Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rest In Pieces

I was searching through my recipes the other day when I noticed this one. I'm pretty sure I stole the name from that song called Rest In Pieces by Saliva, though I like it since the recipe calls for Reese's Pieces. Har har. When I saw the recipe I figured it would be good for today. Since today was Papa's funeral, I don't know it seemed like a good tribute to him. (Too bad they were so sicking sweet it made Angela gag lulz!) I got up took a shower fed the animals and all that then I went to Wal-Mart and got the stuff I would need to bake my cookies. When I came home and baked them, I sat down with my cookies and a coke and I wrote a letter to Papa. Later I went outside and I sat down and read the letter outloud. I then tore it up and let it blow away. I am still disappointed I wasn't able to go to his funeral. I really wanted to and I don't fully understand why my Mom was so adamant about me not going. I thought I would have to go there and be at the funeral to get the closure I needed. But I talked to Patty about it and he said "As corny as it sounds have your own 'funeral' for him." And as corny as it sounds it worked. Thanks Patty.

I went to Wild Cat night but everybody backed out but me. Amy was tired and had two sick kids and Lori had to work late. Oh and Angela fell asleep and kept kicking me lol. I'm used to people falling asleep around me though, I am boring! But its okay she woke up and we still got to laugh alot and I got to tell her "THE STORY." Its funny because she acted like it was so dire to hear, then I forgot until the last minute and told her and she was just all "ah." I guess it wasn't as impressive as she thought it would be.

So the best part about today was when I went to Wal-Mart and some random clean cut guy was hitting on me. He really gave me this creepy vibe and he said my hair looked shiney and healthy. What kinda pick up line is that?! That's taking clean cut to a whole new level! So eventually I just start walking away and he is like "Wait! I don't bite!" Of course, me being the vamp lover that I am, can't help but automatically think, what you don't? /pout So I turn around and say "I'm really not interested then!" While flailing my arms around in exasperation. Then I took off running before he can say anything else to ruin my moment of hilarity. I cracked up laughing at my own inside joke for a good 15 minutes after that. I'm sure he thinks I'm insane but you know what? I think he is insane. And I amused myself so I don't care.

All day I have been seeing something out of the corner of my eye that looks like a person but its white. It has been freaking me out cuz I keep thinking somebody is there. But when I look I don't see anything. Angela thinks its a guardian angel or spirit guide or something or maybe they are the same thing? I don't know! But she said its there to make me feel at ease. But I can't help it its freaking me out. But now that she told me that I'm wondering if it has to do with the "funeral" I had for Papa today. I don't know but I hope its gone by tomorrow. I don't need some white thing following me around. I get enough weird people creeping me out on a daily basis I don't need one that lives with me!

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Fucking beautiful day outside today!"
Angela: "And I'm STUCK inside."
Me: "That's what Que said!!!! Ahahahahahahahaha!"

Creeper guy: "Its very shiney and healthy looking."

Creeper guy: "Wait! I don't bite!"
Me: "I'm really not interested then!"

Angela: "They want to comfort not frighten. They do listen to you."
Me: "Really? Weird. So if I tell it to wash my dishes will it?"
Angela: "Ha! Try it. If it works let me know. I just want mine to fold laundry."

Me: "You like ride a bike when you laugh really hard."
Angela: "And you swim."

Question of the day:
Do guardian angels do dishes?
Tune in tomorrow, same time, same place to find out!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ice ice baby

The picture is a picture of my new necklace that I also got at the festival this weekend. It says "Bella" on a grain of rice. And the rice is in water inside a heart shaped lil bottle. I have another necklace kinda like this with a grain of rice that says "Toby" on one side and "Karen" on the other. So Ashley said I should get one that says "Bella" instead of the same names again. So there it is, my Bella necklace! It took forever to pick out the beads of the necklace. I got tired of looking through them all and was just about to grab one I thought was okay. But Ashley insisted none of them were "me" and that I had to have a blue one. So we finally found the perfect one after much looking. She says "Not only is it perfect because its blue and so "you" but also because blue is the color of ice and ice stands for Edward." Seriously, I was the proudest Aunt at that moment. Bring me a progress report with an A, tell me you won some random award, whatever, sure I'll be proud. But make a connection to Edward like that and oh my god! You had me at ice.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: "I'm going nuts!"
Me: "You enjoy nuts though."
Angela: "Ahhh touche."

Joseph: "Fuck me!"
Me: "No thanks."

Random Mom in WoW: "They were bad boys. Bad boys."
Me: "Whatcha gonna do. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you!"

Question of the day:
Why are hot dogs called hot dogs when they are made from pigs?

Monday, September 28, 2009

A song on repeat

The rose in the picture I got at the Festival this weekend. Its wooden and its scented. The scent I picked smells like Apple Strawberry. I bought Ashley one too, she picked one that looked just like mine. But she picked the scent called "very sexy." Go figure. I want blue roses for my wedding when I get married..that's why I picked this one.

You're My Best Friend - Queen

Ooh you make me live
Whatever this world can give to me,
It's you, you're all I see
Ooh you make me live now honey
Ooh you make me live

Oh you're the best friend that I ever had,
I've been with you such a long time
You're my sunshine and I want you to know
That my feelings are true, I really love you
Oh you're my best friend

Ooh you make me live
Ooh I've been wandering round, but I still come back to you
In rain or shine, you've stood by me girl
I'm happy at home, you're my best friend

Ooh you make me live
Whenever this world is cruel to me, I got you to help me forgive
Ooh you make me live now honey, Ooh you make me live

Oh you're the first one, when things turn out bad
You know I'll never be lonely, you're my only one
And I love the things, I really love the things that you do
Oh you're my best friend

Ooh you make me live
I'm happy at home, You're my best friend
Oh oh you're my best friend

Ooh you make me live
Ooh you're my best friend

Quotes of the day:
Patty: "There's always one song you hear that you can never forget that's truly precious. I think our song would be a Queen song."

Me: "Insecure selfless fool."
Me: "But that's what love is I think, loving flaws just as much as attributes."

Patty: "Life is absolutely fucking brutal and disgusting and unfair and it's so easy to hate. But that's what makes it worth living, that series of frustrating struggles that push people to grow in strength and wisdom."

Patty: "Whatever makes you happy."
Me: "You make me happy."
Me: "Don't you get it? You know how much I love you or you should its never changed since I was 15 years old and it never will."
Me: "You're not something I'm going to out grow or decide I don't want anymore. I can't even imagine my life without you. It would leave a hole in me so big that would never go away."
Patty: "Sorry I misunderstood."
Me: "Me too I'm sorry."
Patty: "Just don't worry about it please. It doesn't matter anymore."
Me: "I love you, Pat."
Patty: "I love you too, Karen."

Me: "No really its almost hilarious to find out he has so much in common with Edward Cullen. Only without the volvo.."

Question of the day:
What is a word you think is universal?

Sunday, September 27, 2009


I went to Hasting's today and got two different comments from random strangers about my sunburn. One woman asked why I was blushing. Then some dude asked if I was hot. Seriously people, its a sunburn. I'm not flushed. I'm not blushing. Its not rug burn. Its not from holding my breathe too long. Or any kind of skin disease. Its from standing out in the sun selling pizza for a whole day. Moving right along.

