Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Ashley spent the night last night and we baked some today. While Amy and the boys were here and they played out in the snow. It was fun but honestly I'm really stressed out. I have realized lately how much I depend on plans. And how bad I am when it comes to being a perfectionist. I plan things and try so hard to make things so perfect. And it seems God just doesn't want me to do that. Because he is constantly ruining it. I went to alot of trouble to plan this holiday out. And things keep getting thrown at me. I'm hoping that it will still all work out. And I will be able to see Joseph on valentines day still. I don't care if its him here or me there.. I just want to be with him on valentines day. I just want to see him. I miss him so much. I will get on a plane tomorrow if I have to. But I am noticing that I seriously can't stand not knowing what is going to happen. I want him to tell me what is going to happen. Are you driving here? Leaving friday? Am I flying there? Leaving tomorrow? Friday? Saturday?? JUST TELL ME! I know the weather makes things hard. But oh my gosh! Please just tell me. Please just make a plan and lets stick with it. If the weather ruins it lets go from there. But I can't take this go with the flow attitude he has lol. His work could tell him tomorrow he is having some meeting or he has to go to California or something and he'd be fine with it. But I just don't work like that. I mean I can do anything if you tell me a date and a time probably. And if I had a plan on how I was going to do it. Sigh him and I are just different when it comes to this. Its not a bad thing but its going to take some work on my part. And maybe his too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chocolate strawberry

Chocolate and strawberry is the best combo ever created by man. That being said.. I went shopping today with Mom. It was odd spending so much time with her. And especially odd since I offered to buy the clothes she was helping me pick out..and she said no. And even MORE odd that not only was she buying me clothes and picking out clothes with me but insisting that I needed new clothes since I was going to meet Joseph's mom. Odd.. But it Fun isn't the right word but I'll just go with it. I got 6 pairs of skinny jeans. They were buy one get one free. And I got two new shirts. Some new panties and bras and socks. And I got some valentines day stuff for JoJo. I have so much to do still before he comes.. But I have a feeling I'll have plenty of time.. He was suppose to find out today when he was going to be able to come. And he still hasn't found out. He said tomorrow morning. But I bet you anything he won't be able to leave until friday (if that) and then the weather will probably keep him. I hope he at least makes it by valentines day.. =[

Monday, February 8, 2010


Today I cleaned and did laundry. Nothing big. I was suppose to go to Wal-Mart and get some stuff so I could start baking. But the snow storm and sleet made me change my plans. Frustrating.. Hopefully I can get out long enough tomorrow to do what I need to do. If not I'm going to be rushing to do everything wed/thurs. Oh well. It will work out I think. The snow sure was pretty today. I just wish I had my werewolf here to warm me up.. Soon though =]

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Miss him

I did nothing today but feel like crap. I slept on and off. But even when I slept it was only because of the nyquil and it wasn't even restful sleep. I have been sneezing and coughing all day. I think its just my allergies and stuff but its not going away. Maybe its because of my damn ear still I don't know. But I have so much to do before JoJo comes to see me this week. I can't afford to be sick tomorrow. So I'm going to drug myself up again tonight. /crosses fingers

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chicken Blaster

Today I went to Adam's basketball game. Then I went to the Cabot house and got some stuff I left there. It was depressing going there again. And seeing my room all cold and unlived in. Plus I just really miss it.. But oh was good to see Rogue again. He missed me and I missed him. And then I met Lori, Kevin and the kids at Chili's for lunch. Then we went shopping to a bunch of different places that I am not going to even bother trying to remember. I had to get a wallet for my valentine day outfit. And I got some other stuff too. Some stuff I needed for JoJo's valentines day gift. And Lori and Kevin registered at some places for the baby. And we went on a random road trip to Bryant for Lori's job. And then Lori and I went to Wal-Mart. And now I'm home and tired as hell. I took a bubble bath and some nyquil and I'm ready for bed. Now to just get JoJo to call me..

Friday, February 5, 2010

I heart blank

Today Amy was here with the kids most of the day. And we hung out. And I refused to play games. I wasn't really feeling it. But eventually I did bust out some just dance moves with Adam. And then Angela, Amy and I went shopping. I got a pair of heels for my valentine outfit. And a necklace for it too. I wanted the pair of converse pictured. Buuuut Angela gave me the look of death. I will probably go back and get them though. And write JoJo on them! :DAfter we got the shoes (Angela got a new pair too since JoJo stole her black pair) we went to Crazy Hibachi. Where your table is a grill and the chef cooks the food right in front of you. And throws it at you too. Lulz. It was the best fried rice I've ever had. I ate more today than I have all week! (Not a lie.) I also got some stuff for valentines day. I want everything to be perfect. Call me a perfectionist if you must..but I really want this to be a good valentines day for Joseph and I. Its important to me (for once) normally I tell this holiday to go fuck itself. But this time I'm embracing it. And its fun! Anyway, I honestly can't remember any quotes from today. And even if I could I would still end it here because I smell like fried rice and grease. And I want to shower. So..later.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I'm amazed and stunned that I have been able to keep up with this project with a cute werewolf constantly distracting me. /raises eyebrow
But the good news is not only did I keep up with the project but I even remember to get a pic of him. Though I still failed at getting a pic of us. Its okay though..plenty of time for that! Next time he is here though I think I might have to take a moment to say hey..I need to blog JoJo. Because there are so many things that happen while he is here that I don't want to forget. Sweet quotes he says and funny stories that happen. Like Mollie the banker asking if he was my father. LULZ. Can't wait for valentines day. FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE! Normally I hate valentines day! But for once I am looking foward to it. Because for once in my life I'm going to actually have him with me. I mean sure I've had a boyfriend during valentines day before.. But not PHYSICALLY with me! I'm so excited. I hope I can actually look pretty for him. Curls and make up and heels and all that stupid girly shit that will make him go "woah!" or something to that effect. Weeeeeee! Girly moment..

