Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chicken Blaster

Today I went to Adam's basketball game. Then I went to the Cabot house and got some stuff I left there. It was depressing going there again. And seeing my room all cold and unlived in. Plus I just really miss it.. But oh was good to see Rogue again. He missed me and I missed him. And then I met Lori, Kevin and the kids at Chili's for lunch. Then we went shopping to a bunch of different places that I am not going to even bother trying to remember. I had to get a wallet for my valentine day outfit. And I got some other stuff too. Some stuff I needed for JoJo's valentines day gift. And Lori and Kevin registered at some places for the baby. And we went on a random road trip to Bryant for Lori's job. And then Lori and I went to Wal-Mart. And now I'm home and tired as hell. I took a bubble bath and some nyquil and I'm ready for bed. Now to just get JoJo to call me..

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