Monday, January 11, 2010

Robot Cookies

I had like two hours sleep last night if that from feeling so shitty all night long. And then Adam, Daniel, Caleb and Amy came over and we baked robot cookies. They had fun I think. I did too even though I felt pretty miserable. And it got progressively worse. If I'm not feeling better by tomorrow I think I might actually have to go to the doctor for the first time in ages. DUN DUN DUN... But for right now I took a lot of nyquil and I'm going to lay down now.

Quotes of the day:
Daniel: "That's a girl robot!"
Adam: "No its not!"
Daniel: "He has a skirt on! Only girls wear skirts!"
Adam: "That's not a skirt!"

Me: "Look they are done we can decorate them in a minute."
Daniel: /points to Adam's robot cookie "Look Adam there is your girl."

Daniel: "Mine is awesomer!"

Daniel: "Yellow is for girls."

Me: /holds up my robot cookie "Danger Will Robinson danger!"
/Adam and Daniel stare at me
Me: "If you guys were older that would have been hilarious.."

Question of the day:
Favorite color?

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