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today was less than epic. I have been doing laundry and stuff. My ear has been killing me all day. And not my left ear is starting to hurt. I don't understand. I've done EVERYTHING that I was suppose to do. Why the hell isn't it better? Whatever.. Joseph was suppose to come today but decided leaving tomorrow morning would be better. Then some people in the guild in wow pissed him off tonight. And his team lost. He isn't in a very good mood. And I'm obviously pretty bad at cheering him up. Fail.. Hope tomorrow is better. That's all I have to say.
Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Birds!"
Me: "Bullshittery!"
Angela: "It is."
Me: "Bring your samuri movies."
JoJo: "I will."
Me: "Good because I'm going to make you watch the notebook and princess bride."
JoJo: "That's like saying bring the lube because I'm going to make you take it in the butt."
Me: "Just fucking shoot my ear off and get me a new one please."
Me: "Trust me that sounds less painful than what it feels like right now."
Question of the day:
Which should I make him watch first notebook or princess bride?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shopping trip bleh..

Went shopping with Angela and Jessica today. Had alot of fun even though it was shopping! Got two pretty dresses. One for valentines day and the other was just for the hell of it. Angela said its okay to have dresses on hand.. /shrug
I got new rainbow socks too. They are different colors. I'm sure Joseph will appreciate them. My ear has been bothering me all day. But I had tons of fun with Angela.
Quotes of the day:
Angela: "BULLSHITTERY! That's my new word."
Me: "Yes.."
Angela: /exasperation
Me: "I enjoyed this."
Angela: "Oh I stepped on your fork!"
Me: /chokes
Question of the day:
How do girls wear high heels and not die? (Answer: Don't run on your toes apparently.)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Ashley

I figured out if I put a pillow in place of where Joseph should be..I can sleep after a couple of hours of laying there with my eyes closed. I slept for a few hours this morning. Like 3 at the most. But I was out cold for once. Lori called me twice and text me. Then came by the apartment and rang the doorbell and knocked and still got nothing. She eventually went to Amy's house got a spare key came in and walked over to me and touched me and scared the shit out of me. I gave her a picture of Edward and Bella so she could make the cake. We went to the chinese place for lunch and then Amy, Lori and I spent all day cleaning her house and getting ready for the party. Lori accidently used liquid dish soap for the dishwasher and it got suds everywhere! We spent way too much time trying to clean that mess up. And I was forced to go up into the attic and put up christmas crap. It was scary.

I eventually picked up the kids from school and picked up the cake. Then we decorated for the party and I baked cookies. I left early because my head was killing me. My ear problem is driving me nuts.

My internet sucks lately.

Quotes of the day:
Ashley: "Did you do this??"
Me: "No I didn't paint it on the cake or anything but I gave your mom the picture for it."
Me: "I call Edward's face!"
Me: "Yeah but you and Agent Scully are the only two women in the world who can run in heels."

Ashley: "That came from a really expensive store!"

Angela: "Girls are funny."

Zach: "All girls do is buy each other what they would want or what they already have. I don't get it."

Question of the day:

Why do women want baby girls? ( I want boys mostly.)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Williams Sonoma

I got two hours sleep before finally giving up and went with Amy to Little Rock. We went to William's Sonoma. The best cooking/baking store I've ever been in! I bought tons of shit. I spent alot of money in there. And I got Ashley's birthday presents for tomorrow. I got to really talk to Amy. And it was nice. I understand where she is coming from. I feel like I'm kinda at the same point. I hope she realizes though that I feel closer to her than I am with most anybody in the family. That trip to Arizona really brought us closer. And I realized how much I actually have in common with her. We went to the container store too. But I didn't much care for that place..

We went to Olive Garden. I was glad to get some mango peach tea and some nice Italian food. Then we went back to the apartment and I hid Ashley's presents and picked up Zach and Ashley from school. As soon as Ashley got off the bus she bolted to my car. She jumped in the front seat before Zach could get a chance and yelled really loudly "LOOK AT MY SHIRT ITS JUST LIKE YOURS!!!" With a big grin on her face. She was really excited that her grandmother had gotten her a shirt just like mine. It made me really happy. It was cute. Then we got back to the apartment and I gave them a snack and a drink and we turned on Flapjack. And Ashley turns around and looks at me and says "I have something to show're going to be proud." And she shoves her converse in my face. And not only did she WRITE on it just like me..but she wrote TEAM EDWARD! I was so proud. I took a picture of it right away. She asked me if Joseph was coming to her party and I had to tell her he couldn't make it. I think that made her upset. But when I asked her about it she said "Its okay.." I hope she realizes that its not that he loves Austin more. Its that he doesn't know her that well yet. But he still likes her. Its all good though because he said he would get her a birthday gift and bring it when he comes. I think that will make her feel better. Gifts is for sure her love language. I showed her all the stuff I got from William's Sonoma and told her I got her gift from there. Her face lit up and she said "What you got you like it?" And I said yes..and she jumped up and down and said "Then I know I will love it!" I'm glad that I will always have good relationships with the kids in my family. They all really do love me.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I don't like this store it smells like plastic and is too organized..not the good kind of organized either."

