Thursday, January 7, 2010

Its funny how fast your heart can heal when it finds the right medicine. And I still find it amazing that I can think I love somebody so deeply that I will never truly get over them or be able to love another the same.. Only to find it can love somebody else even stronger. The heart is such an amazing thing. Complicated, confusing, illogical, stubborn but most importantly the strongest muscle in our body. I'm sure if you googled that or something you'd probably find that the tongue is. /raises eyebrow.. But truth be known to me it will always be the heart. Because it keeps beating no matter what. When its broken. When its lonely. When its crushed. When it feels like nothing in your body or even your will can't go on. Your heart still beats.

I've also learned from experience that people are full of shit when they say "only time heals a broken heart." I have had my fair share of broken hearts. And time doesn't help at all. You can wait and wait. And distract yourself. Or just generally make yourself crazy. Or curl up in a ball and just cry for months or a year. And it will still hurt the same it did when you first got it broken. I have found that the only thing that ever helps to make it feel better.. Is to find somebody else to love it. And the truth might heal from a broken heart. But it will scar. And that scar will always be there. And you'll always remember the pain and the agony that you went through. Because if you couldn't remember that pain and agony..then how would you ever know how lucky you are when you're finally happy? How would you ever truly know what happiness feels like if you haven't experienced the very worst of heartache? Really..I'm glad I went through everything I have gone through. I might be broken and fucked up..and generally a pain in the ass to handle. But I will never take Joseph for granted. I will always be truly grateful to have him in my life. For however short or long. I will always thank God for bringing him to me. Because he is showing my heart a kind of love that only a werewolf can show! And boy is it warm!

Picture of the day are the heart shaped cookie cutters JoJo got me for Christmas. They just seemed to fit.

Enough mushy, emo, heartfelt, sensitive shit. Back to your regularly scheduled blog.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "You hush."
Pie: "I can hear your southern accent."
Me: "I don't have a southern accent!"
Pie: "Oh yes you do! Its adorable and it's probably a reason Joey Baby loves you."
Me: "Psh he probably can't even hear my "accent" over his."

Pie: "You want to hit hard, not fast."
Me: "This sounds like good life advice, dad."
Pie: "It is dear one; it is."

Angela: "Fambily."

JoJo: "You can ring my bell bell bell... Ring my bell."

Me: "He is a brat."
Angela: "Yep."

Question of the day:
Favorite Just Dance song?

1 comment:

  1. This proves something.... or more than one somethings...

    1. the question of the day is just something you want ME to answer.

    2. i'm up way to late/early... it's like 3:55am

    3. what you said make sense... the emo part.

    4. werewolves are warm... from what i've heard, i can't remember actually touching one

    5. Fambily is the best word... say it! ... no, really... say it out LOUD!

    so, i can't decide on my favorite Just Dance song... i think there are a few...

    a. Ring my Bell (obviously)
    b. Can't touch this
    c. Hot and Cold
    d. Jin Go Bi Lo Ba... haha... i know that's wrong....
    e. that one flapper chick song about touching
    f. Wannabe
    g. Womanizer
    h. NOT Cotton Eye Joe (it hurts my elbows)
    i. that other one that i get a low score on because i keep singing along instead of dancing....
    j. and that B52's song

    I still think it's an ABOMINATION that Lady Gaga isn't on there... sheesh!
