Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No rest for the wicked

I didn't have a great day today. I can't sleep without Joseph. I stayed up all night trying to relax and sleep. But I couldn't sleep for anything. Then I took a pain killer in the morning and it finally knocked me out for a couple of hours. But then I woke up in a CABINET. How I managed to sleep walk myself into my bathroom cabinet is beyond me. But I did. I can't wait for him to come back. Sleeping for the first time in so long so well this weekend..has just made me all the more tired all the time.

WCN tonight sucked. Just like last weekend I was the only one that showed up. Epic fail. I had fun with Angela and Austin at least for a little while. But I was really just down. Then Joseph called while I was at her house and I just kinda freaked out on him. Well not on him but told him about the heated argument I had with my mom. Which was interesting. He made me promise I would never get crazy like my mom. I promised. But can you really promise such a thing? I promise I will try not to be. But its genetic isn't it? If so then poor JoJo..

I talked to him for a while tonight but then he got to feeling really sick and I felt bad for not being there to make him feel better like he made me feel better when I was sick. I told him to take some Pepito and water and lay down. But I can only help so much when I'm not with him.. I wish I was with him so bad. I think its just going to get harder and harder being away from him. Even though he keeps saying it won't because he isn't that far. And that it will be easier once I trust he will come back. But I don't know.. I think long distance relationships are always going to be painful. But at least we will never get sick of each other lol. And I'll always be so excited to see him. Gotta look on the bright side I guess.

Going to spend time with Amy tomorrow.. Oh and the picture of the day is the calender Angela printed off. Highlight is our possible time to go to Hawaii. I was going to talk to Joseph about it but then he got sick. I will tell him later if he calls back or tomorrow. Anyway.. Going to go lay down and attempt to sleep. We'll see how that goes.. =[

Quotes of the day:
JoJo: "I need you to take care of me from now on."
Me: "Do I not take care of you now?"
JoJo: "You do. Just want you to know I need you now."

JoJo: "I so wish you were here."
Me: "I too Jojo."

Me: "Oh snapz!"

Me: "I can haz xboxz?"

Doxin: "As long as you don't ask him to cut his hair short, you can kiss him all you want."
Me: "We have an agreement..I don't cut mine he doesn't cut his."

Question of the day:
What is the one place in the world you've always wanted to go? (Scotland!)


  1. That's a hard this point anywhere. There's so many places I would love to see! :)

  2. OK the word verification was seduce. Hmmmmmm

  3. ok. i'm jealous of Amy's word verification... the place i want to go the worst is Italy...