Me: "I can haz money treez?"

Alan: "It would only be awkward if he was a douche like Jason or Patrick."
Me: "He is a nice guy I don't think it would be awkward. Not as awkward as seeing Angela and I in hot topic anyway."

Zach: "Some things in life are free..for everything else there is Joseph."
Me: "That's horrible!"

Me: "I could tell that Cynthia didn't really want to meet him and I wish she would have just told me why. And I wish people would stop assuming I want Joseph for his money. Because its not like that at all."
Alan: "As long as you're happy and getting out of that situation you're in I'm happy for you."
Me: "But I'm not using him to get out of this situation."

Me: "I just want this whole store..can I just buy this whole store?"

Me: "You can never have too many silicone spatula's. Remember that..its useful information."

Me: "Pants on the ground..pants on the ground..lookin like a fool witcha pants on the ground!"

Angela: "Happy dance!"

Question of the day:
Do you write on any of your shoes? If so what do you write? And if not you fail.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No rest for the wicked

I didn't have a great day today. I can't sleep without Joseph. I stayed up all night trying to relax and sleep. But I couldn't sleep for anything. Then I took a pain killer in the morning and it finally knocked me out for a couple of hours. But then I woke up in a CABINET. How I managed to sleep walk myself into my bathroom cabinet is beyond me. But I did. I can't wait for him to come back. Sleeping for the first time in so long so well this weekend..has just made me all the more tired all the time.

WCN tonight sucked. Just like last weekend I was the only one that showed up. Epic fail. I had fun with Angela and Austin at least for a little while. But I was really just down. Then Joseph called while I was at her house and I just kinda freaked out on him. Well not on him but told him about the heated argument I had with my mom. Which was interesting. He made me promise I would never get crazy like my mom. I promised. But can you really promise such a thing? I promise I will try not to be. But its genetic isn't it? If so then poor JoJo..

I talked to him for a while tonight but then he got to feeling really sick and I felt bad for not being there to make him feel better like he made me feel better when I was sick. I told him to take some Pepito and water and lay down. But I can only help so much when I'm not with him.. I wish I was with him so bad. I think its just going to get harder and harder being away from him. Even though he keeps saying it won't because he isn't that far. And that it will be easier once I trust he will come back. But I don't know.. I think long distance relationships are always going to be painful. But at least we will never get sick of each other lol. And I'll always be so excited to see him. Gotta look on the bright side I guess.

Going to spend time with Amy tomorrow.. Oh and the picture of the day is the calender Angela printed off. Highlight is our possible time to go to Hawaii. I was going to talk to Joseph about it but then he got sick. I will tell him later if he calls back or tomorrow. Anyway.. Going to go lay down and attempt to sleep. We'll see how that goes.. =[

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "I need you to take care of me from now on."
Me: "Do I not take care of you now?"
JoJo: "You do. Just want you to know I need you now."

JoJo: "I so wish you were here."
Me: "I too Jojo."

Me: "Oh snapz!"

Me: "I can haz xboxz?"

Doxin: "As long as you don't ask him to cut his hair short, you can kiss him all you want."
Me: "We have an agreement..I don't cut mine he doesn't cut his."

Question of the day:
What is the one place in the world you've always wanted to go? (Scotland!)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1 month

So Joseph surprised me on friday and showed up at Angela's house. I thought he wasn't going to be able to come I was all pouty and upset. Angela was all we'll do your make up and hair and order pizza and still have fun! And yadda yadda. So I was like bleh I am too sad and don't really want to. But I did anyway. Then when I got there and Angela just finished my make up. The doorbell rings and I'm like "pizza is here." So she goes to pay for it. And I stayed in the bathroom and she is like "Karen do you have any cash for a tip?" And I say "sure!" And run out of the bathroom and to Angela's bedroom door. And there he is. Standing there holding pizza. And I stop dead frozen and shock faced. And he says.."Somebody order pizza?" He smiles really big and I just continue to stare at him shocked. And he says "I asked if you wanted to talk." I look over at Angela and point and say "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS!" And then for the next 20 mins or so I was mad and disappointed and also really happy. I had a way in which I wanted it to happen. And I wasn't wearing the outfit I wanted and I didn't look how I wanted or anything. But I was really happy he was there. I was really happy to see him. And by the time Amy, Lori, Zach, Ashley and Kevin had all met him and left. I was able to get a few minutes alone time while he drove me to the apartment to pick up my medicine. And I was able to hold his hand without freaking out.

