Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today was less than epic. I have been doing laundry and stuff. My ear has been killing me all day. And not my left ear is starting to hurt. I don't understand. I've done EVERYTHING that I was suppose to do. Why the hell isn't it better? Whatever.. Joseph was suppose to come today but decided leaving tomorrow morning would be better. Then some people in the guild in wow pissed him off tonight. And his team lost. He isn't in a very good mood. And I'm obviously pretty bad at cheering him up. Fail.. Hope tomorrow is better. That's all I have to say.
Quotes of the day:
Angela: "Birds!"
Me: "Bullshittery!"
Angela: "It is."
Me: "Bring your samuri movies."
JoJo: "I will."
Me: "Good because I'm going to make you watch the notebook and princess bride."
JoJo: "That's like saying bring the lube because I'm going to make you take it in the butt."
Me: "Just fucking shoot my ear off and get me a new one please."
Me: "Trust me that sounds less painful than what it feels like right now."
Question of the day:
Which should I make him watch first notebook or princess bride?


  1. Princess Bride!

    are you watching these at my house? I don't have The Notebook. You'll need to bring that one.

  2. word verification: epinvaqu

    sounds french huh?