I went to Angela's today and we hung out for a while talking about random stuff like scars and pained expressions. Then in the middle of Angela telling a story about Que and Ihop. We realized Ihop sounded good. So Austin, Angela and I went to Ihop. She never did finish that story about Que and Ihop.. That's just how a.d.d. the two of us are. I also think its how we always are able to have something to talk about the next time we see each other.

When we got back from Ihop I showed Austin some Twilight parody's and then when he went to bed I forced Angela to watch random Robert Pattinson interviews and stuff. I'm pretty sure I bored her sufficiently so I left shortly after. It was fun though. For me anyway!

The picture is a picture of my sunburned face. Lovely right? No. Moving on again..

Too tired to remember quotes of the day (my eyes even look tired in the picture, bleh!) So question..

Question of the day:
Why does Ihop have different music from most restaurants?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mazzio's Italian Eatery

I woke up early today for the festival. Lori and I went to McDonald's for breakfast. Then we went to Mazzio's..where Norm was working. Then we went to the festival to set up. We basically didn't sell any pizza until like 12 which is not a huge surprise. Not many want pizza so early in the morning. It was a tiring day. We sold alot of pizza, got sunburned (badly and in the middle of September), saw a stormtrooper, played rock band, sang and danced in front of alot of people and spent way too much money on funnel cakes and other junk foods. The stormtrooper in the picture was just some random guy there that was walking around. I was going to take my picture with him just be like "hey dude take a picture with me." But I think Lori's "boss" Tom already didn't like me. I don't like him either. He was a real douche. He made me "fix" my shirt because I had it tied in the back because it was too big and long. And he was just really annoying. Lori wasn't exaggerating when she said he was annoying. Luckily, the Greek guy that works for Lori (can't say or spell his name) was there, and even though I had met him before and thought I didn't like him. He is actually really cool. I was glad he was there. And was even more glad a select few weren't there long and I made myself scarce when they were.

Ashley and Zach were there for most of the day today. And there was this guy right across the road from us who had his booth set up and he was a DJ. We became friends because he was awesome and he would play awesome music and Lori and I would start singing and dancing really loudly. We had no shame. And he had a mic and would call out to us and people kept starring it was funny. Eventually I gave the DJ a free slice of pizza and for the rest of the day he would plug us. Yelling out on his mic to go grab some pizza from the Mazzio's booth. And then Zach and I would keep coming over to play rock band 2. Because he had it set up when he wasn't playing music for everybody to play. Zach and I would put our names on the list then go sell pizza and he would call our name and we'd pause and run up there and rock out to a song. Every time I was up there (a couple of times by myself too) he would be like "Its Karen from the Mazzio's booth over here to rock out for us on rock band 2!" It was hilarious. Especially the first time when he said he was surprised I was actually good. By the end of the day I gave that dude a whole box of free pizza and we had heard the song "Eye of the tiger" over 20 times.

I bought some stuff I'll have to take pictures of the stuff for tomorrow. But right now I have to go put more baby powder on my sunburn. And go to bed because I'm so tired and I want to keep myself distracted still. There was way too many quotes of the day to even start to name any of them. And I'm too tired and in pain to bother. You'll get over it. In the meantime, check out the awesome picture of the stormtrooper! You could add your own captions like "She isn't the droid I'm looking for.." or "What do you mean this isn't volunteer work for the empire?"

Friday, September 25, 2009

Never Think

I pretty much just had the most clumbsy morning ever. Then I went to Searcy and helped Lori out at Mazzio's until she was able to leave. Then we went to the "Searcy Get Down Downtown" festival. Mazzio's pizza had set up a booth for the festival and Lori was the one running it. So I told her I'd help her. Before we were even able to leave to go to the festival and start this huge thing though.. Lori got a call from Mom saying Papa died. It was a huge downer for the rest of my day. The festival was a welcome distraction at that point. I'm spending the night with Lori and we watched the movie Seven Days and Seven Nights. I'm glad I was able to spend time with Lori and the kids. I'm especially glad I wasn't home alone when I found out about Papa. Right now everybody in the house is asleep and I'm trying hard not to think about how sad I am about Papa dying. Going to go to bed I have to wake up early for the festival tomorrow.

The picture is Lori and I at the festival in overly huge Mazzio's t-shirts.

I've been listening to the song Never Think by Robert Pattinson all day. So instead of quotes which i'm not in the mood for.. here are the lyrics to that song.

Never Think - Robert Pattinson
You should never think
What's in your heart
What's in our home
So I won't

You'll learn to hate me
But still call me baby
Oh love
So call me by my name

And save your soul
Save your soul
Before you're too far gone
Before nothing can be done

I'll try to decide when
She'll lie in the end
I ain't got no fight in me
In this whole damn world
So you hold off
She should hold off
It's the one thing that I've known

Once I put my coat on
I'm coming out in this all wrong... all wrong
She standing outside holding me
Saying oh please
I'm in love
I'm in love

Girl save your soul
Go on save your soul
Before it's too far gone
And before nothing can be done

Cause without me
You got it all
So hold on
Without me you got it all
So hold on
Without me you got it all
Without me you got it all
So hold on
Without me you got it all
Without me you got it all
So hold on

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Had like two hours sleep today. I have had the worst time sleep this week. I can't remember the last night had even four hours straight. But I'm hoping tonight will be different because I'm going to need my strength tomorrow. But anyway, I mucked around at the house again tried for hours to get rid of my migraine. And basically just sketched until I went over to Angela's house. She made pizza it was goooood. I was starving too so yeah lol. Then we watched Survivor and Grey's Anatomy. It was fun. Then I went to Lori's house and picked up a Mazzio's t-shirt to wear for tomorrow and saturday. I ninja'ed a coke from her to help me stay awake on the way home. I was really tired driving. Bella's Lullaby came on and I swear I fell asleep for a minute and then switched cds to Foo Fighters so I could stay awake. I just got done packing a bag for tomorrow night when I spend the night at Lori's. So now I'm going to try and go to bed. Maybe I can get some sleep now. Sorry this is the most boring of blogs but I'm soooo tired and bleh feeling.

The picture is a picture of the stuff on top of my speaker. I haven't dusted in a while which is bad for somebody so allergic. But that's not the point.. The point is my little pirate duck keeps getting moved and I'm not the one moving it! Its freaking me out. I mean you can clearly see that its moved because you can see its fI don't know..whatever. /shrugs

I got my Grunt the murloc marine today! He friggin has a gun and shoots at other pets. Well okay he just shoots the Zergling pet but its still hilarious. So thats the first picture. Grunty in his lil space suit and machine gun. I'm so not even in the mood to be creative with my blog title either so thats it. Grunty makes the title. Peace out cub scout.

Quotes of the day:
Adam: "Mom why do we have to take a bath can't we just let the rain wash it off?"

Daniel: "I don't want to clean up the playdough just let Caleb eat it."

Angela: "If you ever look at my boyfriend naked in the shower again, I'll punch you in your lesbian junk!" (No she wasn't talking to me lol.)

Lori: /holds up thumb "Sit and spin!"

Question of the day:
Why isn't there a restraunt that carries both pepsi and coke products? Why is it always one or the other? And better yet what would happen if there was a restraunt that carried both? Would the world come to an end?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fudge you!

I mucked around at the house today with Karebear and Rogue like every other day. But at 2 I decided to leave early for Beebe because well, I was getting tired of Hank and his days off. I could only handle so much. Better to arrive early at the school and wait in my car to pick up Zach and Ashley rather than muck around at the house with Hank there. Or so I thought.