I was paranoid about how I was going to tell Mom. But Joseph handled it. He called her and told her that he was here and surprised me. And that he wanted to meet her. It was really smooth and would have been perfect. Had I not ruined it by deciding I was comfortable enough to spend the night with him at his hotel room. Because then she showed up at Angela's the next morning and knew I wasn't there. She showed up at the hotel and while I was in the bathroom after just waking up from a killer headache and earache. Joseph answered the door. I heard "Are you Joseph Terry?" and "So this is what you call a friendly visit?!" And then I came out and told her to leave. But not before freaking out and almost passing out. I freaked Joseph out bad and he texted Angela. Then Angela showed up with happy pills and her inhaler. Joseph said he didn't mind and he was glad to just get it out of the way. And Angela pointed out the fact that we knew she would freak out eventually. I just never wanted it to happen that bad. But it would have..either way. And it was good that happened then so we were able to go the rest of the time not lying or hiding or anything. I stayed at the hotel all weekend. Cuddling and talking and kissing. And watching tv and just spending time with him. He made me take all my medicine and eat food and sleep. And normally this wouldn't please me at all. But it felt great to have somebody take care of me. And SLEEP oh my gosh. I was able to sleep. I was able to cuddle up next to him and actually sleep. And when I had a bad dream it woke him up because I would toss and turn and he would have his arm around me and feel it. And when he felt it he would wake up and get me to wake up and relax and go back to sleep. It was perfect.. I felt so safe and happy. It was everything I ever wanted. And I lost track of time and days. Because I was so happy just being with him even as much pain as I was in on Saturday. Sunday I felt much better. And we went out. And I made him watch Twilight of course. And we played some wii. And he bought me DJ Hero. And I played it alot today. Its so fun. It was painful to watch him leave. It was so hard to say goodbye. But he says he'll come back either this weekend or next week. I hope so..

Today we made one month. A whole happy month together. And many more to come! I love him so.

The picture from Friday are my rainbow socks in the hotel. The picture from Saturday is Angela and her cherry vanilla coke at Waffle House. . And Sunday is Joseph's porsche in the sun And the picture from Monday is me wearing Joseph's shirt.. After he left and I was trying not to cry so hard. =[

Quotes of the weekend:
JoJo: "Do you mind if we talk?"
Me: "No I don't."
JoJo: "Wanna talk or mind?"
Me: "I wanna talk."
Angela: "Hey do you have cash for the delivery guy? I thought I did but I don't."
Me: "Sure."
JoJo: "Somebody order pizza?"

JoJo: "When you sent me that text saying you couldn't take much more disappointment I went like 200mph. I got here at 7 on the dot."

Me: "I'm glad you like me."
JoJo: "No I love you."
Me: "I love you too."

JoJo: "I thought I was being all cute and sweet."
Me: "You were but.. I don't much care for surprises JoJo."
JoJo: "I learned that today."

JoJo: "I'll take good care of you baby."
JoJo: "I'll make you a happy girl."

Me: "You really ARE warm to the touch."
JoJo: "I told you."
Me: "I always knew you were a werewolf."
JoJo: "So what do you think of this werewolf?"
Me: "Perfect."

JoJo: "Does my baby need some pie?"
Me: "Yes!"

JoJo: "We are winning. You're a lucky charm I think."

Me: "That's my mom calling."
JoJo: "Tell her I'm forcing you to watch football."

JoJo: "I hope you don't mind but I really want to wear my jersey today."

Me: "Did you know sugar daddy's used to be called papa's!? ahahahahaha!"
JoJo: "NO wow that's epic."
Me: "It is! Ironic."

Question of the day:
So you met him..what did you think of him?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Even Supergirl has to get shots in the ass

Okay so I went to the doctor again today after calling them and asking them what to do. They said hm that sounds bad you should come back in and spend more fucking money to fix the problem we should have already had fixed on tuesday. Okay not word for word but still. I had to pick up Zach and Ashley from school so they went with me to the doctor. I made them wait out in the waiting room. Glad I did because I ended up getting a shot in my hip. Yeah I freaked out. And I made my knuckles turn white from holding the chair so hard. This penicillin shot was more painful than a fucking flu shot! Anyway..I have some kind of pocket behind my eardrum and the pressure is from the pocket pushing against my eardrum and that's why I can't hear anything. Eventually its going to pop and when it does it will probably pop through my eardrum and hurt alot. So I got a shot and pain killers and another antibiotic. Fun. Not really..

Kevin and Lori came over and we all had KFC. I didn't eat much. It hurts to chew. =[

I hope tomorrow's loosely based plans go alright..

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I found the goober glitter!"
Angela: "I seriously laughed out loud!"

Me: "Ashley I think you're just jealous of my legendary crown of wonder."
Ashley: "That's exactly it."

Ashley: "And then she was like../does hand gestures and I was like /does hand gestures it was crazy!"
Me: "What's that I understood that."

Me: "I feel loopy as hell...and hell is loopy."

Me: "Getting a shot in my ass was not on my to do list for today. I freaked the hell out."

Question of the day:
Have you ever touched a pig? (Ashley asked me this today randomly)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sec = sex

Felt miserable and in pain all day. Sucked it up and went to Waffle House with Angela and Austin that was my big adventure for the day. Oh and going to Knight's grocery store to pick up the cash Joseph randomly wired to me since I spent all my money on medicine and that doctor visit. He sure does take care of me. =] So yay! I have money again. Lyke oh mah gawd I should lyke go shopping! Not really. But the other day Joseph was raiding and I didn't really want to go. But he was like trying to get the raid leader to invite me. Then I told Joseph I didn't really want to raid. So he told the raid leader nevermind she turned me down. And the raid told him to take me shopping it would make me happy. Lulz. Maybe that would make most girls happy. Kinda makes me wonder what the hell Joseph sees me. Because I'm not a typical girl at all. And I find it hard to believe that he likes that I'm not a typical girl. But maybe that is it.. /shrug

I have taken so much medicine today its crazy. That syrup shit is disgusting. And I swear if I have to take it one more time I am going to throw up. Speaking of which I'm all loopy on the syrup now so I'm going to go lay down as comfortably as possible with a sore ear. And I'm going to hope that I can actually sleep a dreamless, peaceful, non-painful sleep tonight.

