Sunday, January 10, 2010

60 seconds

Even though I didn't watch these movies today it was the big thing that happened this weekend. And it is all the movies I watched this weekend. I had fun this weekend. But I don't have much to say for today. I'm excited about tomorrow though. Get to see Adam and Daniel. Hope I'm feeling a lil better tomorrow morning though because I'm all sniffly and sneezing tonight.

I can't think of any quotes for today. Add your own, bitches!

Question of the day:
If your house was on fire and you had 60 seconds to grab whatever you can and get out..what would you grab? (Karebear, Joseph's t-shirt, my old pair of converse, my camera, and just anything else I saw that I had time to grab and felt I couldn't live without.)

1 comment:

  1. 60 seconds: My son. My dogs.

    I meant to tell you... when I went to see the Blind Side yesterday... interesting facts:

    1. i was the only one in the theater until about 2 mins before the movie started...about 15 people come in

    2. They were: A. group of oldies... who sat in the back B. mother-daughter- 2 daughters friends who sat RIGHT behind me and kicked and punched and pulled and licked (maybe, it could have happened) the back of my chair the whole time C.2 best friends who were like 50 and sounded like they had hearing problems because when the spoke to each other they yelled, D. couple with a small child who sat right in front of me....

    3. The 50's besties... literally sat beside me... elbows touching. While they yelled at each other.

    4. btw... i sat in almost the same exact spot, in the same room of the same theater that I watched my first EVER movie when i was a child.

    so here's a diagram of the screen... and all the people:


    X c X
    B B me
    M D F F

    - Oldies back here -

    and the oldies complained for the first 10 minutes of the movie about the cost going up from $4.25 to $6.50... and the peeps behind me complained about the popcorn being stale... *sigh*.... but i loved the movie!