I get there at 2:20 or so, yeah really early. I decide I shouldn't waste gas or my battery sitting there listening to music with the car running. So I turned it off open my door and dig around in my Twilight bag for something useful. *POOF* found my psp and Ipod. Not that is really surprising I always keep useful stuff in there. I am always prepared. So I am playing on my psp and listening to music on my Ipod. When a guy comes up to me and asks if I'm skipping class. Really? Yeah really. So I tell him no, I'm waiting for my niece and nephew to pick them up from school. He asks me what my name is. So I finally just show him my license and show him I'm 22. He says sorry and leaves but I don't forgive him. It pissed me off. I'm not 13, I'm not 16 or even 18. BLEH!

Okay, so after I picked Zach and Ashley up I treated them to Sonic and we went to the store to get some stuff for my cookies. Then we went back to their house and made the cookies while they both told me stories about their day. From Zach and his gifted and talented class to Ashley needing to pee so bad and her sub teacher not letting her. That was funny too. She eventually just was about to pee her pants and grab the pass and ran. She has a really mean sub teacher. And Zach always blows me away with his stories about his classes. He is so smart. So smart in fact it is disturbing at times. He apparently knows what "horny" means because on the back of the cake box today he saw the word "hornee" which is spanish for bake apparently. And thought it was hilarious. Boys.. /rolls eyes

Eventually Lori and I made our way to Angela's house for Wild Cat night, even though Amy was out of state randomly and couldn't come. We were all pretty tired tonight but we still had fun. I laughed harder than I've laughed in forever. And we mucked around online. Reading stuff and looking at halloween costumes. I'm still all confused about what to do for halloween. BLEH!

First picture is Ashley pretending to be a vampire and steal my cookies. She said she has her "vampire crouch" down pat. I must agree. Second picture is the cookies close up mmm. Third is the bag of them, fudge you if you don't like them! /snicker (And yes, I was around Ashley's age when I made this recipe even though its obviously vulgar for a 10 year old. Are you really that surprised? I do have quiet the mouth.)

Quotes of the day:
Zach: (After like 15 minutes of talking) "And then we finally figured out that he was ocd and constantly washed his hands and thats why he didn't get sick." (Talking about a gifted and talented group project)
Me: "Wow..that's..alot to do in one single class. So what about you Ashley? What did you do today at school?"
Ashley: "Well I drank some water from the fountain. It was gross."

Zach: "SPANISH FOR BAKE IS HORNEE! AHAHAHA! No Ashley you don't know what it means so you don't find it as funny as Karen and I."
Me: "Zach I find it both hilarious and disturbing that YOU even know what it means."

Angela: "Edward Coffee Italian Roast... What would have happened if Edward would have exposed himself in Italy...they would have roasted him!"

Me: "I'd be really disturbed if I ever saw a guy missing a pinky toe."

Me: "Or I could pet his eyeball!!!!!" /talking about Quuuueee

Me: "I'm home yo."
Angela: "That seemed quick. Were you cullen driving?"
Me: "lol always."

Question of the day:
What are three words you would use to describe yourself and me? GO!

Huh? That's stupid. You smell stupid. I'm outtie. Peace yall!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Long strange trip

Lori had off today so we decided to go to the dollar movies together. We went to Arby's then went and saw The Proposal. It was a pretty good movie. Pretty funny. I'm glad I've actually been able to spend some time with Lori lately. I hardly ever get to see her. But lately I've been able to see her at least once a week (not counting wed nights.) Kevin has to work later than normal tomorrow so I'm going to be picking up the kids from school again. I'm excited I enjoy picking them up from school. I'll take them back to Lori's house and I'm going to bake my cookies there so Ashley and Zach can help. I know how much Ashley enjoys helping me bake. I already know what I'm baking too. I was muckin around today in my room and reading one of my journals and found one of my old recipes. It was written in glitter pen and I couldn't help but crack up at myself when I read it. It sounds good but the name is just hilarious. I was so angsty. Ha I still am. Its great though.

When we came back to the house and Lori went home I realized it was twilight hour and the sky looked pretty so I went outside and just sat on the edge of the road for a while and watched it get dark. Rogue of course followed me and was purring the whole time just sitting next to me. He is so crazy.

After that I got in WoW and killed the Brewfest boss. I got the achievement "Brewmaster" and the achievement "What a long, strange trip its been." The second achievement proves I have been playing WoW for ages. That achievement alone takes a year to complete. But I did it and I got a brand new mount for it. Its the violet proto drake. Its faster than a normal flying mount. I beat most of the guild in getting it I think. I beat Crom anyway..ha ha sucker.

Now I'm watching Hell's Kitchen. I love the chef in this show, he is such a douchebag! So anyway, the first picture is from me sitting on the side of the road during twilight hour. Not as pretty as the ones in Arizona but meh! The second picture is one I got those two achievements, and I'm dressed like a blood elf. And the last picture is of my new mount. Huzzah.

Quotes of the day:
Lori: "Gumby really?! What the crap!"

Me: "It was like..."
Lori: "Fate?"
Me: "I was gonna say coincidence but fate works too."

Question of the day:
Why doesn't McDonald's sell hot dogs?

Monday, September 21, 2009

No, you.

I woke up at 7am this morning by a phone call from my Mom. She was frantic about something stupid that she needed Hank to do for her. Who knows? So I went to leave a note for Hank saying to call her when he woke up. Only to find a note from him to me saying "Do my laundry for me its on the floor in the laundry room. -Hank" Smirking to myself at the convince of this I quickly wrote "No, you. -Karen" If you don't get it let me explain. Friday night Karebear, my dog wouldn't go to the bathroom outside and I was worried she wouldn't be able to last all night and all morning until I woke up to feed her. So I left a note for Hank saying "Please take Karebear outside before you leave for work, you don't have to feed her or anything. -Karen" Since he had to get up at 6am anyway, I figured it wasn't much to ask. I woke up the next morning to find a note under my note saying "No, you. -Hank"

Anyway, he had off today but he was gone doing who knows what. Then he comes back and says he is going out to eat to Chili's and said I could go with him. So how do you think "dinner with Hank" went? This is how. We both drove to Chili's in our own cars. We walk in, sit down, order our drinks. There was a long awkward silence until he said " you still like riding your bike?" I had to think for a minute about when was the last time my bike was even rideable. Because as of right now and for as long as I can remember its literally been apart of our yard, I'm pretty sure the thing has roots coming out of it. So then I say "My bike hasn't worked since I was 10 years old." This was accompanied with another long pause until he responds with "Ah..well lets get this order to go." I ordered the most expensive thing on the menu since he is paying. Ribs, please and thanks! Then we get our food and leave. As we are walking to our separate cars he says "Well..this was fun..bye." And that concludes my dinner with Hank. The first "dinner" I have had with him since I was at least 7 years old. And hopefully the last for a while. But I got food out of it, so one can't complain too much.

I've spent the remainder of my day drawing, reading and playing with Karebear. She is in desperate need of a bath but what can I say I'm lazy right now. I haven't got another call from Mom today and I can't help but wonder if its because Papa is doing worse. I'm debating back and forth on whether or not I want to brave through another Arizona trip for his funeral when the time comes or not. But I'm not debating too much since I really don't want to think about his death being that soon..even if it is.

My picture of the day is my to-go box of bbq ribs. You know that makes you hungry just looking at it..don't lie.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "lol I love you, you crazy pixie you."
Angela: "I love you too!"

