Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1 month

So Joseph surprised me on friday and showed up at Angela's house. I thought he wasn't going to be able to come I was all pouty and upset. Angela was all we'll do your make up and hair and order pizza and still have fun! And yadda yadda. So I was like bleh I am too sad and don't really want to. But I did anyway. Then when I got there and Angela just finished my make up. The doorbell rings and I'm like "pizza is here." So she goes to pay for it. And I stayed in the bathroom and she is like "Karen do you have any cash for a tip?" And I say "sure!" And run out of the bathroom and to Angela's bedroom door. And there he is. Standing there holding pizza. And I stop dead frozen and shock faced. And he says.."Somebody order pizza?" He smiles really big and I just continue to stare at him shocked. And he says "I asked if you wanted to talk." I look over at Angela and point and say "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS!" And then for the next 20 mins or so I was mad and disappointed and also really happy. I had a way in which I wanted it to happen. And I wasn't wearing the outfit I wanted and I didn't look how I wanted or anything. But I was really happy he was there. I was really happy to see him. And by the time Amy, Lori, Zach, Ashley and Kevin had all met him and left. I was able to get a few minutes alone time while he drove me to the apartment to pick up my medicine. And I was able to hold his hand without freaking out.

I was paranoid about how I was going to tell Mom. But Joseph handled it. He called her and told her that he was here and surprised me. And that he wanted to meet her. It was really smooth and would have been perfect. Had I not ruined it by deciding I was comfortable enough to spend the night with him at his hotel room. Because then she showed up at Angela's the next morning and knew I wasn't there. She showed up at the hotel and while I was in the bathroom after just waking up from a killer headache and earache. Joseph answered the door. I heard "Are you Joseph Terry?" and "So this is what you call a friendly visit?!" And then I came out and told her to leave. But not before freaking out and almost passing out. I freaked Joseph out bad and he texted Angela. Then Angela showed up with happy pills and her inhaler. Joseph said he didn't mind and he was glad to just get it out of the way. And Angela pointed out the fact that we knew she would freak out eventually. I just never wanted it to happen that bad. But it would have..either way. And it was good that happened then so we were able to go the rest of the time not lying or hiding or anything. I stayed at the hotel all weekend. Cuddling and talking and kissing. And watching tv and just spending time with him. He made me take all my medicine and eat food and sleep. And normally this wouldn't please me at all. But it felt great to have somebody take care of me. And SLEEP oh my gosh. I was able to sleep. I was able to cuddle up next to him and actually sleep. And when I had a bad dream it woke him up because I would toss and turn and he would have his arm around me and feel it. And when he felt it he would wake up and get me to wake up and relax and go back to sleep. It was perfect.. I felt so safe and happy. It was everything I ever wanted. And I lost track of time and days. Because I was so happy just being with him even as much pain as I was in on Saturday. Sunday I felt much better. And we went out. And I made him watch Twilight of course. And we played some wii. And he bought me DJ Hero. And I played it alot today. Its so fun. It was painful to watch him leave. It was so hard to say goodbye. But he says he'll come back either this weekend or next week. I hope so..

Today we made one month. A whole happy month together. And many more to come! I love him so.

The picture from Friday are my rainbow socks in the hotel. The picture from Saturday is Angela and her cherry vanilla coke at Waffle House. . And Sunday is Joseph's porsche in the sun And the picture from Monday is me wearing Joseph's shirt.. After he left and I was trying not to cry so hard. =[

Quotes of the weekend:
JoJo: "Do you mind if we talk?"
Me: "No I don't."
JoJo: "Wanna talk or mind?"
Me: "I wanna talk."
Angela: "Hey do you have cash for the delivery guy? I thought I did but I don't."
Me: "Sure."
JoJo: "Somebody order pizza?"

JoJo: "When you sent me that text saying you couldn't take much more disappointment I went like 200mph. I got here at 7 on the dot."

Me: "I'm glad you like me."
JoJo: "No I love you."
Me: "I love you too."

JoJo: "I thought I was being all cute and sweet."
Me: "You were but.. I don't much care for surprises JoJo."
JoJo: "I learned that today."

JoJo: "I'll take good care of you baby."
JoJo: "I'll make you a happy girl."

Me: "You really ARE warm to the touch."
JoJo: "I told you."
Me: "I always knew you were a werewolf."
JoJo: "So what do you think of this werewolf?"
Me: "Perfect."

JoJo: "Does my baby need some pie?"
Me: "Yes!"

JoJo: "We are winning. You're a lucky charm I think."

Me: "That's my mom calling."
JoJo: "Tell her I'm forcing you to watch football."

JoJo: "I hope you don't mind but I really want to wear my jersey today."

Me: "Did you know sugar daddy's used to be called papa's!? ahahahahaha!"
JoJo: "NO wow that's epic."
Me: "It is! Ironic."

Question of the day:
So you met him..what did you think of him?


  1. i already liked him. (is that an answer)

    also... i'm glad to see that your blog is once again a place of smiles, giggles and happy moments... it makes me smile.

  2. oh, also, i'm glad you're not pissed at me anymore! haha
