Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mmmm cinnabon

I slept alot today. More than I've slept in weeks. Guess I was really overly tired. I'm still feeling bleh but I don't think its because of that pie. I think its because I've just been overly stressed and tired lately. I don't know. Either way tomorrow I'm baking cookies with Ashley. JoJo slept alot today too. But when he woke up we played WoW together for a while. Then he went back to sleep because he started feeling worse. And Ashley, Zach and I made Cinnamon rolls from the tube, but they were made from real Cinnabon Cinnamon! It was soooo gooood. And I got to talk to Pie today. He started play WoW again. Free 7 days thanks to Blizzard. And he is already hooked again..mwhahahaha! Thanks Blizzard! Picture of the day is Ashley in her Team Edward shirt I gave her for Christmas. Woot!

Quotes of the day:
Pie: "Toby."
Me: "Dad?"
Pie: "You need to hire a ghostwriter to document your life."
Me: "What's a ghostwriter?"
Pie: "Somebody who writes your biography for you."
Me: "Oh sounds like a boring book."
Pie: "There is one thing I know to be certain."
Pie: "You and boring will never be in the same sentence as a descriptive."

Pie: "There are a scant few guys who like short hair."
Pie: "They are called "Gay."
Pie: "Or "Metrosexual."
Pie: "All he needs now is a man purse."
Pie: "Or a "murse" as they are called."

Ashley: "SHE GOT MAIL!"
Ashley: "Is the movie over now?"'
Me: "Just because the name of the movie is "you've got mail" doesn't mean its over when said person gets the mail."
Ashley: "Okay now he got mail.. It must be over now. This movie is dragging!"

Ashley: "I know you like to be on top."
Me: /cracks up laughing
Ashley: "What?"
Me: "Its just..funny you would notice that."
Ashley: "Well anybody who knows you should know you like being on top."

Ashley: "Are you picking up what I'm putting down?"
Me: "Yes."
Ashley: "Do you even know what I'm putting down?"
Me: "No."
Ashley: "So you're just picking up random things that I might not even be putting down. You could be picking up dog crap for all you know."

Question of the day:
Have you ever tried cinnabon cinnamon?

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