Me: "I'm not psychotic I'm just bizarre."

Question of the day:
Why don't they make root beer flavored ice cream? Wouldn't it be better than root beer floats?

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I chilled at the house all morning and most of the early afternoon. I watched Star Wars a New Hope and realized that if you put "that's what she said" after half of the lines, its hilarious. Just for an example - "I can't shake em!" Yes, that's what she said indeed.

Brewfest started today in WoW. Its a holiday about beer pretty much. Its about Octoberfest actually I think or something I don't know. Its fun anyway. I spent a good two hours doing the achievements for that. Then I realized - this game just isn't fun anymore. Not when its just me playing. I miss my WoW buddies so much. So that just made me depressed.

I eventually went over to Angela's house and hung out. We talked and I told her about this crazy dream I had about her being Alice me being Bella and Jasper and Edward were there with us. And we were all playing phase 10 but Edward and her were cheating. Anyway the dream got more retarded and hilarious as it went on. But long dream short, Jasper eventually put a angry bear to sleep with his special power just so I could suck its blood! Which brings me to my question of the day. (See below.)

We also FINALLY watched the Twilight movie with the commentary on. I still cracked up. Angela only laughed at a few parts. I don't think she is as easily amused as I am by it. Oh well. I also can't help but smile and or laugh when I hear Robert Pattinson laugh. So cute! I am kinda sad though now that we have watched it..I don't have an excuse to come over anymore. Oh well I'll come up with another one. In the meantime I'm glad I got to spend the day with her it was fun. And she made me food! Yes! First real meal I've had in days. And it was awesome.

Then I went to Lori's house to drop off Zach's DS that he left in my car last night. After that I went to Sonic to grab a drink. Where I had the most random hilarious convo with the girl there. But I won't explain here. (See Quotes of the day.) I was going to drop by and see Amy but it was getting late and I had to come home to feed the cat and take the dog outside. I'll have to just see her later this week when she isn't busy and everybody is at work.

Mom called while I was at Angela's and apparently Papa is in the hospital and he was given a few days to live. This makes me really sad and also I'm wondering if the doctors are right. They just keep saying that. "Not much longer now." And its been years. But I suppose it is much closer now or Mom wouldn't be there now. I'm not looking foward to the emotions I will be feeling when it happens..

Quotes of the day:
Random girl at Sonic: "Oh my God! I love your engagement ring!"
Me: /debates on whether or not to tell her its not a engagement ring "Thanks!"
Random girl at Sonic: "When are you getting married?"
Me: "When Edward Cullen is no longer a fictional character."
(Yes, she was really puzzled. No, it doesn't matter because I cracked up. And yes that's why my picture of the day is my ring, and because I forgot to take a picture at Angela's.)

Question of the day:
Can Jasper calm animals with his special power?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Pirate day yarr!

Austin's birthday party was today. Happy birthday Austin! I had fun and I think he liked the gifts I got him. If he didn't I would be glad to take the Star Wars transformer and New Moon chocolate off his hands.

After the party Lori the kids and I decided to venture to Little Rock to check out the new Playtime Pizza place. It has bumper cars, go carts, black light mini golf (pirate theme perfect for pirates day!), lazer tag, a wall you can climb, mini bowling and TONS of arcade games that give tickets. Plus pizza, pasta, salad, tacos and other food too. It was yummy pizza though. And tons of fun. The kids did the bumper cars and we all did the mini golf. Then Ashley decided she wanted to spend the rest of our money on ticket games. We all agreed and I found a game I enjoyed. We ended up spending the rest of our money on that one game. I hit jackpot once and "big win" at least 4 times. With just that one game we got 700 tickets. Score one for me!

It was alot of fun but driving there and back was hell. I was pretty confident that I knew the way. But having never driven there before I was needless to say, a nervous wreck. Lori got me extremely confused and we got lost like twice. The first time wasn't a big deal I got us there pretty easy. But the way home was hell. I was about to cry from anger and frustration. Yes, I cry when I'm angry or frustrated, shut up you probably do too! Anyway, we finally made it back. No thanks to Kevin. He is horrible at giving directions. Which is fine I am too. I have a good sense of direction better than anybody in my family. But it doesn't mean I'm good at telling other people over the phone how to get there. So I can't blame him for being bad at the same thing. Luckly we stopped at this hotel and asked the valet parking guy for directions once I was sure we were in the right area but I couldn't find the exit to get back on the highway. And he told us perfect directions and I took it from there. Woot!

Okay picture time.
1st picture - Zach and Ashley on the bumper cars. Zach just totally crashed into Ashley and then she got stuck.
2nd picture - Even though I couldn't hear I imagine Zach is saying something like "You see me ridin you hatin!"
3rd picture - I know you can't see my face but I look pretty friggin sweet right? Maybe that's why this picture is so cool..because you can't see my face.
4th picture - Creepy pirate entrance to the black light mini golf!
5th picture - There were cool things like this all through it.
6th picture - Ashley cracking me up with the crocodile.
7th picture - Ashley and I at one of the cut outs. I had to stand on my tip toes. Apparently female pirates are tall.
8th picture - Lori posing as a pirate. This is what I imagine Kanye West would say about this picture. "Yo Lori I'm really happy for you imma let you pretend you're a pirate, but Johnny Depp was the best pirate of all time!"
9th picture - This is what I imagine Ashley should say in this picture "Yes I'll see you tomorrow mahahaha! /curls tips of her mustache (inside joke.)
10th picture - Ashley with all the tickets I won us. Jackpot biatches!

Quotes of the day:
Lori: "Thank God for the black valet guy!"

Me: "I take my merging very seriously unlike half of Arkansas drivers." /revs engine until going 80mph

Me: "Of course I can do a cartwheel! Please you're talking to somebody who hasn't fully grown up here!"

Me: "Okay cartwheels are one thing splits are quite another. I haven't been able to do that since I was wearing Disney princess undies."
Ashley: "Don't you still wear those?"
Me: "Ha ha..Good one. No I moved up to Tinkerbell."

Zach: "What exactly is so deluxe about this soundtrack? Its the same songs only remixes."
Me: "Some things are just better off left unsaid. With you its most everything you say. Zing!"

Random lady speaking to her kid: "Its been a long day and I don't feel like dealing with you being a buggaboo right now."

Me: "Holy jackpot batman!"

Lori: "Remind me to take you to vegas some day."
Me: "For somebody who is highly unlucky I do seem to be very lucky with gambling."

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rockin out

Fuck me! I forgot to watch Vampire Dairies last night! Now how will I ever be able to follow next weeks episode?! No really I'm totally joking. I bet nothing happened. I bet Stefan and his brother argued and then started making out. Or Stefan's brother killed somebody and THEN they started making out with all the blood on their lips. That's how lame this show is turning out to be. Sigh. Wtb Twilight t.v. show pst!