Quotes of the day:
Austin: "So wait you met Joseph on a video game???"

Amy: "I told Adam to take a bath and he said 'Why don't you just spray me with air freshener instead.'"
Me: "Sassy!"

Me: "Can you call me?"
JoJo: "Sure hold on a sex."
/20 minutes later
Me: "That's one long sex."

Angela: "Popcorn."
Me: "Hm you haven't had popcorn in a long time.."
Angela: "I know. It was good."

Question of the day:
Almost half way through the first month of the first is it going for you?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Doctor visit

I haven't been to the doctor since I was 20 years old. And that was a check up when I was just getting my inhaler refilled. I haven't had a flu shot in um well since I had to get flu shots because of school. And even then I think I skipped some years. And the last time I remember taking medicine other than my inhaler or zertec it was back when I was really sick with mono and had to go to the doctor for excuses at school. And the last time I had any form of syrup medicine I was a little kid and it tasted like bubblegum and I could have drank it all day long. So to put it plainly. I am always sick but I never go to the doctor for it or take medicine for it. I'm more of a umm take some tylenol, sprite and soup and wait for it to blow over type of person. But apparently that didn't please JoJo. /glare

I was so sick last night and the night before that Joseph just refused to let it go today. He really wanted me to go to the doctor yesterday but I was convinced it would be gone by Tuesday. I even felt better yesterday morning. But then after the kids left I started feeling shitty again. So this morning Joseph wouldn't let up about me going to the doctor. I guess he even looked it up on his Iphone or something. Because he said I should go to Beebe Medical Clinic. Which is literally right next to the apartments.. /glare again

I made an appointment. Mom was no help at all. She was just like complaining about how she could get it so cheap for herself at the base. You know..because she can still go to the base even though she ISN'T MARRIED to the man anymore. Whatever. No help. I spent 15 minutes filling out forms....the joy. Then waited another 15 minutes before I was even seen. Then I had to answer a bunch of fun questions about my family medical history. When I really just wanted to shorten it to "We are a bunch of sick diseased bastards who don't go to please make this fast." But I didn't.. /pout

When the doctor finally came in she asked why I was here today. I answered my boyfriend. Because honestly..its the only fucking reason I was there. But clearly she wanted my symptoms. So I listed them. And she said "Have your ears been hurting you?" Nope I answered. Not at all. "Well let me take a look at them", she says. Sure, why the hell not. Whatever it takes to get you to write me a prescription to some disgusting medicine that I won't take so I can get out of here and tell Joseph I did this shit. She then proceeds to "look" in my ears. She then goes "ohhh I see the problem." And picks up a long stick like blue thing. When she then proceeds to POKE ME IN THE EAR. It hurt so bad I got teary eyed. And was literally about to either drop kick the women or suck my thumb and cry like a baby. As that is going on she just continues to poke harder and harder. After a little more than 5 minutes she says.."well you have an ear infection." At this point I'm thinking..whatever women you just poked me in the ear too hard and now you have to play it off as that so you still have a job. My damn ear didn't hurt until I got in this room and you poked it with a stick!

But that's not all. She then says that the ear infection can explain for the headaches and fever. But not the runny nose, tummy pains or nausea. Well that's interesting. Maybe that's because I don't really have an ear infection just a poked ear drum. She then tells me that those are flu symptoms and that since I don't have health insurance and I'm paying out of pocket for this visit. She doesn't want me to pay for a flu test since its only 50% accuracy anyway. Really? Only 50% percent? But whatever the less you have to do me the better for me. She then says she is going to treat it just like it is the flu and gave me the same meds. And that I will no longer be contagious when I can go without taking tylenol and not have a fever. This sounds oddly familiar. SIGH. She then writes me up not one not two but three prescriptions. One is a syrup for pain, coughing and nausea. The other is ear drops. And the other is a antibiotic. The antibiotic has to be taken with food. Lovely. And of course Joseph is making me take them all religiously. I haven't tasted syrup medicine since I was a kid. So..I am very miserable right now. The ear drops hurt so bad. I felt the need to rub it after I put them in but that just made it worse. And the syrup shit did not taste like grape. That nurse was a damn liar!

I can't help but feel like I had this coming for making Joseph go to the doctor and making him drink a shit ton of water. But I hope he realizes how much I love him. Because I have never done shit like this for a guy before.

The picture of the day is what the doctor used to look in my ear. Right before she poked it with her random stick thing.

Quotes of the day:
Doctor: "So why are you here today?"
Me: "My boyfriend."
Doctor: "Hm I can't cure that."

Me: "Antibiotics for the flu stuff eat drops for the ears. And cough syrup."
Angela: "Wow! You're not going to need to eat at all."
Me: "You have to eat with the antibiotics sadly."
Angela: "Eww does pie count?"
Me: "Why the hell wouldn't it? Ha!"

Me: "*Mope*"
Angela: "*Mope*"

Me: "Hope you taking shit tasting cough syrup means I love you."

Me: "Demanding much?"

JoJo: "Why are you being so stubborn?"
Me: "Because I'm stubborn."

Question of the day:
Worst doctor story?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Robot Cookies

I had like two hours sleep last night if that from feeling so shitty all night long. And then Adam, Daniel, Caleb and Amy came over and we baked robot cookies. They had fun I think. I did too even though I felt pretty miserable. And it got progressively worse. If I'm not feeling better by tomorrow I think I might actually have to go to the doctor for the first time in ages. DUN DUN DUN... But for right now I took a lot of nyquil and I'm going to lay down now.

