Thursday, February 4, 2010


I'm amazed and stunned that I have been able to keep up with this project with a cute werewolf constantly distracting me. /raises eyebrow
But the good news is not only did I keep up with the project but I even remember to get a pic of him. Though I still failed at getting a pic of us. Its okay though..plenty of time for that! Next time he is here though I think I might have to take a moment to say hey..I need to blog JoJo. Because there are so many things that happen while he is here that I don't want to forget. Sweet quotes he says and funny stories that happen. Like Mollie the banker asking if he was my father. LULZ. Can't wait for valentines day. FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE! Normally I hate valentines day! But for once I am looking foward to it. Because for once in my life I'm going to actually have him with me. I mean sure I've had a boyfriend during valentines day before.. But not PHYSICALLY with me! I'm so excited. I hope I can actually look pretty for him. Curls and make up and heels and all that stupid girly shit that will make him go "woah!" or something to that effect. Weeeeeee! Girly moment..

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