in my inbox was a email titled "Your wish" and I opened it to find both of the pet codes along with a "Love you :)" note! And they are too awesome for words. It was the sweetest thing. It made my day. Here is a video of the panda pet and a picture of the other one who laughs evily sometimes -

I love my JoJo. He made my day. /in true southern sookie accent And he is just as sweet as the dickens!

Now this blog is long. I shall leave you with this video I made myself a couple of years ago. Because today is November 5th. And its appropriate.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "He confuses me. But so do all guys. They never make sense. And all my free time is spent trying to figure them out. Just so they can do something crazy that is completely illogical."

Me: "Remember remember the 5th of november. The gun powder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gun powder treason should ever be forgot."

Random yelling black guy: "THIS THE SHIT!"

Me: "I was like going to make myself something to eat.. Then I a.d.d.ed and started playing with Rogue and Karebear.. Then I a.d.d.ed on that when I saw that my Rock Band was scattered all over the living room. So I put it together and I was going to play it.. And then I realized it was about the time you would be getting off work and you would probably be online! So then I ran back here and you were on so I said Hi. But you didn't answer and I realized the movies were due back. So I went to return them and forgot to put up an away message. And then I started reading my book and it got really addictive. And now I just a.d.d.ed and forgot the point to this story. This is so long and retarded I should save this."

Question of the day:
Favorite classic book? (BETTER BE ROMEO AND JULIET!)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Edible Edwards

So last night I didn't know what I was in the mood for today at all. I asked Angela what kinda cookies I should make. And she suggested chocolate and peanut butter. But I am just so sick of Jacob (aka Peanut Butter) so I went with Carmel (aka Edward!) Yay for Edward cookies! He is chocolate (every girl's dream) but a pale one! He has a smooth, sexy, sweet, carmel center! And he sparkles with sugar! Woot! What more could a girl ask for? Its everything you want in a cookie! And a boy. Mmmm yeah I went there. Everybody enjoys Edward cookies. Angela made an "O" face. And Amy's exact words were "Mmm.. OH! That surprised me!"

So I baked my cookies and then Mom and Dad got in a fight over something stupid and I was like "Yeah..I'm totally leaving." So I texted Angela and I went to her house early. Que was there making homemade pizza. Which was really good. But it would have been better if he hadn't parked in MY spot. /huffs and folds arms

I do like Que though. I just wish he'd stop hurting Angela. It was fun tonight though. Even though I was forced to watch some parts of a movie called Top Gun with Tom Cruise. I hate that man more than most people. He is just the worst celebrity. He can't act. He isn't hot. He is a freak. He is a douche. The only thing he did right in life was make a cute kid. And that was only partly him. And I heard she was a brat anyway. /shrug

I didn't have time to eat any of my own cookies today. And I just had a bite and wow. Edward is good. He is very good. Speaking of very good. I stepped out of the shower today and put on my favorite pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I realized not only did I NOT have to shimmy into my jeans but my butt looks bigger in them! I have never had much of a butt, and these jeans didn't even give the illusion that I had a butt, unlike all of my skinny jeans. But these jeans are just comfy. But now they are comfy AND make my butt look big! Maybe even because it is getting bigger! I can only hope. Either so made my day to just look at my butt in the mirror. Yeah, I said it. You heard it. Lets move on.

This guy in my guild in WoW is really annoying and immature. And I can't stand him. So every time he talks I try to say something to make him look stupid or feel stupid. He is really arrogant. And I think he is also sexist. But anyway. This is what just happened and it cracked me up -

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Bow chicka bow wow chicka bow wow chicka chicka."
Angela: "Doubt that."
Me: "Perhaps just bow wow since he is a werewolf."

JoJo: "WTH? It's a GIRL party. Is he gay?"

Me: "My ass is fun sized apparently. And I'm extremely okay with this."

Me: "Bella here. Home safe. Checking in with Alice. Over.
Angela: "10-4 Bella. This is Alice... I read you good buddy. Over."

Angela: "Isn't he adorable?"
Me: "For a werewolf yeah."

Angela: "Oooo you kickled me!"
Me: "She is kicklish right there!"

