Saturday, January 9, 2010

Movie Marathon

Today was a really busy day. I left the apartment at 10:30 to be at Adam's first basketball game of the season. Then an hour later I went back to Beebe to pick up Angela. Then we went to McDonalds and back to Cabot to start our movie marathon. We watched Avatar first which was a 3D 3 hour movie. Then Jessica met us for Its Complicated. After that we went to Jacksonville for dinner at Chili's and then to North Little Rock. Where we hung out at Barnes and Noble for 2 hours until our next movie Leap Year. After that it was about 11:30 and I drove Angela home then came home myself. I called Joseph and talked to him for a while. I had alot of fun though. My picture of the day is Adam taking the ball down the court.

Quotes of the day:
Angela: /watches teenage boys come into the theature "Ugh teenage boys.."
Me: "Oh this is bad.."
Me: "None of them are hot."

Me: "Pony tail sex!"

Trudy: "Friggin daisy cutters!"

Trudy: "You're not the only one with a gun, bitch."

Its Complicated:
Jane: "Do you by any chance poke smot?"

Leap Year:
Declan: "We're in a fuck! What have you done?"

Anna: "All your beastestness is an act."

Anna: "I had everything I ever wanted.. But nothing I needed."

Question of the day:
Favorite movie this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Favorite Movies in order:

    1. The Blind Side
    2. Avatar
    3. It's Complicated
    4. Leap Year
    5. Sherlock Holmes
