Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

*insert picture here.*

I'm too lazy to get on mom's laptop right now. My god I need a card reader so bad. Anyway.. My new years eve was shitty. I wanted to be spending it with Joseph. IN PERSON. But had to settle for the phone. While we were both sick. I felt bad for leaving Angela. But I was so miserable. Bleh..

I cut my hair today and got it styled for my boyfriend who is too sick to come see me. Epic.. =[ Not his fault but meh. I wish he'd get better already too.. He sounds miserable. Anyway later i'll put a pic of my haircut here.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "There's my baby!"
Me: "Get your ass in bed!"
Me: "You promised!"
JoJo: "I have one thing to say to you."
JoJo: "2andahalfinches."

Question of the day:
How much did your new years eve suck?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Peanut Butter Panaceas

panacea (plural panaceas)

  1. A remedy believed to cure all disease and prolong life that was originally sought by alchemists; a cure-all.
  2. Something that will solve all problems.

P.s. - They didn't work.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I'm so stressed out and tired and just generally can't handle life right now. And I'm sick of this no card reader thing. I'm too used to just sticking the memory card in the card reader to blog. SOoOoOo yeah. Angela read me some interesting horoscopes today. HMM..

I wore my fur coat all day around the house because I was so cold. Moving on..

Jen: "What are you doing?"
Jen: "HISANA!"
Jen: "You there???"
Jen: "So Joseph I heard about your affair with Doxin."
Jen: "You're not going to say anything about it?"
Me: "This is Toby lol but that's interesting news!"
Jen: "Oh lmao omg don't tell him I told you that he would be pissed."
Me: "lol."
/Jen logs off

Mom: "SUPERMAN!!!"

Me: "I'm glad you like your keychain. =]"
JoJo: "Best gift this year :)"

Angela: "Not until she pooted."
Austin: "Not until she pooted."
Me: "Huh??"
Angela: "Naruto shippenden? Is that how you spell it? Not until she pooted."

Question of the day:
What's your horoscope say for today?

Monday, December 28, 2009


*Insert picture here*

*Insert random body paragraph here.*

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Those bastard mushrooms are sneaky."


Angela: "It FEELS like a dead animal."
Me: "Its naked not dead."

Me: "I'm not self conscious I'm paranoid.. there is a difference."
Me: "Okay you're right..I'm actually both."

Angela: "Imma make dirt angels!"

Angela: "And then I sayz.."

Question of the day:
Why do laptops suck so much?

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I will edit this later when I actually have a picture.. Like tomorrow or something. Screw you if you don't like it.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Did your mommy make fun of you for buying wow cards?"
JoJo: "No!!"

Me: "I didn't know rich people used ebay."
JoJo: "Lol."
Me: "What's your ebay name? RichyRich? CinnabonSuperhero?"
JoJo: "Your so bad!"
Me: "It's Iluv2shop isn't it? lol."
JoJo: "Fancyboots4eva."

Angela: "Just be sure to pack Just Dance and baking stuff so we look like innocent cookie baking dancers."
Me: "I don't know about you but I am a innocent cookie baking dancer."

Question of the day:
So..what are you doing thursday...?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Just Dance!

Today I went shopping with Angela, Lori and Amy. You would think after all the times they have made me go shopping with them it either wouldn't bother me anymore or I might grow to like it. But no I still hate it. The only fun part of it is driving. Oh well and I got something for JoJo. Its silly but I like it. I think he will too. I missed him so much today. He slept all day. I think he is still sleeping actually. I got some wireless nunchucks for my wiimotes. Now I can play Just Dance without hitting myself in the face or choking myself! I have been playing it ever since I got home from shopping. So now my feet and arms officially hurt like hell! I'm going to relax now and try to sleep. I am going to Cabot tomorrow and spending the night at the house. Going to try and finish packing some shit that I really need. Plus I want to see Rogue. I miss him. Hope he is doing okay. Also need to try and get my computer ready to give to Angela.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "I beat Edward on that song."
Me: "Poor Edward."
Angela: "It's ok Edward beat me on a Taylor Swift song! Haha"

Amy: "Just follow the big stick I'll use it to point to the car."

Angela: "It's 5 inches."
Lori: "That's not big enough."


Me: "This shirt is Miley Cyrus..... But I'm still getting it."

Angela: "We do have our secret moments, Karen.... /pause And that was one of them."

Me: "I scream you scream we all scream for...PIE."

Me: "I can't remember all that stuff.. Write it down or something."
Lori: "Write down..the order? Seriously?"
Angela: "Yeah I'll text it to you." /sarcastic
Me: "AH! PERFECT!" /texts it to myself

Question of the day:
Favorite kind of pie?

Friday, December 25, 2009


My Christmas started at midnight last night. When JoJo and I opened our presents over the phone. All of his gifts were thoughtful and perfect. And I've never been so happy over material things before. But not because of the materials themselves. But because a guy actually cared enough to not only buy me lots of expensive things. But pick them out himself based on what he knew of me. And he even wrapped them! Everything was so personal and sweet and perfect. I've never been so happy on Christmas before. I spent the day at Amy's house. We had Christmas dinner and played the Just Dance Wii game JoJo got me. I kick ass at it! We also opened up gifts of course. And I got some amazing gifts this year. Not just from JoJo.

Then I went to Angela's house and spent some time with her. Including more Just Dance. My legs are killing me from dancing! I need to get a wireless Wiimote so bad. Because I love this game so much and I'm actually good at it but I keep hitting myself in the face with the cord! Ah well..

Now I'm home wearing JoJo's t-shirt that he gave me. All snuggled up in my Edward blanket that Mom got me. I really want to see Joseph so bad.. Smelling him on his shirt makes me want to see him so bad. Well..soon I hope. Valentines day maybe..

I had a great Christmas. Much better than last year. Which is weird because I was expecting it to be so bad.. It was different for sure.. Not traditional. Odd and sometimes awkward. But good. Maybe I'm finally getting used to changes? Or maybe just not all changes are bad. We'll see..

The pictures of the day are my gifts from JoJo. Or at least some of them. He got me two flannel shirts from Victoria's secret, sprinkles for baking, heart shaped cookie cutters, animal cracker cookie cutters, two different cool twist and press cookie cutters, hot coco with marshmellows, the christmas classics on dvd, two of his t-shirts that smell like him and a WOVEN mink coat. I can't believe he spent so much on me. But honestly it means more to me that he cared enough to spend that much on me. And all the thought that was behind the gifts.. I'm just..I'm floored. Seriously. He is so perfect!