Me: "Angela, Edward just made you orgasm."

Amy: "Mmm.. OH! That surprised me!"
Angela: "She got to the creamy center!"

Me: "My hair smells glorious and I just now realized."

Question of the day:
What is your most used website? (I just realized for me its Google, how lame am I..)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Love > Math

Picked up the kids from school today. I got mistaken for a high schooler...again. Amy was texting me telling me she was having a bad day. So I took Zach and Ashley to Sonic and got Amy a drink and surprised her with it. We stayed there for a while and talked. Then we went back to Zach and Ashley's house to get Zach's cell phone and let the dog out. Then we went all the way back to my house. I fed the kids. And then Ashley kept complaining of a really bad headache. We only had tylenol in pill form. So I had to crush a pill and put it in applesauce. Then when Ashley was complaining of the taste I was like "Look it couldn't be nearly as bad as the liquid stuff that you're used to." She glowered at me (yes glowered) and said "Well you try it then." I rolled my eyes and shoved a mouthful of tylenol apple sauce in my mouth. And let me tell you, the liquid shit is actually better. But either way I got her to finish it and her headache went away enough for us to continue her math homework. Which I had to help her with. And it was hard. It was hard because I hadn't done math in years. And because I honestly had no idea what the teacher wanted. The directions were so full of fail. I was able to help her but by the time it was over I was the one with the headache and considering eating more of that disgusting tylenol apple sauce.

I really feel like a Mom around Zach and Ashley. Not a older sibling, not a Aunt, a Mom. And there is nothing wrong with this. I do and always have wanted to a Mom. I have no problem taking care of the kids. But I do feel like I am the only one that notices all the things I do for them. I don't even know if the kids appreciate it. I feel like they don't. I invited both of them to spend the night with me Friday night. Rock band for Zach and renting the new Tinkerbell movie for Ashley, and Pizza for both of them and sleeping on my new sofa bed loft. But they declined because they would rather spend the night with friends. I said it didn't bother me. I said it was all good and was just a suggestion. But I can't help but feel the sting of rejection that my niece and nephew would rather spend the night with smelly kids (nobody their age knows how to use D.O. for their B.O.) rather than a night with their awesome aunt. Or maybe they DO realize I am like a Mom to them and that's why I am therefore no longer cool and they don't want to spend the night with me. Huh.. just now thought of this. Bummer.

Anyway, the main theme of today is FUCK MATH. I HATE YOU. So on that note go to it is hilarious. It makes me want to go find some of my funny exams. I did have several. I'm an artist and a smartass after all. Most of them had to do with Power Rangers or Star Wars. But they were funny nonetheless.

Picture of the day is the paper I used to try and work out the problems before helping Ashley to make sure I had it right. And our two drinks we drank through the whole hour and half ordeal. There is eraser crap all on my floooooor!!!

Moral of the story is love is greater than math. Because if it wasn't..I wouldn't have helped her at all. I would have simply said "Look Ashley, your Dad is a teacher. He was the one that taught ME math. So why don't you just wait. Let's play Rock Band instead!" But I didn't. I was a good MOM!

I went to Hasting's after they left. I bought a used paperback version of New Moon and Eclipse. Now people can borrow it from me freely. Since I'm making EVERYBODY I know read them. I think its only fair I have copies to give out for it. /shrug

Quotes of the day:
Alan: "I love you I love you I love you"
Me: "I love you too."
Alan: "So one love from a Toby is equal to 3 loves from an Alan?"
Me: "Yes."
Alan: "I see no problems here."

Me: "Idk I'm kinda sick of Jacob..(aka peanut butter.)"
Angela: "Ok! Carmel!"
Me: "Mmm yes Edward!"

Me: "Speaking of things I hate most in life. The show Rosanne is one of those things."

Timmy: "I miss all your cuteness."

Timmy: "You two look good. Especially his hair."
Me: "I'm starting to get jealous of the bouffant. Nobody seems to notice me when I'm next to it. And my hair even took longer I think."

Question of the day:
Your worst subject in school? (We all already know mine was math and still is apparently.)