So I woke up today after about 2 hours sleep. Made a bowl of cereal, watched know just chillin. Then I realized, oh yeah its just me here. Unless you count my Jack Sparrow and Edward Cullen cardboard cutouts.. So how do I spend the day by myself and not go crazy with cabin fever? Oh that's easy. /dances around in undies while playing rock band 2

The first picture is my rock band guitar that looks like one of Kurt Cobain's. The second picture is a picture of Kurt's guitar. See how awesome that is?! /grin

No quotes of the day, as pretty as Jack Sparrow and Edward Cullen are, they don't talk much. /shrug

Random lyrics of the day: (name that song!)
Maybe I was too pale
Maybe I was too fat
Maybe you had better
Better luck in the sack
No formal education
I swore way too much
I swear you didn't care
Cause we were in love

Random Question of the day:
So I saw a woman breast feeding her baby in the middle of the mall yesterday. And she had like tattoos and stuff and looked like she might work at hot topic. And I just gotta ask this because it came to mind..
If a woman has her nipple pierced and she is breast feeding, does the milk come out of three holes?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

House to myself

I spent most of the morning helping Mom clean, do laundry and finish her packing. Then we went to Hastings, IHop, Party City, and the mall. Then I dropped her off at Sears so Hank could take her to the airport. She will be miserable I can tell. I'm so glad I decided not to go this time. And Hellooooo house to myself for the rest of the month. That's all I gotta say.

Mom bought me the Twilight Soundtrack because she totally ninja'd my burnt copy that Angela gave me. But now that I have the deluxe edition I'm going to have to burn Angela a copy haha. Bonus songs ftw!

I was in Spencers for a while today looking at their costumes. While I was in there this cute guy walks up to me and is like "Our Twilight stuff is in the back, here I'll show you." I followed him and he showed me and then he also showed me the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. He said "I love this movie and I just got done putting this stuff up." He lifted up his sleeve and showed me his Nightmare Before Christmas tattoos. We ended up talking for about 20 minutes. At one point he had to stop and go tell some young kids to leave the area we were at. Because it was 18 or over. I realized then that not only was he totally talking to me, but he knew I was 18! Yay! Somebody who doesn't think I'm 13. Then when he came back from telling those young kids to leave he said "So you like to read. Its great to see girls that like to read." And I said that yes I love to read. And he said "Yeah, I saw your library card." And he pointed to my keys. 10 points for being so overly observant! And not at my body either!

Then later Mom showed up and I went to grab her a drink so I handed her my money to buy me the book that I was going to buy at Spencers. We met up later at Sears and she said "That guy that was talking to you asked me for your cell phone number. He said he thought you were really interesting and asked if you were 19." He thought I was 19, he was cute, he said he had met Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen) in real life, he liked Nightmare Before Christmas, he likes to read, he wasn't scared off by my mom (a miracle!) he wore eyeliner..sigh. He was so cool! Sadly my mom didn't remember my cell phone number. Fail. I'm kinda disappointed in myself for not going back and giving it to him myself. But we were kinda short on time. Damn I didn't even ask his name! /pout

Hmm I just thought of something as I was typing this. I didn't have my Twilight bag with me. I was wearing my Bella jacket a plain colored t-shirt and some jeans. And he automatically figured out I liked Twilight. He must have noticed the jacket was from Twilight? Oh God, he was perfect! Well...almost perfect.. If I ever see him again I'll have to tackle him and pour sparkles on him. Because he might have dazzled but he didn't sparkle. I just had to say it! /snicker

Ah well.. One day I'll get the nerve to give a boy my number. But I am friggin proud of myself for being able to carry on a conversation with him for 20 minutes. Mother fucking baby steps I guess. Time to make some skettie-o's. I have a can for each day until Mom gets back. Yes, I'm that pathetic haha.

The picture of the day is of the book I got at Spencers. Its really interesting. And yes I should get dork points for it. 10 points. I'm so far ahead of Angela now its not even funny.

Quotes of the day:
Mom- "How do I do this?" /holds up what I think was eyeliner
Me- "Does it look like I would know?"
Mom- "Good point." /tries to put it on while I'm driving and pokes herself in the eye
Me- "I know that's not how you do it." /snickers

Mom- /complaining still about make up and nail polish
Me- "Bet you wish you had your own personal Alice."
Mom- "Do you pay for that?"
Me- "Yes, in cookies."

Me- "If I were a guy who didn't care about losing my virtue before marriage I'd do you."

Guy at Spencers- "No really he is ugly I met him in real life when he was at a signing here at J-ville Hastings years ago."
Me- "He was at J-ville Hastings and I didn't know about it?! And no way he is gorgeous."
Guy at Spencers- "His jaw line is crazy."
Me- "Crazy sexy!"

Mom- "Seriously that blender isn't made for that."
Me- "Its not made to blend you mean? What exactly is it suppose to do? Fog machine? Because its producing enough of that!"
Mom- "Well see now you don't have to buy a fog machine for all your Halloween parties."

Random Question of the day:
If you meet a pathological liar that is really bad at lying, can he even be considered a pathological liar? (Alice you know who I'm talking about! /raises eyebrows up and down)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hold me together Peanuts

The cookies I baked today have so many different meanings really. They were pretty much inspired by New Moon. And how Bella feels being without Edward. The hole inside her. How she constantly has to put her arms around her stomach to hold herself together. Peanut butter always reminds me of Jacob now. Its such a best friend flavor. So why not use peanut butter cookies for this? Besides the marks on the cookies made by the forks reminded me of the hole again. And that's how I came up with the name. Though it also has a double meaning. I always used to call Patty peanut. Sigh. Fuck me.

I had fun tonight at Wild Catz night. Even though we really didn't talk too much. We mostly watched videos online. And Angela dyed and styled Lori's hair. Either way it was a much needed break from depression. Now I have to get some sleep so I'm able to drive to McCain and back tomorrow to drop Mom off to go to Arizona. Fun..

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Me likey the idea of half vampire half wolves."
Angela: "Would they be lukewarm?"
Me: "We can only hope, Alice.. We can only hope."

Lori: /screams
Angela: "Well turn your head!"
Lori: /squee
Angela: "Okay I'm done now."

Amy: "Tell me when do shirts become too small for you?"
Me: "They make my boobs look big when they are tight like this."
Angela: "You can buy shirts that aren't too small that still make your boobs look big. I could take you shopping."
Me: "That was such an Alice thing to say."

Bella from New Moon: "The absence of him is everywhere I look. Its like a huge hole has been punched through my chest."
/love the trailer

Random Question of the day:
Where does a toetag go on a dead person who has no toes?

My own personal Forks

My own personal Forks. Wet, dark and lots of green. But without the terrible cold. At least for now.. We still have a nice 70 degree temperature. Its been raining all day and all night last night. I don't like being wet but I do enjoy watching the rain and listening to it and the thunder. So I sat safely by my back door watching it for a while. It gave me some time to think.

I went to Arby's after, where I ordered a Whopper. The guy said "What would you like on it?" Well then I was suddenly confused and was wondering if maybe I actually did drive to Burger King. Touche. But I quickly just answered "I'd like it with roast beef and Arby's sauce." And then when I went to the window to get it, he was like "Here is your whopper, ma'am." It was perfect and completely made up for that lady at Waffle House last night who just simply said "We don't have pancakes."

I don't really feel much like talking more than this. And there are no amazing quotes from today. Because other than the funny guy at Arby's I haven't talked to anybody really. And I have no random questions either. Sorry i'm just blank right now. But I have been reading New Moon again, in light of..well it being the week of Bella's birthday and Edward dumping her. And the same day of Pat dumping me a year ago. It seemed about right to read it this week. So here is a quote for you.

Quote of the day:
Bella in New Moon Chapter 3 The End: "The waves of pain that had only lapped at me before now reared high up and washed over my head, pulling me under. I did not resurface."