Btw I didn't put a picture of the fur coat in this entry because.. I want to take a picture of it when I actually am looking nice. Right now I look tired and stuff. So I'll do that later.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I don't remember ever crying because I'm so happy. So thank you JoJo.."

Me: "My werewolf boyfriend bought me a fur coat!"
Angela: "Yep!"

Me: "I have the best most caring boyfriend in the world."

Me: "No minks were harmed in the making of this coat. Just..shaved naked."

Ashley: "I love it! Now I can wear it in front of Ashley B and be like 'WHAT NOW?!'"

Zach: "Not many people can pull off this look. But I can."
Me: "I didn't know the dork look was hard to pull off. I pull it off every day."
Zach: "I didn't know dorks wore mink coats."
Me: "They do now!"

Me: "I'm going to get the fancy boots icon because I miss JoJo."
Angela: "In that case I'll get the glasses because I miss Que."

Me: "Candy wine is the best wine."

Question of the day:
How was your Christmas?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve!!!!! I had a really annoying morning. I ran around trying to accomplish things and I kept having shit happen that made me run even more late. And yeah it was just alot of bad luck. And then the roads were flooded. And all this other shit. I don't want to talk about it. Let's just say.. Angela fixed my hair and JoJo talked to me and sent me gifts. They made everything better. I spent the rest of my day at Angela's for half then at the apartment for the other half. Mom invited the Fisher's over without asking if it was okay. Yeah... Kinda annoying. It wasn't really the best Christmas Eve ever family wise. It was awkward because of the divorce and new house. And then Lori, Kevin and the kids didn't even show up. It was just...different and not the best. But JoJo, Angela and Amy at least still made it a happy day.

And I really think John liked his gift! I hope he did.. I put alot of planning and thought behind them. I went back and forth on things I wanted to get him forever before finally deciding on those two things. I got a reaction so I'm assuming he liked them. Woohoo!

The pictures of the day are of course John opening his gifts.

Now I have to go because JoJo is going to call me so we can open our gifts together at midnight..privately just how I want it. =]

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I made it!"
JoJo: "Damn I was hoping for more water :)"
t AnMe: "Ha ha..."
JoJo: "Omg Joseph omg omg oh oh oh Joseph (boing!)"
JoJo: "Epic."
Me: "Lol I'm glad my panic is exciting to you."

Angela: /looks at my mess of curls in disgust "I'll even let you use the big clippy"

Daniel: "And I knew you would get me something Batman for Christmas Karen."
Me: "Yeah why is that?"
Daniel: "Cause Batman is awesome and you are awesome!"
Me: "Aw that's the sweetest thing!"

Val: "You really have grown."

Question of the day:
Why is sparkling grape juice so addictive?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas eve eve!

Today I went to Beebe. Got a happy meal. Went to Angela's. Got a really friggin sweet and cute gift from Austin. Candy lip balms! SO sweet. One of the sweetest gifts. Then I went to Lori's house to print a coupon off that Angela needed. Went to the apartment. Angela picked me up and we went shopping. Yay... You know how I love shopping. Not really. But I still had fun even though it was the worst day to go shopping. Glad I didn't wear my fancy boots afterall. Then we went to Waffle House, where I got pie. Then Wild Catz night. Too tired to tell more. K thx bye.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Sorry I squashed your face with my boob."

Angela: "Was that a goat?"

Angela: "He likes to give me gifts from the back door."

Ashley: "Since when do you wear stylish clothes?"

Lori's friend: "What sex does your sister want?"

Question of the day:
How much have you slept this week? (Answer - 5 hours total.)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fancy Boots

So tired. Got up early today went to Beebe. Sent off JoJo's box, hopefully it gets there before Christmas. Then went to Waffle House. Then back to Cabot. Then to pick up pizza. Then to Beebe again. Then got a bunch of cool gifts from JoJo! :D INCLUDING FANCY BOOTS! Played Band Hero with Austin and Angela. And Que. I had lots of fun. But I'm so tired. Quotes of the day took forever too. Didn't want to leave anything out. I have spent too long playing WoW. I'm tired. Must go lay down. Eyes burn. Look at my fancy boots though.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "It's best to solve problems quickly."

Me: "I'll always be here for you. Whether its helping to feed your denial so your blissfully ignorant. Or telling you the blunt annoyingly hurtful truth."
Me: "That sounded less sweet than I meant it btw."

Me: "Holy crow I'm spoiled!"

Me: "I put the hype in hyper!!!!!"

Me: "What are you doing for dinner? Want me to pick up some pizza?"
Amy: "With what your looks? Although you'd probably get a few for your looks..I've got leftovers."
Me: "I've got money. Epic boyfriend remember?"
Amy: "Hahaha...whatever pleases you."

JoJo: "I keep looking at that pic of you Angela sent."
Me: "Lol why?"
JoJo: "Because you're beautiful and it makes me happy."

Alan: "The hell is wild catz night?"
Me: "When angela lori amy and i get together and drink coffee and talk."
Alan: "That's so sisterhoodofthetravelingpants of you."
Me: "Wtfever dude we INVENTED that movie."

Alan: "I mean think about it, if we were dating right now, it would be like Bella choosing Jacob, except Jacob can't change back into a human for some reason."
Alan: That's right toby."
Alan: "Dating stoner Alan is just as bad as bestiality."
Me: "Somehow i knew this."
Alan: But only in our story cus that's the characters we are.
Alan: "No other person in the universe would actually compare me to a werewolf pedofile loser who doesn't get the girl or really anything for that matter."
Me: "You never know!"
Alan: No that brand of unintentional cruelty can only come from my first love."

JoJo: "Toby is AFK anyway."
JoJo: "She's such a pain.."
Guildy in WoW: "Is she your wife?"
JoJo: "Yeah."
Guildy in WoW: "Figured."
Me: "lol."
/10 mins later
JoJo: "They gotta down those adds."
Me: "You gotta hold aggro on them."
JoJo: "Oh I had aggro."
Me: "LIES!"
JoJo: "Were any free?"
Me: "I had to feign death so I didn't die."
Guildy in WoW: "lmfao yep they are married."

Angela: "Its much funner with you over here. The boys don't play with me........ever."

Me: "That monkey came out of nowhere!"