Quotes of the day:
Daniel: "That's a girl robot!"
Adam: "No its not!"
Daniel: "He has a skirt on! Only girls wear skirts!"
Adam: "That's not a skirt!"

Me: "Look they are done we can decorate them in a minute."
Daniel: /points to Adam's robot cookie "Look Adam there is your girl."

Daniel: "Mine is awesomer!"

Daniel: "Yellow is for girls."

Me: /holds up my robot cookie "Danger Will Robinson danger!"
/Adam and Daniel stare at me
Me: "If you guys were older that would have been hilarious.."

Question of the day:
Favorite color?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

60 seconds

Even though I didn't watch these movies today it was the big thing that happened this weekend. And it is all the movies I watched this weekend. I had fun this weekend. But I don't have much to say for today. I'm excited about tomorrow though. Get to see Adam and Daniel. Hope I'm feeling a lil better tomorrow morning though because I'm all sniffly and sneezing tonight.

I can't think of any quotes for today. Add your own, bitches!

Question of the day:
If your house was on fire and you had 60 seconds to grab whatever you can and get out..what would you grab? (Karebear, Joseph's t-shirt, my old pair of converse, my camera, and just anything else I saw that I had time to grab and felt I couldn't live without.)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Movie Marathon

Today was a really busy day. I left the apartment at 10:30 to be at Adam's first basketball game of the season. Then an hour later I went back to Beebe to pick up Angela. Then we went to McDonalds and back to Cabot to start our movie marathon. We watched Avatar first which was a 3D 3 hour movie. Then Jessica met us for Its Complicated. After that we went to Jacksonville for dinner at Chili's and then to North Little Rock. Where we hung out at Barnes and Noble for 2 hours until our next movie Leap Year. After that it was about 11:30 and I drove Angela home then came home myself. I called Joseph and talked to him for a while. I had alot of fun though. My picture of the day is Adam taking the ball down the court.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: /watches teenage boys come into the theature "Ugh teenage boys.."
Me: "Oh this is bad.."
Me: "None of them are hot."

Me: "Pony tail sex!"

Trudy: "Friggin daisy cutters!"

Trudy: "You're not the only one with a gun, bitch."

Its Complicated:
Jane: "Do you by any chance poke smot?"

Leap Year:
Declan: "We're in a fuck! What have you done?"

Anna: "All your beastestness is an act."

Anna: "I had everything I ever wanted.. But nothing I needed."

Question of the day:
Favorite movie this weekend?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

JoJo was bugging me all day to eat some oatmeal. I don't much care for oatmeal. I think I liked it as a kid because I'm pretty sure its all we ever had to eat for breakfast, that and cereal. But I hadn't eaten it in such a long time I kinda forgot how much I really don't like it. But he wouldn't stop bugging me and he kept saying it was good for me and I need to change my diet to healthier foods and blah blah whatevz! So I decided to do it afterall. I found a bag and made it. And the apples and cinnamon oatmeal is I think my least favorite. The texture of the apples freaks me out. Its like eating bits of rubber. Me no likey. But HEY guess what?! I frigging did what he asked me to do because I love and want to make him happy by LISTENING to him! If only he could/would do the same! I've been telling him all week, drink water, rest, don't go outside. Does he listen? Nope! He went out again today. He went to cinnabon and did pay roll. Then bought and unloaded 1000 pounds of horse food to his neighbor's house. He is never going to get better I swear! He just keeps getting worse and worse. And it's stressing me out! I'll be lucky if I get to see him on Valentines Day this rate.

Anyway, tonight was the start of a very busy movie weekend. Mom, Amy, Lori, Angela and I went to see Sherlock Holmes. It was good. I enjoyed it. And then Amy, Lori, Angela and I went to Waffle House. It was kinda weird we didn't know anybody working. I guess that's what happens when you mostly just come in on wed nights. /shrug

Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Lots of movies... Lots. Quotes of the day from now will consists of only my favorite movie quotes from the movies I have seen this weekend.

Quotes of the day:
Sherlock: "Madame, I need you to remain calm and trust me, I'm a professional. Beneath this pillow lies the key to my release."

Watson: "Holmes, does your depravity know no bounds?"
Sherlock: "No."

Sherlock: "What woman wants a doctor who can't tell if a man is dead or not?"

Question of the day:
Sherlock Holmes - how many stars? (I say 4 not 5 because I was disappointed he didn't say "Elementary my dear Watson.")

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Its funny how fast your heart can heal when it finds the right medicine. And I still find it amazing that I can think I love somebody so deeply that I will never truly get over them or be able to love another the same.. Only to find it can love somebody else even stronger. The heart is such an amazing thing. Complicated, confusing, illogical, stubborn but most importantly the strongest muscle in our body. I'm sure if you googled that or something you'd probably find that the tongue is. /raises eyebrow.. But truth be known to me it will always be the heart. Because it keeps beating no matter what. When its broken. When its lonely. When its crushed. When it feels like nothing in your body or even your will can't go on. Your heart still beats.

