Friday, January 1, 2010


Well its 2010 and I don't feel any different. I still get sick really easy. I still get upset pretty easy. And I still hate change of any kind. But I am getting better at stuff. I guess. So that's a plus. My new years resolution for last year was get my license. And I accomplished that. So I'm happy for that. My new years resolution for this year is G.E.D. I'm not looking forward to accomplishing that.. But JoJo really wants me to do it and so do a couple of other people. And JoJo seems to think it will make me happy. Maybe it will.. I don't know.

I'm too reflective to put in quotes of questions today. Instead you ask me a question. Or you give me some quotes. I'm busy over thinking the previous year.

The picture of the day are my rainbow socks. Oh how my rainbow socks comfort me. Just like hoodies. /hugs socks and hoodies

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