Question of the day:
How do you like my fancy boots? :D

Monday, December 21, 2009

Popcorn and Sugar Daddy cookies

Got up early and took care of my animals and took a shower and got ready. Went to Beebe and met Amy and Lori to go shopping. Took way too long going shopping. But got JoJo something else! And he said I should buy myself something nice. So I did..even though it was like really cheap because of what I got JoJo. It was like a deal Hot Topic was doing. But hey..I like it! Its a t-shirt. I'll wear it eventually and take a picture of it. Its a World of Warcraft t-shirt. And of course the guys in Hot Topic were all YOU PLAY WOW?! WHAT SERVER?!?! And then I was just like "I'm Alliance!" And they lost interest. Easy.

We came back to Amy's house and I stayed there for longer than I planned. But I got to see Angela for a while and I had fun spending time with Amy. But I got a really late start on baking JoJo's cookies. But I refused to half ass them. So instead I just made myself extremely tired. I spent hours on those damn Sugar Daddy cookies! (See picture above) Hope he likes them.. I mean they probably won't look as awesome as they did when I put them in the box.. Lets face it..sugar cookies are the worst cookie you could ever pick to ship. But that's why I took pictures. And hopefully they will at least still taste good. With the extreme lengths I went to for the frosting and the recipe for the cookies themselves I hope they are.. I switched it up alot to try and make it better. I'M NERVOUS! I'm nervous about everything I got him. I hope he likes it all. Because I really want to make him happy. He makes me so happy. And he gets me such great things. I don't want him to have the raw end of this relationship.

Told Mom we were dating today speaking of which. She said "Isn't he the guy that is 35? Pfft he is way out of your league." EPIC. That helps my self esteem on the situation so much!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Did you accept it!!??"
JoJo: "All I see is you devirginized me"

JoJo: "Your dad smoke?"
Me: "Nope why?"
JoJo: "Have some really good cigars."
Me: "John likes cigars every once in a while. Kevin and hank too. But they don't smoke all the time."
JoJo: "Ok I'll send some opus x for them."
Me: "Lol ok santa."
JoJo: "Psh I like you I gotta be nice to your dad."
Me: "Relationship confirmed btw."

JoJo: "I'll send you one of my fancy shirts I like to wear :)"
Me: "Lol a fancy shirt to sleep in?"
JoJo: "I'll send two :)"

Me: "I seriously pray every day that Angela will fall in love with somebody that will fall in love with her and take care of her. Or at least have the balls to admit that he is in love with her. And no I don't think its wrong to pray for that."

Me: "If I were your t-shirt what size would I be?"
JoJo: "L"
Me: "K just wonderin.."

Angela: "Then we went to the store with purple heart lights.. And bought some things."
Me: "And you came home and used it?"
Adam: "Popcorn??"

Amy: "Have fun with the popcorn."
Adam: "Yeah have fun with the...WAIT she already used it!"

Question of the day:
Do you like popcorn?

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Woke up. Felt shitty. Went to Beebe. Got my desk, bed and TV stand put together at the apartment thanks to John. But didn't have time to bake cookies for JoJo.. Gonna HAVE to do that tomorrow. Went to Waffle House with John and the kids. Went to Wal-Mart and got hit on by a guy that looked like a gay guy. Then went home and talked to JoJo. And I still don't feel good and I'm tired. And I'm going shopping tomorrow with Lori and Amy. And I have to bake. And I'm going over to Angela's. Hope I'm up for all of that.

Picture of the day is my sexy computer on my small desk that really wasn't made for a badass computer like this. a bit. But its so pretty. I love blue glowy stuff.

Quotes of the day:
John: "Amy is better at screwing than you. She has had more practice."

Me: "It won't fit in the hole!"
Me: "That's what she said.."

Me: "There is no such too much waffle house."

Me: "He isn't like the cool..redecorate your house and cook a three course meal for you gay. He is like the creepy I like to stare at you in weird ways gay."

Random guy in Wal-Mart: "You're hot are you legal?"
Me: "/disgusted look "No I'm 12." /runs away

JoJo: "You're always so cold. If I was there I could keep you warm. I'm always warm to the touch."
Me: /cracks up laughing
JoJo: "What?"
Me: "You sure you haven't read Twilight? Because that's a werewolf thing."
JoJo: "It is?"
Me: "Yeah their body temperature is always 108. You ARE a werewolf.."

JoJo: "So why don't you like sleeping?"
Me: "Bad dreams.."
JoJo: "We are going to have to fix that."
Me: "I don't think its fixable."
JoJo: "It is. When we meet I'll fix it. You'll see, I know how."
Me: "How?"
JoJo: "Its a werewolf thing."

Question of the day:
How many times have you gone to Waffle House in the past month?

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Woke up today drove to Beebe. Baked cookies with the kids. Went to Amy's for lunch. Had some of John's AMAZING ribs and sweet potato fries. Stayed there and helped Amy with Danny's monkey christmas birthday party. Then I went to Knight's and got some flour for tomorrow. I'm going to be baking JoJo's sugar daddy cookies. =]

Then I went home and I talked to JoJo. And I'm still talking to him. And I forced him to make a facebook. And I had a great time today! But I'm going to go and keep talking to him and then go to sleep. Today was TIRING. By the way. The picture of the day is Danny and his friend Abbey. I swear those two kids are going to grow up and get married or something! And the second picture is of all the kids after we baked cookies. Good times.

Quotes of the day:
Amy's friend (I think David): "So does your boyfriend sparkle?"
Me: "No boyfriend is a werewolf."

Me: "Happy birthday Danny! Do you feel older?"
Danny: "Yeah I can do this." /does a random dance/karate move
Me: "That's quiet impressive I can see how that makes you older."

Ashley: "What do you call a tired Edward?"
Adam: "BEDWARD!"

Zach: "You're ridiculous."
Me: "AHHHHH YOU SAID THE SECRET WORD!" /jumps around waving arms
Zach: /starring at me like I'm crazy
Me: "Okay see..if you were like 10 years older.. You would be cracking up right now."

JoJo: "I only eat a few things... I gotta diet."
Me: "Don't diet! I like your big hands and arms!!"

Me: "I love you!"
JoJo: "Love you rainbow bright."

Me: "Make a facebook!!"
JoJo: "WHAT??"
Me: "Pleaseeeee!"
JoJo: "I don't get were glad I didn't have a facebook. You didn't want me to talk to your family. Then you had me on speakerphone saying fancy boots. And now you want me to make a facebook."
Me: "Yes, I'm confusing. You'll get used to that."

JoJo: "So what happens if Bella falls in love with a werewolf?"
Me: "Tons of team Jacob fans rejoice."