Monday, September 14, 2009

Heart's desire

Today was so beyond horrible that I can't even begin to explain. I don't want to either really. Everything that could have went wrong did. And I just don't know what to do with myself. I'm falling into this huge depression. And I've never felt as alone as I do right now. Bleh I don't even want to blog right now but I thought maybe it would help I don't know.

I took this fortune telling quiz thing Angela sent me today. It was interesting. So here are my results -

Question 1.
I was suppose to write down animals (cow pig tiger horse and sheep) in order of importance to me. I put - sheep, horse, tiger, cow and pig. Meaning my priorities are Love, Family, Pride, Career and Money. Very accurate if you ask me. Especially since I don't have a Career or Money.

Question 2.
Describe in one word the following - dog, cat, rat, coffee and sea. They each mean something different. I put -
Dog - Loving = How I see myself.
Cat - Sweet = How I see my significant other.
Rat - Little - How I see my enemies.
Coffee - Strong = How I see sex. /snicker The only one that isn't accurate.
Sea - Dramatic = How I see my life. You would almost think I cheated on this one but I didn't. The reason Dramatic came to mind from "sea" was I was picturing waves crashing and my fear of drowning. Surprisingly making it completely accurate to how I see my life. /rolls eyes

Question 3.
Use these colors (yellow, orange, red, white and green) to depict people I know. They each meant something different. I put -
Yellow - Dad (Pie) = Somebody I'll never forget.
Orange - Alan = My true friend.
Red - Patty = Somebody I really love.
White - Angela = My twin soul.
Green - Val = Somebody I'll remember the rest of my life.
All of those are really accurate as well. Especially since Angela also put me for her "white" color. Creepy and awesome. We also both put our "significant other" as our red. Odd.

Okay well that's enough of that. Mom took me to Waffle House for dinner. I always know there is something up when she wants to take me to Waffle House. Its like her saying "I need to talk to you in a public place so you can't make a scene." Bleh, I tried to cheer myself up by ordering a pancake hoping the waitress would give me some amusing response. But all I got was "we don't have pancakes." Well duh, its a frigging Waffle House! Couldn't you have at least been offended by my obvious outrageous request? Whatever.. My picture of the day is my Edward candy bar, which is ironically named "heart's desire." Oh yeah Edward, you're my heart's desire.. After such a horrible day the only thing that I could think to bring me some small amount of comfort was coffee, Edward chocolate and a book.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Why I protest MTV

I woke up today and everybody was over at my house for lunch. We had lunch and spent time together before Amy and I went to Wal-Mart. Then we came back and played the Twilight board game. Of course I kicked butt. I beat them all bwhahahaha! I only missed one trivia question and it was because I confused myself. The question was what year was Edward born. And I said 1918, thinking of the year he was transformed into a vampire. Duh..the year he was actually born was 1901. Stupid me.

Speaking of Twilight, today was Bella's birthday. In the book that is. Even though technically if Twilight was real she would be a vampire by now and wouldn't have birthday's. Hmm..

After that I took the kids back to their house and I went over to Angela's to hang out. Making it the billionth time this month that we have tried to watch Twilight with the commentary. And instead we just talked and watched the MTV music awards. Making it the first time in 5 years that I have watched that channel. I have been protesting it because its a horrible station. My main reason being that support abortion too much. But today reminding me that there are so many more reasons to protest that horrible channel.. But I did get to see the stars of Twilight and a brand new extended trailer for New Moon! Wish it was November already!!

But seriously i'm going back to protesting MTV and not watching it again because its horrible. Hearing people say "this is award is for God and the gays" being one reason. Jack Black praying to Satan for another. Kayne West being a complete jerk as always. And all in all its just not entertaining. Add that to the fact its the biggest pro-choice station in the world and thats alot of good reasons to hate it.

I had alot of fun with Angela tonight. It was fun watching Kayne West make a complete idiot out of himself. Especially since people were finally like "hey he is a douchebag!" And I could finally go "THANK YOU! I always knew he was I'm glad you finally realize!"

I'm too tired to keep going so here are some random stuff and then I'm done.

Random thing that happened today:
I was driving home and I was on my road, completely dark, pitch black, no street lights, no cars behind me. And I am looking at the road and in the corner of my eye in the rearview mirror I see two glowing red eyes. Clear as day, glowing red eyes. I slam on my breaks and turn around and there is nothing there. Just my empty backseat, and pitch black darkness. I turn back around to start driving quickly the rest of the way to home, and I drive up a little bit and I see a coyote run across the road. He stopped dead and starred at me for a second then bolted. Fucking creepy! Here is what comes to mind from that - Red eyes = Volteuri Coyote = Werewolf. I blame my active imagination, too much Twilight, and Angela's ghost stories.

Quotes of the day:
Ashley: "Oh right his name is James.. Well it should be Jason, that seems more like what he should be named. Since he is a vampire and he has a pony tail."

Angela: "My _____ is small." (fill in the blank using your imagination!)

Random Question of the day:
Why does Kayne West have no shame at all?

P.s. I like this picture of Angela but I think she might be pissed off at me. Oh well it was my only picture from today. /halo

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bella Moments

Okay so this morning I have been so unbelievably clumsy. Like more so than normal. Today was nothing but Bella moments. In fact after today I think maybe Bella will start calling them "Toby moments." So instead of telling all the stories I'm just going to make a list. A frigging list of rules I should follow so I don't accidentally kill myself.

10 Rules to live by:
1. Don't fall asleep with your fan on because you will, of course, forget its on and sit up the next morning without thinking and hit yourself in the head. (Toby-0 Bunk Beds-1)
2. Don't put all your converse on the floor at the EXACT spot you normally jump down to get out of bed. You will hit them, you will trip, and you will fall right into the Edward stand-up poster.
3. Don't put your cell phone on the end table next to your coffee mug.
4. Don't lay on the green sofa in the living room with a mug of coffee on the end table behind you. You will forget it's there, you will stretch once you start to get sleepy and you will knock it over...right where your cell phone is.
5. Don't step out of the shower without making sure a towel is down. You will trip and you will fall and hurt yourself.
6. Don't EVER randomly decide to start putting your flat iron on the right side of the sink instead of your normal left side. Because you will reach for your brush on your left side and be quickly reminded that it's in fact your flat iron you just reached for.
7. Don't even bother trying to step on the convenient stepping stones in the front yard because you are not coordinated enough to use them properly. You will just lose your balance and end up tripping over them.
8. Don't even bother getting the mail anymore because you always just end up breaking it more.
9. When you see a puddle and you think you're smooth enough to jump over it. Think again..
10. When you have finally decided enough is enough and you're just going to sulk at your computer with a soda, knowing your bad luck so far.. Maybe open the can over a sink. Because it will spray all over your keyboard causing you to spend the next 15 minutes cleaning it up.

YEP! So that was my day. Well not really. That only took up the morning and part of the time after Lori and the kids left. But during all that it was actually great. The kids and I watched Raising Arizona (funny movie!) And then Lori came over and we went to the mall so Lori could get her hair cut. While Lori was getting her hair cut the kids and I went around at the different stores. As much as I hate the mall it was not so bad with the kids with me. I like watching their face light up over silly things. Also the Halloween store was fun. Though I'm slightly disappointed I won't be anything sexy/cute/pretty this year. As much as I love Bella and as much as I'm like Bella (maybe even more so after a day like today =[ ) I must admit her sense of style is kinda boring. Okay mine is too. But that is why Halloween is so great! I don't have to be boring that day! I can be somebody that's not myself! But instead I'm being somebody just like me? Maybe I should rethink this? I dunno! Though when I put it that way it makes me wonder why girls who have no problem dressing skanky..still dress skanky on Halloween. Maybe THEY should dress like Bella. Heh.