I've also learned from experience that people are full of shit when they say "only time heals a broken heart." I have had my fair share of broken hearts. And time doesn't help at all. You can wait and wait. And distract yourself. Or just generally make yourself crazy. Or curl up in a ball and just cry for months or a year. And it will still hurt the same it did when you first got it broken. I have found that the only thing that ever helps to make it feel better.. Is to find somebody else to love it. And the truth might heal from a broken heart. But it will scar. And that scar will always be there. And you'll always remember the pain and the agony that you went through. Because if you couldn't remember that pain and agony..then how would you ever know how lucky you are when you're finally happy? How would you ever truly know what happiness feels like if you haven't experienced the very worst of heartache? Really..I'm glad I went through everything I have gone through. I might be broken and fucked up..and generally a pain in the ass to handle. But I will never take Joseph for granted. I will always be truly grateful to have him in my life. For however short or long. I will always thank God for bringing him to me. Because he is showing my heart a kind of love that only a werewolf can show! And boy is it warm!

Picture of the day are the heart shaped cookie cutters JoJo got me for Christmas. They just seemed to fit.

Enough mushy, emo, heartfelt, sensitive shit. Back to your regularly scheduled blog.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "You hush."
Pie: "I can hear your southern accent."
Me: "I don't have a southern accent!"
Pie: "Oh yes you do! Its adorable and it's probably a reason Joey Baby loves you."
Me: "Psh he probably can't even hear my "accent" over his."

Pie: "You want to hit hard, not fast."
Me: "This sounds like good life advice, dad."
Pie: "It is dear one; it is."

Angela: "Fambily."

JoJo: "You can ring my bell bell bell... Ring my bell."

Me: "He is a brat."
Angela: "Yep."

Question of the day:
Favorite Just Dance song?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chip Off The Ol' Block

Wild Catz night tonight was fun. We danced and talked like normal and I made everybody watch The New Moon Hillywood Show. Because everybody should watch both the Twilight Hillywood Show and The New Moon Hillywood Show. Its just..necessary. I have never been in so much pain from playing Just Dance though. I HURT. My right arm feels like it might fall off. But I had fun.. And the best thing I found out today was...LORI IS HAVING A GIRL! YAY! Olivia Hope! Epic!!!!!!!!!! And I'm so excited about this weekend. Angela and I are going to the movies not just once but a billion times. Until our eyes BLEED. And Chili's! HELL YEAH! And even though I'm always excited about Halloween because its my favorite holiday ever.. I am even more excited about this coming Halloween.. Because Joseph randomly mentioned it! And is talking about a costume party and renting everybody costumes! /squee

I had a good day. Hope it continues for the rest of the week. And hope Joseph starts getting better. Oh and I hope it snows snowed a little bit tonight but mostly sleet. COME ON SNOW FOR ME AGAIN PLEASE OH PLEASE!

I came home today and I had messages on my aim from Patty. Well this is what he has to say -
"I wanted to apologize to all of your family.
I wanted to apologize for not trying to be a part of the family, and well most importantly because of how much pain i caused you.
I may never talk to them again, and i dont think i really properly met any of them but i really am sorry."

Well..there you go. He says sorry to me and you guys. He never even really met you guys. So I don't think he really has any reason to be sorry. Unless he is saying sorry for not meeting you guys. Which I think he is too. Its a nice gesture anyway..

Time to call Joseph while snuggling up with my Edward blanket. My Edward blanket will just have to do until I get my werewolf in person. =]

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Fuck you the drunk monkey kicked their ass!"

JoJo: "Ask Karen about her good girl collar."

Me: "Drink more water!"
JoJo: "Diet coke okay baby."

Me: "What the french, toast?!"

JoJo: "eat your pie lol."

Me: "You should just have pie ready for me every wed."

Angela: "Ah that was a good one!" /points to self

Me: "I was rolling my eyes at Angela and Amy for wanting me to text them when I got home when I live 2 mins away. Then I stepped out of the car and slid on a patch of ice and fell on my ass."

JoJo: "You're a special haven't been around the block 20 times. That makes you special..different from other girls. You're not a slut. I like that about you." (Saving this for future reference if I ever get called a slut..bahaha.)

Question of the day:
Who invented the afro and why?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I went to Angela's tonight. We danced our asses off. I wore my fur coat. It's so cold lately. And my fur coat is so warm and inviting. And that's my t.v. in the background and my computer. Good times. JoJo is starting to feel a bit better I think. Hope he is finally getting well.

I had to deal with some drama today.. Pat and I decided its best not to talk to each other. It will be easier on everybody this way. I'm not going to lie it hurts to lose a friend. But this is better for Patty. And better for Joseph and I. Maybe in the future we can be friends again.. I hope so. But for's goodbye. A very sad goodbye. He told me alot of things about myself. Qualities he liked and advice for the future. I was too sad and confused to say anything back. But if I could have I would have told him nice things too. Things I have told him before. Like you're not a bad person you are just reserved. Everybody has problems it doesn't make you a fuck up. Things like that. But mostly I would have wanted to tell him.. Me being heartbroken about you wasn't your fault. You just weren't in love with me. And it was a good thing that you broke up with me when you did rather than lead me on. But communication and being open are two things you should work on. I will always remember the both of us trying so hard to be better people. The "fuck ups" that just wanted to be better for each other. It wasn't the healthiest relationship in the world. But it was a relationship that helped me grow. And helped me feel like I wasn't a freak. That somebody out there understood me and was like me in alot of ways. And he helped me and I helped him. And sometimes I still get scared that I'm not mature enough for somebody like Joseph or that we aren't going to work out. But I know that if it wasn't for my relationship with Patty I wouldn't have even caught Joseph's eye probably. I've grown so much since that punk 15 year old kid. Cheers to that at least.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Thanks much."

Me: "Bad mood much?"