JoJo: "Now every person in the USA will be forced to pay (a dollar a month) for abortions."
JoJo: "Epic fail."
Me: "You have no idea how much that pisses me off. No idea."
JoJo: "Me too.. I don't want my money used to abort kids."

Question of the day:
How do you feel about the health shit that Obama is trying to pass?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Furry Boots

Today I saw Adam, Daniel and Caleb. And I also got Daniel's birthday present for tomorrow. And some black furry boots. Not fancy boots.. furry boots. Though I wouldn't mind some fancy ones either. They aren't as gay as I previously assumed. I also wrapped Daniel's present. And talked to JoJo alot. But not nearly enough. I also randomly styled my hair out of boredom? OH GOD! AAAAAALLLLIIIIIICE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!

All the quotes of the day are going to be perverted. Fair warning.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "I wanna see you naked."
Me: "You're drunk, give me your keys."
Angela: "Hahaha so. Wanna fuck?"
Me: "I'll have to pass on that as well."
Angela: "Oh man. I'm disappointed."

Angela: "Naked pictures?"
Me: "Oh my god. Leave me alone! Go fuck Que!"

Me: "Big hand."

Angela: "In HIS butt!!!!"

JoJo: "I have your present in my hand!!!!!"
Me: "Is your hand in your pants?"

Me: "Can you just give me a hint?"
JoJo: "Sure."
JoJo: "Its very pretty."
JoJo: "It'll make you think of me."
JoJo: "You might love it."
JoJo: "You might hate it."
JoJo: "Its not large."
Me: "There goes the hand in pants theory then. Zing!"

Question of the day:
Favorite hair style? (PIG TAILS!)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Lion

Nothing important happened today really. Or at least I didn't do anything important. But I talked to JoJo, Amy, Angela and even Lori today. Though only 5 mins with Lori. And only because she wanted to know about the thing saturday. But whatever. Meanwhile I still have a migraine and I am tired. So I'm going to bed. I'm going to be doing stuff at the apartment tomorrow though. Yay? MEH!

Picture of the day is my Lion Edward! He is a musician, likes pizza and baseball and is seriously just the real Edward in Lion form. PERRRRRFECT. Oh and I gave him a bouffant. Yep.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "A murse."

Me: "Them some fancy ass boots. They don't look as gay as I thought they would."

Angela: "14.5 shoes!!!!!!"
Me: "Clown feet."

Angela: "So warm. Feels like a werewolf around my neck."

Amy: "Btw if you ever elope with Santajo at least hire a photographer."

Question of the day:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Very Merry Wild Catz Christmas

I am way too tired to say everything I want to say right now. So I will continue talking about tonight..tomorrow. But for now.. I LOVE ALL MY PRESENTS! THANK YOU SO MUCH ANGELA, AMY AND LORI! THEY ARE GREAT!

I had so much fun tonight. I loved giving gifts and receiving them. But the best gift that was given to me tonight..was the gift of my family accepting the most important guy in my life. JoJo is so important to me. I love him so much. And I'm glad my family finally knows that and isn't bothered by it. Because their opinion means alot to me. And so does he. So I'm excited and happy that it all worked out. Even though I was highly embarrassed tonight. Probably the most embarrassed I've ever been, because of that phone call with JoJo and ALL the Wild Catz.. But it was still the best Wild Catz night EVER! Great sweets, great fun, great times.

Okay.. So.. Too many pics to post. So I'm just going to post the first picture that I myself took. And its Angela! You're welcome Angela. I know how you like being posted on the interwebz. Consider it another gift, from Bella to Alice, with much love. ;D

Oh and a random pic of my shoes I didn't mean to take lulz.

Jingle bells..werewolves smell, vampires sparkle in the sun..when wild catz get together for christmas its alot of fun..hey!

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "I love you."
Me: "I love you more!"
JoJo: "I love you more than sparkly vampires."
Me: "GASP!"
Me: "That's alot!"

Lori: "Its barely covering your vajayjay."
Me: /frog face

Me: "Lotion obsession!!!!!"

Me: "You just want sugar cookies? That's it!?"
JoJo: "It's what I like."
JoJo: "You really gonna make me buy a Volvo?"
Me: "Lol it's what I like. Pwned by your own phrase."

JoJo: "I haven't seen you this happy in a long time :)"
Me: "You make me happy."
Me: "And I'm happy that maybe my family realizes that and accepts that."


JoJo: "One can silver glitter added to shopping list..."

JoJo: "Edward drives a Volvo? A silver one? No wonder.."
Me: "I liked Volvo's before that.. It just made me like them more. And in silver."
Me: "You'd understand me more if you just sucked it up and watched the movies and read the books."

Question of the day:
Soooo.. Did you enjoy Wild Catz Christmas?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Proud werewolf owner

Went to Wal-Mart today. Got all the stuff I need for the Very Merry Wild Catz Christmas tomorrow night! I did laundry all day. I wrapped gifts. And I got another thing for JoJo. As seen in picture above. I'm going to make it into a keychain in a little while. But I'm going to finish wrapping gifts first. Because I will be busy tomorrow baking! Yay! Okay..let's see what else happened that was important today? Oh yeah.. The first picture might seem random but it's not. I worked my ass off to get that Pug puppy in WoW. It took DAYS. But I finally got it today. Much to JoJo's relief. You had to do 100 random heroic instances to get it. And I must have done like 30 Occulus heroics for it. And that place blows. I kept forcing JoJo to help me with it lol. But he hated it so today while he was busy making zillions of dollars (a bit of a exaggeration) I finished up the heroics I needed. And it was HELL. But look at him! He is so cute! Okay.. I think that's everything. Though it seems like I did a shit ton of stuff today. I'm just glad I got out of the damn house today. And tomorrow I'm also getting out of the house! Yay! So excited about tomorrow! Can't wait to give gifts and see happy faces! YAY! CHRISTMAS RULES!

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "We both wanna see you naked."

Angela: "A solid goooooooold shirt!"

Me: "Stop giggling and help me out here lol!"

Angela: "Tastes yummy but it's spoonable."
Me: "Must resist urge to say that's what she said.."
Angela: "Hahaha it is something I would say."

Angela: "Lol. A pack!"
Me: "Not a wolf pack.. Sadly. But a pack of 2 boxes lol."

