Monday, January 4, 2010

Delivery not Digiorno

Today was a pretty shitty day to be honest. And I didn't get my fair share of pie or cookies. /scowl

But I had a good ending. I ordered pizza. Like had it delivered. For the first time ever! It was really weird. Different. I guess living in the city isn't all bad. Though it was a bit awkward when he wouldn't leave and I didn't get why he was starring at me. Then I was like oh yeah I guess I tip you now. Then I tipped him and he left. And I had hot pizza without having to leave the warm house. Oh happy day! Delivery is the best thing ever!

Too bad JoJo couldn't do that today.. He had no food and his mom wasn't feeling well enough to bring him food. So he went out to get food himself even after I told him not a good idea. And hm guess what? It wasn't a good idea. Hope he gets better soon. I've been praying my butt off for him! And it seems like he is only a little better from wed. Sigh..

In other news..having Dad back in WoW has been great. Its much better than keep in contact with him through emails. =]

Quotes of the day:
Pie: "I'd wear tight jeans, tight t-shirt and my hair all greased back."
Pie: "And I'd walk around flexing my muscles to show off my tat."
Me: "That is information that I could have done without..I mean..seeing your dad use the words flexing and tat in the same sentence..not pleasant at all."

Pie: "I always enjoy or father/daughter chats."
Me: "Me too until you talk about your tats."

Pie: "You're stronger than you think."
Me: "Hope so."
Pie: "You went through...Jason..Pat..and lord knows who else and you're still relatively normal."
Me: "Relatively lol."

Cynthia: "Remember that night when we were in branson and hung out at that put put place? That was like a dream. I looove you!"

Question of the day:
Define love?

1 comment:

  1. It is being patient, kind, truthful, unselfish, trusting, believing, hopeful, and enduring. It is not jealous, boastful, arrogant, rude, selfish, or angry. True love never ends.