Anyway, we went to the Chinese place in the mall to eat before going to see the movie Aliens in the Attack. It was a pretty clean movie and pretty funny. I liked it alot and so did the kids. But I always have somebody obnoxious by me in the movies, I swear! This time it was two adults! Sitting right next to me and the lady next to me kept touching me on accident and putting her hand on my armrest. Like all over my armrest, I mean she had no sense of personal space. And her and her husband wouldn't shut up through the whole movie! I mean I have never wanted to tell a stranger "shut the hell up!" more than these two people. Which is saying alot. And saying even more considering I was able to refrain from saying it. But I didn't want to set a bad example in front of the kids, you know?

My picture is of Ashley, standing outside my house in the dark and stormy weather in my Forks High School baseball t-shirt. Because she forgot to pack one for today. /rolls eyes Its okay though it looks cute on her. And actually is long sleeved on her instead of quarter length like it should be. Hilarious!

Anyway, I'm at home now and trying carefully not to let another klutzy thing happen. So I'm just going to read my book. Innocently and hopefully safely read my book. No more accidents I hope. /crosses fingers

Random thing that happened today:
Yesterday I spent at least 20 minutes with Ashley looking for a movie in Hastings in the drama section that I could not for the life of me remember the name of. Then this morning I had a dream and woke up at 5 a.m. in the morning from the dream in which I remembered the name of the movie. Yes, I dreamed the name of the movie then woke up and I was like "FINDING NEVERLAND! That's the name!" /falls back asleep I think this says something about the unconscious mind. Don't you?

Random Quotes of the day:
Zach: "All cards should have music inside."

Zach: "I'm not sure I'm cool enough to pull off Emmett."

Ashley: "I could easily be Rosalie, I'm not saying I can't, just that I don't want to."
Me: "That's the spirit!"

Random Question of the day:
What do you call a girl who is a slut every day of the year EVEN on Halloween?

Friday, September 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Alan and Timmy

So yesterday was Alan's birthday. Then today was Timmy's birthday. Yeah, he was born on 9-11 lulz. Sucks for him right? Anyway, today was pretty busy. Lets see if I can sum this up. I actually had 8 hours of sleep for once in forever. I only woke up 4 times during the night and was still able to go back to sleep. That. Is. A. Miracle.

I woke up took a shower, stuck my hair in a pony tail, drank coffee, went to the store to buy stuff to make smores, saw a really hot guy that I couldn't stop starring at. Then I went to sonic got Amy and I a drink. Went to Amy's house had lunch with them. Spent a few hours there, made smores for Adam and Daniel and extra for Zach and Ashley. Daniel kissed me on my tummy when I was leaving and left a huge chocolate lip mark on my t-shirt. Then I went to the school to pick up Zach and Ashley. Sat there for 30 minutes waiting for them. Ashley was late because apparently Jc (that's a girl) got dumped by her boyfriend and was crying on the bus. Yeah, I don't know, middle school drama lol! Then they both finally got there I hugged them (they are okay with me hugging them while they are still on school grounds! Aw!)

Then we went to sonic (again) and we all got drinks. Then we went back to their house to drop off their school bags and pick up their after night bags. Then we went back to my house to pick up Mom. Then we went to the library, then Hastings, then Cici's pizza. We took forever to pick out two movies at Hastings, all so we could just come home and watch my Twilight dvd with the commentary on. That's what I get for quoting it all the time around them.

Okay, now for my Cici's story. We walk in and he asks Ashley's age, then Zach's, except when he was asking Zach he was already typing him in for the discount. Then he looks at me and says "and 13." And types me in for the discount. And we all just stood there and looked at each other. And I'm like "I'm 22." And he pauses and stares at me like I'm an alien and says "I'm sorry?" And I say "I'm 22." And he says "Oh..I already typed it in." So I shrug and grab my plate and walk away as I hear my Mom saying "All my daughters are like that!" Oh God, kill me now. So at that point my face is as red as a tomato. And Ashley quickly makes things worse by saying loudly "Its just like that time with Stefan the Carnie!" Great. So then I go and sit down and my Mom proceeds to repeat the embarrassment like three times saying "He thought you were 13 or 14! /laughs!" At that point I was just pissed and was like "Yeah, thanks, it was offensive the first time." Good times. Seriously, its great I got a discount out of it and what not. But 13? Really? Okay, sure, I'll give you that I don't like 22. But 13!? Sigh. I look like a little girl who hasn't even fully developed. When in fact, this is as developed as I'll ever get. Thanks. Looks like I'll be wearing make up alot more now. Cool!

At some point during the day I realized I hit 50,000 miles! Go me! I remember the day I told Val.. "Look Val, my goal is to get my driver's license before I hit 50,000 miles on my car. So get off my back already!" Good times. Well, I just hit it today so I'm way ahead of schedule! Ha..

After Cici's we went home and I showed the kids some funny Twilight spoofs and then we watched Twilight with the commentary. And I cracked up at their reactions when they walked into my room and saw Edward. Zach just paused while in mid sentence and raised his eyebrows. And Ashley goes "AHHHHWHATTHECRAP!!!" Anyway, tomorrow we are going to bake cookies and play the Twilight board game. And I'm going to probably take them out to the movies. And maybe the mall (ugh hope they don't want to do that!)

Quote of the day:
Me: "I guess this is what I get for wanting to be a vampire. I actually won't ever age. I'll always look prepubescent."
Ashley: "And I wanted to see why she was crying so I like waited and then Ashley was all 'her boyfriend dumped her' and I was all 'Oh is that all? Okay I gotta go bye!'"
Zach: "Yeah, I kicked her in the butt and I actually seriously hurt my leg on her tailbone."
Me: "No, I'm not short.. Edward is just tall! Okay, maybe I'm short. Can we call it fun size instead? It makes me sound delicious!"
Zach: /imitating James from Twilight "Ohhh you brought a snack!"

Random Question of the day:
Am I the only one that gets nervous and sick to my stomach when I even get near a school?

Peace out cub scout! (btw Ashley joined the scouts! Aw!)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vampire Diaries

So today I watch the series premiere of Vampire Diaries. It was..okay..I guess. Its no Twilight lets put it that way. But man, both the human girl and the vampire guy write in Diaries. And it made me want to take a picture of my favorite diary for my pic of the day. Then I started thinking..if I was a vampire what would I write in my diary? Well..let me tell you.

Dear Diary,
I look pretty. I have bigger boobs than I used to, because I am a vampire and I have to be pretty to my prey. But I don't actually feed on human blood. I'm a vegetarian! No, I don't like peas, not THAT kinda vegetarian. I enjoy sun! But I can't go out in it..or I will sparkle. I'm very pretty when I sparkle, but it scares the humans. I am rich because I live forever! I am going to look the same age for the rest of my life. I live with a "family" of vampires. My hobbies include; being perfect at everything, pretending to be human, going to high school for the rest of my life, using big words to show that I am smarter than humans, making fun of werewolves, using my special power in front of other vampires who don't have a power to make them feel inferior, and dazzling cute human boys.