Question of the day:
What is the main thing you asked for for Christmas?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Jacoblk is a Druid


P.s. The picture of the day is part of Angela's present. Not the flash drive itself but something that is on it that I am going to print off.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Big hands!!!!! Just noticed that! D:"
Angela: "Oh I noticed that."
Me: "I bet you did!"

Angela: "I'm always up for looking at cute werewolves. Loti."

Amy: "I don't know why is funnier that my 7 year old wants to be a vampire or that he thinks that they're the good guys."
Me: "He must be a Cullen."

Angela: "Hair. Check. Toe nails. Check. Fingernails. Kicking my ass."

Angela: "It's so sensitive to touch."
Me: "That's what she said!"

Me: "I'm in a WoW group with somebody named Jacoblk."
Me: "And he is a cat form.. Go figure.."

Angela: "We never learned the blood elf dance!!!!"
Me: "Oh noes!!!!!!!"

Me: "But she is still a boy."
Angela: "But so pretty. I want my dike gf to be beautiful."

Question of the day:
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like JoJo? (Yep..I'm doing a poll.)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Haul weigh sewn mime hind

I had a very confusing and complicated day.. Too much to explain. In other news..I am finally starting to feel better. Still coughing and sneezing alot but getting better. Not going to chance it by not taking nyquil tonight though.

So Angela has been using Spanish as her super secret language. I realized I need my own super secret language for today's blog title. I can't use Spanish because that's Angela's.. So instead I am using something that can't be translated. It has to be FIGURED OUT! AH HA! Tricky tricky! Its Mad Gab language. If you have ever played Mad Gab you'll understand. You just have to say it over and over again until you figure out what you are saying. Or fail miserably and never figure it out. Bwhahahaha! Here is an example in case you're slow, or don't know the game -

Gnome Ore Deers = No more tears

The picture of the day is the pattern on my camo pants. I don't fit into them anymore and since I'm now at the weight I am suppose to be..and shouldn't ever weigh less.. I'm going to say goodbye to the camo pants.. Goodbye camo ass hardly knew ye.. /pout

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Haha my mom txt me and I thought it was you. I asked if she was in the poison again. No response."

Me: "Knowing mexicans there are like 50 of them under there."

John: "New Moon is still the best."

Me: "I don't know why I was still in love with Patty. I guess because I hate change. And I've been in love with him since I was 15. But he isn't the same person I was in love with. I'm not in love with him anymore."

Question of the day:
Favorite language? (Also..did you figure out what the title means? =])

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Crazy bitches

I don't feel like typing. So I'm going to sum up my day here.. I played with JoJo in WoW most of the day. I felt really sick. I coughed alot and sneezed even more. I took this nyquil off brand stuff Angela gave me. My eyes are all blurry and have been all day. And Angela and I are both crazy bitches. And I can't wait for our Very Merry Wild Catz Night. But I hope I'm feeling well by then. Also..SNL tonight was hilarious. I think that about sums it up. Moving on..

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "I've found that when a woman is upset it's best to just comfort her."
JoJo: "It's better if she figures things out for herself."

Angela: "I'm a crazy bitch!"
Me: "Lol its all good. I am too."
Angela: "Glad to be crazy with you Bella!"

Me: "He is like your own brand of heroin."

Angela: "I'm almost done shopping for everyone."
Me: "Epic dude. But what will Alice do when her shopping is done? lol"

Question of the day:
Favorite chick flick?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Not Saturday

I AM STILL SICK GRRRR. In other news my sonic drink has a tater tot elf on it...and he says "Deck their mouths with cheese and chili." And I can't help but think..that's perverted. What do you think? Do you think that's perverted? Or have I just been spending too much time with JoJo and other guys?

I thought today was Saturday ALL day. But then SNL wasn't on and I was like WTF? Then I realized hey its Friday! Which explained alot actually. Okay, I'm tired. In case you were wondering though..the cookies in the picture. Taste good but weird. Like minty..but I guess that should be expected. But it wasn't great with coke. Drink it with milk.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "Lol trevor says your family gonna hate me lol."
Me: "Why would he say that?"
JoJo: "Hmm I wonder."
Me: "I don't want them to hate you!"
JoJo: "They won't he just thinks your Christmas gift is epic."
Me: "Oh shit. What did you do!!!!!"
JoJo: "Noneya."
Me: "/pout"
JoJo: "It ain't Christmas yet I'm not gonna spoil it!!!"
Me: "Just give me a hint."
JoJo: "People will be jealous."

JoJo: "She only made me cookies because I'm rich. But I gave them to Trevor I thought you would like that."
Me: "Yeah, I'm going to make you cookies because I love ya and that's what I do I make cookies. Imma cookie maker!"

JoJo: "Whatever blows your skirt up."
Me: "You know you got me saying that.. And I actually don't like that phrase."

Me: "DAYAM! That's how you type it in black talk. So I've been told."

Me: "Man, I suck."
Jen: "That's like that."
Me: ""

Question of the day:
Favorite color? (Its one of those questions everybody asks. But I haven't asked it.)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tissue for my issue

Sneezing, coughing, sniffling, sore throat, watery eyes, can't sleep. That pretty much sums up my day. I played WoW. And slept. That's it. I missed Zach's concert thing. I feel bad about it. But what can you do? I am on my third box of tissues.

Nyquil time.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "It's just one of those days."
Me: "I noticed."

JoJo: "You just need more private JoJo time."
Me: "I always need that."

JoJo: "He is gay, hun."
Me: "You think every guy I think is hot is gay. So really you better look out.. You might turn gay soon."

Question of the day:
How exactly do you measure your stress level?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I went to Waffle House with Angela and Austin tonight. And we had Wild Catz night.. But I didn't stay very long at all. And I knew I wouldn't. Still feeling too shitty. But I did have fun while it lasted! And I can't wait for Wild Catz Christmas next Wed. But I'm so tired and I feel so sick right now I'm going to go lay down. So this was an uber short blog entry. Oh wellz.

Fail pic of the day because I forgot to take a picture until I pulled up in the driveway.

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "Hun you are the LEAST bitchy woman I have EVER known."
Me: " really haven't known me for that long have you."

Me: "Do you still like werewolves? Just wonderin.. Not gonna get you one or anythin.."
Angela: "Ahhhh mean!"


Me: "You got a cat?"
Ashley: "Yeah. Her name is Alice Cullen."
Me: "Nice. I'm sure Angela will feel honored."

Austin: "He is hiding his man bush!"

