Saturday, January 23, 2010

Shopping trip bleh..

Went shopping with Angela and Jessica today. Had alot of fun even though it was shopping! Got two pretty dresses. One for valentines day and the other was just for the hell of it. Angela said its okay to have dresses on hand.. /shrug
I got new rainbow socks too. They are different colors. I'm sure Joseph will appreciate them. My ear has been bothering me all day. But I had tons of fun with Angela.
Quotes of the day:
Angela: "BULLSHITTERY! That's my new word."
Me: "Yes.."
Angela: /exasperation
Me: "I enjoyed this."
Angela: "Oh I stepped on your fork!"
Me: /chokes
Question of the day:
How do girls wear high heels and not die? (Answer: Don't run on your toes apparently.)

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