Signed - Toby the Vampire

Random things that cheered me up:
My Mom randomly surprised me with the jacket I've been wanting forever that looks just like Bella's in the movie! YEAH! She must have ordered it forever ago when she was still wanting to buy me stuff to "apologize." Whatever, I'll take it!

Amy invited me to eat lunch with her tomorrow. My favorite too, which is mini bbq hot dogs, heck yeah! But i'm not posting of a picture of it until tomorrow.

19. What is the funniest thing you've ever heard #3 do? oh crap, not sure. We laugh so hard we cry every time we are around each other!
21. If #3 died, would you be lost? in more ways than imaginable!!! She is my soul sister. The Bella to my Alice.

^This was actually something on Angela's facebook from a few days ago. But I saw it on my facebook again today and it made me just as happy as the first time I read it. Knowing somebody would be lost if I died is comforting. Is that weird? Ah well..

Random Question of the day:
Can vampires burp?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mongrel Mix

I finished Eclipse today. I went to Wal-Mart and stared at some baking stuff for a while hoping I'd get some random inspiration to bake something other than cookies. Instead I just thought of a ton of other cookie recipes I could do. So then I thought well maybe if I went to Hastings and looked in the cooking section of the books. But alas, I didn't help either. Instead I found myself completely disgusted by a book called "365 Ways to Cook Chicken." At that point I threw my hands up in the air and yelled "DONE!"

I read a pretty hilarious Twilight Fanfic today and sent it to Angela. She thought it was pretty hilarious so did Lori. Here I'll sum it up for you-
Dear Bella,
Until you moved to Forks we thought Edward was gay.
The Cullens.

Since I had just got done reading Eclipse and yesterday I had that run with those Team Jacob chicks. I decided to make chex mix today instead of cookies, and name is Mongrel Mix. Suck it Jacob fans! Anyway, we've always had this recipe in our family. We've always just called it "chex mix" but I always thought that was stupid since people automatically think the dry kind of check mix when we talk about it. And most people call it puppy mix anyway. I will most def call it Mongrel Mix from now on. Its a good name. I think Angela liked it too, she pretty much woofed it down! Get it?! Woofed! Jacob! Wofl?! HA! I totally laughed while typing that. Or rather I lotied. That's what Angela, Lori and I are calling it now. When you laugh on the inside. Its better than just typing "lol" when you really didn't laugh out loud. I love us.

I have had my Bella engagement ring stuck on my right ring finger for the past 4 days. Finally after all this time I got it off, with a little help from Lori and Angela, and some cucumber melon lotion. I stupidly put it on that finger when some cute guy was extremely close to talking to me and then his eyes slowly noticed the ring on my left ring finger. In slow motion his eyes bulged out of his sockets then he slowly spun around and walked away. As much as I was not looking forward to attempting to talk to a cute boy, and the whole idea even now makes me want to either throw up or pass out. I was slightly disappointed that I didn't get to at least try. Or at least go "UH HI UH I GOTTA GO!" and run away myself. So I forcefully shoved the ring on my left ring finger. Which is not something I will be doing again any time soon. Because apparently fingers swell, and if you have to push a ring past your knuckle in the first place, chances are it wasn't meant for that finger. The end.

My first picture is my Mongrel Mix, its really good but it wasn't the BEST batch I've ever made.. /pout The second picture is the other Twilight tee I got last week. I wanted to take a picture of it but I was wearing it so I just took a picture of it in the mirror. And I'd like to point out that I think its awesome you can see the lil shape cling-ons in the bathtub. I love proof that kids are around often. /grin

Quotes of the day:
Me: "And then he did the whole 'I'm totally gonna talk to her' dance."

Angela: "I lotied and that made me lol."

Lori: "meh!" /does random shrugging motion with hands

Hank: "Gross put that thing away!"
Me: "Afterall these years I finally find your weakness, and its bras?"

Edward from Eclipse: "But if you ever bring her back damaged again — and I don’t care whose fault it is; I don’t care if she merely trips, or if a meteor falls out of the sky and hits her in the head — if you return her to me in less than the perfect condition that I left her in, you will be running with three legs. Do you understand that, mongrel?"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Team Edward

Its already day 8 of September. I have had my Twilight calender on July/August for the past 8 days still. But who can blame me when its Edward? I took a picture of it today in hopes that I'll be able to finally say goodbye to it and move on tomorrow haha. Oh how I miss summer already. /pout

I saw Lori, Kevin and the kids tonight. Mom and I went out to eat with them at Chili's. We gave them the Arizona t-shirts we got for them. I asked them if they wanted to spend the night at my house on Friday night, and they agreed. Looks like I'll be picking them up after school. I'm excited. I have secretly always wanted to pick them up from school. Though I really wish they didn't have to go back to school so soon, and am still sad that I missed being here for their first day. I am extremely happy that I will finally be able to drive by myself to pick up the kids from school! I remember when Amy used to pick me up from school back when I went to New Horizon Academy. Ugh, with my little catholic school girl uniform. /shivers Anyway, she would make me smores and bring them with her. One time she had to use colored marshmallow's because we were out of the white ones. She thought I would be disappointed but it just added to the excitement factor. Maybe I should do that for the kids. They would love that! Oh, I can't wait!

I went to Hastings after and rented some movies. Two vampire movies and one random romantic comedy so Mom wouldn't bitch at me when I forced her out of the living room to watch my vampire movies on the big screen. /snicker I literally just went down the comedy/drama isle and grabbed the first movie I hadn't seen. Even if Mom has seen it, which i doubt, she won't remember it. She never remembers seeing movies. I find it both hilarious and fucking annoying when I say "I don't want to see that, we saw it already" and she insists she hasn't when I know damn well I saw it with her. I have a nearly perfect memory for God's sake!

When I was at Hastings I went to look at the books, like normal. I have been thinking about reading that series that Angela is reading. The True Blood series, but I can't decide. The Vampire Dairies series seems interesting too. And yet I'm not sure if I really want to read another Vampire series at the same time. /shrug Either way, I was sitting down reading part of the book. And two tween girls walked by and one of them stopped and pointed to my Twilight bag. And said, "What team?" At first I didn't realize what the hell she was talking about. But then I realized she was asking me if I was on Team Jacob or Team Edward. So of course I answered, "Team Edward." They both gave me the most disgusted looks I've ever recieved from tween girls without rolling my eyes or verbally abusing them. And the shorter girl said "Gross.." while the other girl said "Bloodsucker." And they both walked away. The whole time I was just sitting there with the book in front of my face frozen. Until about 5 minutes after when I was just like..wait, did I just get called a bloodsucker? At that point I couldn't help but crack up laughing. Even though its hilarious, I can't help but wonder if they just go around randomly asking that to anybody they say, Twilight bag or not. Wouldn't that be funny? Kinda makes me want to do it. Next random person I see I'm going to go up to them and say, "What team?" And if they answer Jacob I'll look at them like they are stupid and say "mongrel." Ahahahaha! No but really Angela and I are going to figure out where those tweens live and spray paint "Dog house" on their front door.

That being said, I read Eclipse for the..I don't know third time? Forth? And I have decided that Jacob really does get on my last nerve. And even though I laughed and thought Bella was stupid for punching Jacob in the nose when she should have known she would just break her hand. I can't help but think, I would do the EXACT same thing. Only after I broke my hand I would realize that didn't work, pick up a crowbar and go back at it. Hmm I just got a brilliant beyond brilliant idea for tomorrow's cookie idea!