Question of the day:
Favorite kind of car?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hunter with a temper

I was sick all day. But Amy and the kids came back later and brought pizza and the kids watched Christmas cartoons and Daniel sat on my lap while I played WoW with JoJo. Because the new patch came out today, with all the new instances. When it was time for them to go Daniel was so upset that I took him off my lap and told him he was about to leave that he cried. And he wouldn't let Amy take him out of my hands until she mentioned going home to play the Wii. I felt really bad. That was pretty much it for my day. Spending the rest of it playing WoW then nyquiling up for bed. later!

P.s. Pictures of the day Are Adam and Daniel.. duh.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Well then what's small?"
Jen: "Anything under 6 inches. Might as well cut it off and pickle it cause its useless."
Me: "Oh..alright."
Jen: "How do you not know this? Aren't you 20 something?"
Me: "22."
Jen: "Are you saying you are a 22 year old cute looking virgin?"
Me: "Yeah."
Jen: "Well at least feel him through the pants so you know he's not mini!"
Me: "I'll keep that in mind."

Jen: "You look like a cute little gnome in real life. With the smooth little face and big eyes."
Jen: "Only not as short..or with big ears."
Jen: "Like a fairy like Tinkerbell but taller."
Me: "Now I'm a fairy."
Jen: "Pamela Anderson but hotter."
Me: "Now that is insulting."
Jen: "Okay you look like a hunter with a bad temper."
Jen: "The arrows in my ass cheek prove it."
Me: "Much better."

Me: "Hint whore!"
Angela: "And that's the only kind of WHORE I am."

Angela: "Ha and I bet he seriously didn't think i'd answer either question!"
Me: "Lol probably not!"
Angela: "He shouldn't ever underestimate the bond between a Bella and Alice."
Me: "I know right!"

JoJo: "I just want you to be happy. You know that's why I sent you the computer. You were frustrated with your crappy one and I had the means to get you a new one. I just want to fix what I can. I have no motives, nothing, just want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy."

Question of the day:
Favorite soda? (DON'T SAY DIET COKE!)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Geeked out

I have felt sick all day. Coughing and sneezing and a runny nose and fever. John gave me whatever he has I think. So I pretty much was just miserable all day. And then eventually I went to the apartment and JoJo helped me get my computer up and running. I was getting frustrated and then JoJo called me and he figured it out really fast. Apparently John forgot to plug in the graphics card lol. So..anyway..I got my computer up and running and I was thinking about naming it Edward since this computer I'm on right now the gateway is named Bella. Though I didn't name it after Bella from Twilight actually. I just really liked the name. It was complete irony that the name would later fit my life alot. But alas, I decided why not name it after the person that bought it? JoJo it is!

Now I'm back at the old house. And I'm starving and feeling really sick. Hank has already rearranged the whole living room.. Weird. And he is overly excited about there being only one coke left in the fridge..

The picture of the day is my bag of sweettarts that I have been eating like crazy. They aren't really helping my throat much.. I need halls or something but I really can't stand the taste of halls.

Okay..not many quotes of the day. I didn't talk to many people today since I didn't feel good. And I don't feel like typing tons of stuff anyway. Move along..

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I thought I figured it out but I didn't so now I'm just frustrated! I thought it was the monitor but I can't fix it."
JoJo: "Relax sweetheart. We'll figure it out. I bet I know what it is.. Did he plug in the graphics card?"
Me: "Oh..nope. FAIL. Oh well.. give him a break he hasn't seen alot of new technology. And I haven't even seen any graphic cards that have to be plugged in."

John: "So..I got geeked out by SantaJo."

Question of the day:
Favorite fast food place?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Computer blues

I spent all day with Amy, John and the kids. We had lunch together then went to K-Mart so Amy could pick up her layaway. When we got home I convinced John to put my computer together. He barely got started when he said "I need thermal grease." Amy and I raced to radio shack to try and make it back in time for him to finish putting it together before he had to go to church. But we didn't make it. So I packed up all the parts and shoved them in my car, as it conveniently rained. And then followed Amy to her house. All just to find out on my way there when JoJo called me, that I in fact didn't need the grease. Because the computer part that Joseph bought me as it already on it. OOPS! Then John followed me to the apartment and we put the computer together there. Or rather I bugged him while he put it together. But I stupidly forgot to bring to the keyboard. So I left the apartment and JoJo called me complaining that he should have called and walked us through it. Men.. They all think they know everything.

Now I'm home and playing WoW with Jojo. But I'm trying to convince him to just call me so I can lay down in my warm bed and stop getting frustrated with the fact that I'm still playing on my old computer. And not my new fancy one. The good news is..before we realized we couldn't download windows 7 without a keyboard..I GOT TO SEE IT ON! And the LED blue lights are AWESOME!!!!! :D

The picture of the day by the way, is of Caleb. Cutest baby everrrrrr!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Its okay I told him you were a geek."
John: "Apparently not geek enough."
Me: "Not as geek as him.."

John: "So what's his name?"
Me: "Joseph but I call him JoJo."
John: "But I'm not you."
Me: "Right so call him Joseph."

Me: "If cookie is know what.. Then sweettarts is to boobs... Think about it!"
Angela: "I love his cookies mmm."

JoJo: "I'm frozen."
Me: "Poor Jojo!"
JoJo: "I know!! I'm a meat popsicle!!!"
Me: "Can I lick? lol"
JoJo: " :) You're epic... I was in the middle of texting you "wanna lick?" You're just too good."

Me: "My sister had a dream about you ahahaha!"

Question of the day:
Are you good with computers?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cookie swap

I woke up today and got ready to go to a cookie swap at Amy's church. It was fun and I ate alot of good cookies. Then we went to McDonald's and we met Ronald McDonald there..he was pretty terrifying. He gave Adam and Daniel stickers that said "I met Ronald." And both Adam and Daniel insisted on putting the stickers on my jacket. Then we went to the J-ville library and had cookies (again!) and coco and watched Christmas cartoons while we waited for the J-ville parade to start. At the library there was a older man dressed sorta like Santa. Even though Daniel and Adam don't believe in Santa, Daniel insisted that this guy was the "christmas guy" which is what he calls Santa. So Amy and Daniel got a picture taken with him. It was cute. The parade was fun but long and I froze my butt off. (I can say that now that I somewhat have a butt to freeze off!) So basically my day was great!

