Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chocolate strawberry

Chocolate and strawberry is the best combo ever created by man. That being said.. I went shopping today with Mom. It was odd spending so much time with her. And especially odd since I offered to buy the clothes she was helping me pick out..and she said no. And even MORE odd that not only was she buying me clothes and picking out clothes with me but insisting that I needed new clothes since I was going to meet Joseph's mom. Odd.. But it was..actually..fun? Fun isn't the right word but I'll just go with it. I got 6 pairs of skinny jeans. They were buy one get one free. And I got two new shirts. Some new panties and bras and socks. And I got some valentines day stuff for JoJo. I have so much to do still before he comes.. But I have a feeling I'll have plenty of time.. He was suppose to find out today when he was going to be able to come. And he still hasn't found out. He said tomorrow morning. But I bet you anything he won't be able to leave until friday (if that) and then the weather will probably keep him. I hope he at least makes it by valentines day.. =[

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