Thursday, January 14, 2010

Even Supergirl has to get shots in the ass

Okay so I went to the doctor again today after calling them and asking them what to do. They said hm that sounds bad you should come back in and spend more fucking money to fix the problem we should have already had fixed on tuesday. Okay not word for word but still. I had to pick up Zach and Ashley from school so they went with me to the doctor. I made them wait out in the waiting room. Glad I did because I ended up getting a shot in my hip. Yeah I freaked out. And I made my knuckles turn white from holding the chair so hard. This penicillin shot was more painful than a fucking flu shot! Anyway..I have some kind of pocket behind my eardrum and the pressure is from the pocket pushing against my eardrum and that's why I can't hear anything. Eventually its going to pop and when it does it will probably pop through my eardrum and hurt alot. So I got a shot and pain killers and another antibiotic. Fun. Not really..

Kevin and Lori came over and we all had KFC. I didn't eat much. It hurts to chew. =[

I hope tomorrow's loosely based plans go alright..

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I found the goober glitter!"
Angela: "I seriously laughed out loud!"

Me: "Ashley I think you're just jealous of my legendary crown of wonder."
Ashley: "That's exactly it."

Ashley: "And then she was like../does hand gestures and I was like /does hand gestures it was crazy!"
Me: "What's that I understood that."

Me: "I feel loopy as hell...and hell is loopy."

Me: "Getting a shot in my ass was not on my to do list for today. I freaked the hell out."

Question of the day:
Have you ever touched a pig? (Ashley asked me this today randomly)

1 comment:

  1. sometime between 5th and 6th grade.... i lived on a pig farm... we had a baby pig in our house for the winter... what do you think?
