Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Doctor visit

I haven't been to the doctor since I was 20 years old. And that was a check up when I was just getting my inhaler refilled. I haven't had a flu shot in um well since I had to get flu shots because of school. And even then I think I skipped some years. And the last time I remember taking medicine other than my inhaler or zertec it was back when I was really sick with mono and had to go to the doctor for excuses at school. And the last time I had any form of syrup medicine I was a little kid and it tasted like bubblegum and I could have drank it all day long. So to put it plainly. I am always sick but I never go to the doctor for it or take medicine for it. I'm more of a umm take some tylenol, sprite and soup and wait for it to blow over type of person. But apparently that didn't please JoJo. /glare

I was so sick last night and the night before that Joseph just refused to let it go today. He really wanted me to go to the doctor yesterday but I was convinced it would be gone by Tuesday. I even felt better yesterday morning. But then after the kids left I started feeling shitty again. So this morning Joseph wouldn't let up about me going to the doctor. I guess he even looked it up on his Iphone or something. Because he said I should go to Beebe Medical Clinic. Which is literally right next to the apartments.. /glare again

I made an appointment. Mom was no help at all. She was just like complaining about how she could get it so cheap for herself at the base. You know..because she can still go to the base even though she ISN'T MARRIED to the man anymore. Whatever. No help. I spent 15 minutes filling out forms....the joy. Then waited another 15 minutes before I was even seen. Then I had to answer a bunch of fun questions about my family medical history. When I really just wanted to shorten it to "We are a bunch of sick diseased bastards who don't go to doctors..so please make this fast." But I didn't.. /pout

When the doctor finally came in she asked why I was here today. I answered my boyfriend. Because honestly..its the only fucking reason I was there. But clearly she wanted my symptoms. So I listed them. And she said "Have your ears been hurting you?" Nope I answered. Not at all. "Well let me take a look at them", she says. Sure, why the hell not. Whatever it takes to get you to write me a prescription to some disgusting medicine that I won't take so I can get out of here and tell Joseph I did this shit. She then proceeds to "look" in my ears. She then goes "ohhh I see the problem." And picks up a long stick like blue thing. When she then proceeds to POKE ME IN THE EAR. It hurt so bad I got teary eyed. And was literally about to either drop kick the women or suck my thumb and cry like a baby. As that is going on she just continues to poke harder and harder. After a little more than 5 minutes she says.."well you have an ear infection." At this point I'm thinking..whatever women you just poked me in the ear too hard and now you have to play it off as that so you still have a job. My damn ear didn't hurt until I got in this room and you poked it with a stick!

But that's not all. She then says that the ear infection can explain for the headaches and fever. But not the runny nose, tummy pains or nausea. Well that's interesting. Maybe that's because I don't really have an ear infection just a poked ear drum. She then tells me that those are flu symptoms and that since I don't have health insurance and I'm paying out of pocket for this visit. She doesn't want me to pay for a flu test since its only 50% accuracy anyway. Really? Only 50% percent? But whatever the less you have to do me the better for me. She then says she is going to treat it just like it is the flu and gave me the same meds. And that I will no longer be contagious when I can go without taking tylenol and not have a fever. This sounds oddly familiar. SIGH. She then writes me up not one not two but three prescriptions. One is a syrup for pain, coughing and nausea. The other is ear drops. And the other is a antibiotic. The antibiotic has to be taken with food. Lovely. And of course Joseph is making me take them all religiously. I haven't tasted syrup medicine since I was a kid. So..I am very miserable right now. The ear drops hurt so bad. I felt the need to rub it after I put them in but that just made it worse. And the syrup shit did not taste like grape. That nurse was a damn liar!

I can't help but feel like I had this coming for making Joseph go to the doctor and making him drink a shit ton of water. But I hope he realizes how much I love him. Because I have never done shit like this for a guy before.

The picture of the day is what the doctor used to look in my ear. Right before she poked it with her random stick thing.

Quotes of the day:
Doctor: "So why are you here today?"
Me: "My boyfriend."
Doctor: "Hm I can't cure that."

Me: "Antibiotics for the flu stuff eat drops for the ears. And cough syrup."
Angela: "Wow! You're not going to need to eat at all."
Me: "You have to eat with the antibiotics sadly."
Angela: "Eww does pie count?"
Me: "Why the hell wouldn't it? Ha!"

Me: "*Mope*"
Angela: "*Mope*"

Me: "Hope you realize..me taking shit tasting cough syrup means I love you."

Me: "Demanding much?"

JoJo: "Why are you being so stubborn?"
Me: "Because I'm stubborn."

Question of the day:
Worst doctor story?


  1. more important question: Are you contagious today?

  2. Try going through all that with three active little boys with you. I don't think I can narrow it down to one worst doctor visit. I hate doctor visits!!!