Me: "Epic much."

Me: "I just now realized I say much too much."

Question of the day:
Why the hell does Beebe have to have different Channels than Cabot?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Delivery not Digiorno

Today was a pretty shitty day to be honest. And I didn't get my fair share of pie or cookies. /scowl

But I had a good ending. I ordered pizza. Like had it delivered. For the first time ever! It was really weird. Different. I guess living in the city isn't all bad. Though it was a bit awkward when he wouldn't leave and I didn't get why he was starring at me. Then I was like oh yeah I guess I tip you now. Then I tipped him and he left. And I had hot pizza without having to leave the warm house. Oh happy day! Delivery is the best thing ever!

Too bad JoJo couldn't do that today.. He had no food and his mom wasn't feeling well enough to bring him food. So he went out to get food himself even after I told him not a good idea. And hm guess what? It wasn't a good idea. Hope he gets better soon. I've been praying my butt off for him! And it seems like he is only a little better from wed. Sigh..

In other news..having Dad back in WoW has been great. Its much better than keep in contact with him through emails. =]

Quotes of the day:
Pie: "I'd wear tight jeans, tight t-shirt and my hair all greased back."
Pie: "And I'd walk around flexing my muscles to show off my tat."
Me: "That is information that I could have done without..I mean..seeing your dad use the words flexing and tat in the same sentence..not pleasant at all."

Pie: "I always enjoy or father/daughter chats."
Me: "Me too until you talk about your tats."

Pie: "You're stronger than you think."
Me: "Hope so."
Pie: "You went through...Jason..Pat..and lord knows who else and you're still relatively normal."
Me: "Relatively lol."

Cynthia: "Remember that night when we were in branson and hung out at that put put place? That was like a dream. I looove you!"

Question of the day:
Define love?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Shockolate Chip

It snowed today. All day. It looks so pretty. I have wanted it to snow all winter. I hope it sticks to the ground and I can play in it tomorrow. In the crappy little..apartment yard. =/

I miss the pretty land of the cabot house. I miss how it used to look in snow. Wish I had stayed in cabot tonight. Then I could wake up and play in the snow there. Meh. I'm not in the best mood today. I made Shockolate Chip cookies today with Ashley and Zach. And we played lots of super mario on the wii. I originally made the Shockolate Chip recipe when I found out Lori was pregnant. And I also needed a softer Chocolate Chip cookie recipe. It turned out pretty good. I don't feel like doing quotes of the day or anything today. Sorry Angela. I know my blog is really depressing lately. You're going to want to /cut wrists probably. I'll make it up to you later.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mmmm cinnabon

I slept alot today. More than I've slept in weeks. Guess I was really overly tired. I'm still feeling bleh but I don't think its because of that pie. I think its because I've just been overly stressed and tired lately. I don't know. Either way tomorrow I'm baking cookies with Ashley. JoJo slept alot today too. But when he woke up we played WoW together for a while. Then he went back to sleep because he started feeling worse. And Ashley, Zach and I made Cinnamon rolls from the tube, but they were made from real Cinnabon Cinnamon! It was soooo gooood. And I got to talk to Pie today. He started play WoW again. Free 7 days thanks to Blizzard. And he is already hooked again..mwhahahaha! Thanks Blizzard! Picture of the day is Ashley in her Team Edward shirt I gave her for Christmas. Woot!

Quotes of the day:
Pie: "Toby."
Me: "Dad?"
Pie: "You need to hire a ghostwriter to document your life."
Me: "What's a ghostwriter?"
Pie: "Somebody who writes your biography for you."
Me: "Oh sounds like a boring book."
Pie: "There is one thing I know to be certain."
Pie: "You and boring will never be in the same sentence as a descriptive."

Pie: "There are a scant few guys who like short hair."
Pie: "They are called "Gay."
Pie: "Or "Metrosexual."
Pie: "All he needs now is a man purse."
Pie: "Or a "murse" as they are called."

Ashley: "SHE GOT MAIL!"
Ashley: "Is the movie over now?"'
Me: "Just because the name of the movie is "you've got mail" doesn't mean its over when said person gets the mail."
Ashley: "Okay now he got mail.. It must be over now. This movie is dragging!"

Ashley: "I know you like to be on top."
Me: /cracks up laughing
Ashley: "What?"
Me: "Its just..funny you would notice that."
Ashley: "Well anybody who knows you should know you like being on top."

Ashley: "Are you picking up what I'm putting down?"
Me: "Yes."
Ashley: "Do you even know what I'm putting down?"
Me: "No."
Ashley: "So you're just picking up random things that I might not even be putting down. You could be picking up dog crap for all you know."

Question of the day:
Have you ever tried cinnabon cinnamon?

Friday, January 1, 2010


Well its 2010 and I don't feel any different. I still get sick really easy. I still get upset pretty easy. And I still hate change of any kind. But I am getting better at stuff. I guess. So that's a plus. My new years resolution for last year was get my license. And I accomplished that. So I'm happy for that. My new years resolution for this year is G.E.D. I'm not looking forward to accomplishing that.. But JoJo really wants me to do it and so do a couple of other people. And JoJo seems to think it will make me happy. Maybe it will.. I don't know.

I'm too reflective to put in quotes of questions today. Instead you ask me a question. Or you give me some quotes. I'm busy over thinking the previous year.

The picture of the day are my rainbow socks. Oh how my rainbow socks comfort me. Just like hoodies. /hugs socks and hoodies