Sunday, January 3, 2010

Shockolate Chip

It snowed today. All day. It looks so pretty. I have wanted it to snow all winter. I hope it sticks to the ground and I can play in it tomorrow. In the crappy little..apartment yard. =/

I miss the pretty land of the cabot house. I miss how it used to look in snow. Wish I had stayed in cabot tonight. Then I could wake up and play in the snow there. Meh. I'm not in the best mood today. I made Shockolate Chip cookies today with Ashley and Zach. And we played lots of super mario on the wii. I originally made the Shockolate Chip recipe when I found out Lori was pregnant. And I also needed a softer Chocolate Chip cookie recipe. It turned out pretty good. I don't feel like doing quotes of the day or anything today. Sorry Angela. I know my blog is really depressing lately. You're going to want to /cut wrists probably. I'll make it up to you later.

1 comment:

  1. It's ok. I'm just worried about you. That's all.

    Ok. Quote of the day:

    Me: btw. Do you need anything from walmart?
    Dallas: a little self respect? I'm all out.
    Me: chocolate? Or cinnamon?
    Dallas: vanilla if they have it!

    Cliff: ok Hun thanks for makin for me...I'll owe you sumthun.
    Cliff: didn't mean that bad either. Been drunkin look over mr.
    Me: it's ok. I understand.
    Cliff: k. Good.

    Karen: IT'S SNOWING!
    Me: it has been all day. :0)
    Karen: you're no fun.

    Austin: I'm gonna go out in the snow now and see if it's cold.
    Me: not like that! Put some clothes on! At least a jacket.
    Austin. I've got white chest hair and a triple man bush I'll be ok momma.