That is until I got home and realized that my niece had given me lice. I wasn't even going to say this on here because it grosses me out so much. I had never had lice before so I freaked the heck out. It was by far my most girly moment ever. Three and half hours and three and a half bottles of lice shampoo later...I don't have lice anymore but it was the most annoying thing I have ever had to do. Changing my sheets, trying to get all that stuff in my long ass hair, cleaning my brushes, etc etc. It was annoying. And I'm still grossed out at the thought. But what can you do? I mean..when you spend as much time as I do with Ashley and was bound to happen I suppose. Lori didn't get it, wonder why?

The picture of the day is a picture I took at the parade. I don't know why I like it so much but I think its because of the use of colors. Moving on..

Quotes of the day:
Me: "NO! Nobody can swap those cookies! That's my Sugar Daddy and werewolf cookie! Swifer no swapping!!!!!" /waves arms around frantically

Me: "Crying over something like was the most girly moment I have ever had and probably will ever have."

Hank: "NO!! Don't lose that mug! It's my only mug!"

Me: "I should cut my hair really short again."
JoJo: "NO!!!!"
Me: "Why not?"
JoJo: "Don't like short hair on girls :)"
Me: "But I look okay with short hair."
JoJo: "Yeah I guess I could chop mine off too... Get a military do."
Me: "NO!!!!"

Me: "My nose is red =["
JoJo: "You can lead santas sleigh!"

Daniel: "Mommy!" /points to the guy that looks like santa

Adam: /pointing to a cake ball "THERE IS CHOCOLATE IN THIS!"

Me: "Those guys are wearing snuggies!"
Adam: "What??? Where are the snuggles?!"
Me: "Snuggies! Not snuggles!" /cracks up laughing "What's with you and infomercials anyway?"

Question of the day:
How was your day?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Not my gumdrop buttons!

Today I went to Amy's house and made cookies for the cookie swap at Amy's church tomorrow. I made gingerbread men and women. It turned out to be a big project. But I had fun doing it. I made a vampire gingerbread man (last pic) and let Adam eat it. I made a Sugar Daddy gingerbread man (second pic) complete with fancy boots! And of course Jojo in wolf form too! I had to use green for his eye because none of the other colors were working right and there was no brown. /pout And of course the first picture is the not my gumdrop buttons picture. You know..Shrek.. Come on!!

Okay so I spent all day making cookies until I was extremely tired. I got McDonald's on my way home. Came home, took a bubble bath, got in my PJs, now I'm writing this and waiting for Jojo to get in WoW. But I'm going to try and actually sleep tonight since the cookie swap is at 10 in the morning. Ehhh!

Quotes of the day:
Amy: "You should make them thicker."
Me: "Yeah they aren't good thin."
Amy: "That's what she said!"

Amy: "It's stuck."
Me: "That's what she said!"

John: "You know these are for church right?"

JoJo: "They're trying to mooch your sugar daddy!"
Me: "Mooch or smooch?"

Amy: "This isn't the right consistency. Its runny."
Me: "That's what...she said..?"

Question of the day:
If you were a gingerbread cookie..what would you look like?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Presents from Sugar Daddy Part 2

I woke up this morning and the first thing I had to do was put on lotion. I then realized..HEY.. Angela has changed me! It's true I'll never like shopping. And I'll probably never like make up even if I start using it. But I am starting to like lotion and the idea of body splash is looking more and more interesting. Nail polish will probably never be appealing unless its black though. And I'm not sure about other girly things. Especially when make up is so confusing to me. But hey that's alot of change. And all because of Angela. See what having your own personal Alice does?! CRAZY!

I went through my clothes some today. I just get so a.d.d. when doing things like that. I don't know. It went from going through my clothes to..deciding I need to wash all my dirty clothes before I actually go through my clothes. And then that turned into me deciding I need to figure out what kind of cookies I'm going to make. And then while I was trying to decide that..I hear a honk outside. I run to go answer it (in boxer shorts, big mistake it was cold outside) and it was the UPS guy giving me another box from Jojo! This had a gaming mouse in it THE EXACT ONE I WANTED! No idea how he knew that. And a bunch of other top of the line parts for my computer plus a random t-shirt lol. The t-shirt came with the mouse and its huuuuuuge. It swallows me whole. But oh well. I can't believe how much he spent on me. At least a thousand dollars. AT LEAST. That's insane to me. INSANE! I am so happy though. Its so nice and so great. And I love it all so much!

I then played WoW with him for a little while before we both decided we were bored with it. And we talked on the phone for two hours until he had to go to sleep because he has business meetings tomorrow. But he is going to get off early so I'll be able to play WoW with him more tomorrow! I'm excited. He has been pretty busy all week. And I think I'm going to hook up my new monitor tomorrow at least. AT LEAST. I just can't all this new stuff just starring at me waiting to be used! But right now I'm sleepy and cold. So back to my loft! /batcave theme song

P.s. Angela - I am giving you my old computer if you still want it. As soon as I can get all my stuff off of it, and restore it. But you'll need to get a new mouse and a new keyboard. (Christmas idea maybe?)

Quotes of the day:
UPS guy: "Is this from the same friend?"
Me: "YEAH!"
UPS guy: "Huh..nice friend!"

Me: "I just realized this computer monitor is bigger than my tv! Holy shit!!!!!"
JoJo: "Lol hook it up. It's a top of the line one."

Me: "You're never going to let this poison thing go are you?"
JoJo: "I'm sorry it's just funny to me."
Me: "Well its funny to me that you have more than 20 cars and you don't own a damn volvo."
JoJo: "Sweety, it's because I own a porsche."
Me: "Volvo's are better than porsche's."
JoJo: /gasp
Me: "Yeah I said it."

Me: "I hate to break the news but...I'll never like shopping."
Angela: ":-D I'll like it enough for both of us."
Me: "You already do Alice.. You already do."

JoJo: "I'm different I don't fit in any molds."
Me: "Well that's why I like you."

JoJo: "I found out my sister is a Twilight freak. She read all the books and stuff."
Me: "Great! Now you can borrow them from her and read them!"
JoJo: "Hun, I can't read. I'm just a farm boy from Alabama."

JoJo: "So why am I werewolf?"
Me: "Because! You're Indian.. You have a pony tail.. You're tan.. You're Indian."
JoJo: "And all werewolves belong to Angela?"
Me: "No. not really. Because Alan is werewolf and he belongs to me. And you belong to me and you're a werewolf. But she does like her some werewolves."

JoJo: "I'm thirty-five and I'm not married.
Me: "Yeah but you have a little boy."
JoJo: "I got lucky with my lil boy. You're only twenty-two, you've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't rush things."

