Friday, January 8, 2010

Sherlock Holmes

JoJo was bugging me all day to eat some oatmeal. I don't much care for oatmeal. I think I liked it as a kid because I'm pretty sure its all we ever had to eat for breakfast, that and cereal. But I hadn't eaten it in such a long time I kinda forgot how much I really don't like it. But he wouldn't stop bugging me and he kept saying it was good for me and I need to change my diet to healthier foods and blah blah whatevz! So I decided to do it afterall. I found a bag and made it. And the apples and cinnamon oatmeal is I think my least favorite. The texture of the apples freaks me out. Its like eating bits of rubber. Me no likey. But HEY guess what?! I frigging did what he asked me to do because I love and want to make him happy by LISTENING to him! If only he could/would do the same! I've been telling him all week, drink water, rest, don't go outside. Does he listen? Nope! He went out again today. He went to cinnabon and did pay roll. Then bought and unloaded 1000 pounds of horse food to his neighbor's house. He is never going to get better I swear! He just keeps getting worse and worse. And it's stressing me out! I'll be lucky if I get to see him on Valentines Day this rate.

Anyway, tonight was the start of a very busy movie weekend. Mom, Amy, Lori, Angela and I went to see Sherlock Holmes. It was good. I enjoyed it. And then Amy, Lori, Angela and I went to Waffle House. It was kinda weird we didn't know anybody working. I guess that's what happens when you mostly just come in on wed nights. /shrug

Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Lots of movies... Lots. Quotes of the day from now will consists of only my favorite movie quotes from the movies I have seen this weekend.

Quotes of the day:
Sherlock: "Madame, I need you to remain calm and trust me, I'm a professional. Beneath this pillow lies the key to my release."

Watson: "Holmes, does your depravity know no bounds?"
Sherlock: "No."

Sherlock: "What woman wants a doctor who can't tell if a man is dead or not?"

Question of the day:
Sherlock Holmes - how many stars? (I say 4 not 5 because I was disappointed he didn't say "Elementary my dear Watson.")

1 comment:

  1. My favorite quotes from it, other than the one you mentioned about the object of his release, was:
    "she enjoys an entrance, your muse."

    rating: ***1/2

    btw. Oatmeal= yucky!