Question of the day:
What are you werewolf, vampire or human? (Human soon to be vampire!)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tramatized by Alex Skarsguard

I pretty much did nothing eventful today. That is until later on in the afternoon when I went to Beebe and Angela, Austin and I went to Waffle House. Then we went back to her house and had Wild Catz night. What did Wild Catz night consist of, you ask? Well I'll sum it up for you -

Twilight Venom
Fake eggs
Blue balls
Alexander Skarsguard
World of Warcraft dancing
Brittney Spears
Chad Vader
The badger song
Perverted jokes

Of course other things were discussed. But those were the main topics. I must say..the Alexander topic was the most disturbing. I don't really care to "revisit" I'll just say it involved a very disturbing/traumatizing image of him in the shower. My eyes will burn for the rest of my life.

In other news - I am officially pissed off that my carpet is NOT coming in tomorrow like it's suppose to. And is instead being DELIVERED Wednesday of next week. I am not looking forward to moving into the new apartment that much. But I do want to fucking get it over with. I wanted to put my carpet down tomorrow and get my furniture set up AND MY COMPUTER so I could start moving in completely. I don't see the point in taking my new computer out of the box getting John to come here to set it up just so I can undo it and rebox it to move it to the apartment and get him to set it up again. That's silly. But I want to put it together already! I can't wait a week! SIGH! And on top of that! We don't have internet at the apartment yet! And Mom wants to start sleeping over there by FRIDAY. And I refuse to do that because I am not going to put my furniture together until I have carpet down. How stupid would it be to put all my furniture together and then move it all when I get carpet? But I don't relish the idea of staying at the house when Mom is at the apartment with MY car. GRRRR.

I forgot to take a picture at Waffle House like I planned on doing. So my picture of the day is me in my car after I got home and realized I hadn't taken a picture. Its okay though because my scarf is in the picture! I love my scarf! Its so cuddly.

Angela helped me get Amy and Lori's christmas gift. THANKS ANGELA! Couldn't have done that without ya!

Toxic by Brittney Spears (also known to WoW players as the Female Blood Elf dance.)

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "I realized something today. YOU are getting me through the winter. Through the depression. I'm half way through and I'm going to be ok."
Me: "Yay! What I got you for Christmas should help too. Oooo a hint!"
Angela: "Ohhh how did you get Rx drugs!! Lol."
Me: "Rofl well shit you figured it out."


Angela: "We need to have a rehearsal and do this in two weeks."

Me: "You're making her drink!"
JoJo: "Have you guys been in poison again?"
Me: "No! That was one time and it was a accident!"

Me: "HEY AUSTIN! Your Mom says you can put the blue balls back under the tree!"
Austin: "Oh my gosh...." /shaking his head

There was really way too many quotes of the day tonight. I should just stop here. Oh and I can't remember an exact quote on this.. But the dude at Waffle House said I'm moody tonight. Which is crazy because I was in a good mood. And I don't think my good mood resembles my bad mood at all.. /shrug He is the same guy that called me emo the last time I was in there. Whatever dude you work at Waffle House and don't have teeth. And you bother your customers. Screw you!

Question of the day:
Why am I the only girl I know that finds Robert Pattinson to be drop dead gorgeous? Oh well more for me!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Presents from Sugar Daddy

Jojo bought me a brand new gaming computer with a 24" monitor and windows 7. I have never got such an expensive gift before. It makes me feel really bad that I won't be able to spend that much money on him. But he says money gifts don't mean much to him. So maybe my gift will because I put thought behind it. But this gift means so much to me. I'm so happy. And not just because its an amazing gift..but because he cares enough to buy me something like this. And now I can keep playing WoW with him! He even said he really didn't think of it as a Christmas gift and that he just wanted to solve my computer problem. Its really the nicest thing ever. I am really glad he cares for me that much. I really care for him too.

I feel bad for him because he is constantly defined by his money. Why is it that rich people are defined that way? I mean people don't look at me and say "Oh she is poor..she must be a horrible person not worthy of my time." Or at least I don't think they do. So I don't get why people would look at him and think him being rich means anything different. Sure it means he has nice things but that means nothing really. Its shocking that people think such things. People I would have never thought would judge others like that. But honestly, I don't care what they think of it. Its not ruining my happiness over it. He is a really nice guy who likes me as a friend and wants me to be happy. I know it for what it is. So I don't care what others think they know what it is. Because they are wrong. And if they can't just be happy for me for having such a nice great friend rich or not..then I honestly don't give a fuck. So all their little snide comments about him wanting something more from me. Or me not being enough for a millionaire to be interested in. Or whatever.. Its all just humorous to me. So go ahead. Make your little comments. Jojo and I will be laughing at you later about it.

P.s. The sugar daddy thing is actually really funny and he made a character in WoW called Sugardaddy. It's pretty hilarious.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I'm freaking ouuuuutttt! lol!"

Mom: "What's all of this?"
Mom: "What??"
Me: "Is my name on this?"
UPS guy: "Karen?"
UPS guy: "So this is the right house then?"
Mom: "Yeah..apparently her friend got this for her."
UPS guy: "Wow..wish I had friends like that!"

Mom: "This guy has more money than brains apparently!"

Mom: "This is insane! How old is this guy again?"

Mom: "Well now you can give me your old computer."
Me: "Psh you have a new laptop."
Mom: "Well then Amy."
Me: "She has a new laptop. I'm giving it to somebody who really needs it."
Mom: "Zach then."
Me: "He doesn't need it and that's not fair. And seriously..are we having this conversation right now? I just got a new computer and you're already trying to pawn off my old one. I'm going to go be excited about my new computer now." /leaves the room

Amy: "You really DO have a sugar daddy!"

Me: "I seriously should have given him the gift I got him first.."
Amy: "Its the thought that counts right?"
Me: "I sure hope so!"

Austin: "Can I have your friend?"

Hank: "So..she finally got a boyfriend?"
Mom: "I don't know. I don't think so."
Hank: "And he has money..well..she is smart."

Hank: "Why would a millionaire be interested in her?"

Amy: "Well I'm happy for you. I'm glad you're friends with someone who has money to share and is generous with it. I'd buy you your own place if i could afford it. Someplace in the country somewhere..a sanctuary for all strays.."

JoJo: "I'm glad you're happy."
Me: "So happy."

Me: "I hope you understand that I love you for you and not your money."
JoJo: "I do :)"

Question of the day:
What makes a person so bitter that they automatically think the worst of everybody they don't even know?