Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chip Off The Ol' Block

Wild Catz night tonight was fun. We danced and talked like normal and I made everybody watch The New Moon Hillywood Show. Because everybody should watch both the Twilight Hillywood Show and The New Moon Hillywood Show. Its just..necessary. I have never been in so much pain from playing Just Dance though. I HURT. My right arm feels like it might fall off. But I had fun.. And the best thing I found out today was...LORI IS HAVING A GIRL! YAY! Olivia Hope! Epic!!!!!!!!!! And I'm so excited about this weekend. Angela and I are going to the movies not just once but a billion times. Until our eyes BLEED. And Chili's! HELL YEAH! And even though I'm always excited about Halloween because its my favorite holiday ever.. I am even more excited about this coming Halloween.. Because Joseph randomly mentioned it! And is talking about a costume party and renting everybody costumes! /squee

I had a good day. Hope it continues for the rest of the week. And hope Joseph starts getting better. Oh and I hope it snows snowed a little bit tonight but mostly sleet. COME ON SNOW FOR ME AGAIN PLEASE OH PLEASE!

I came home today and I had messages on my aim from Patty. Well this is what he has to say -
"I wanted to apologize to all of your family.
I wanted to apologize for not trying to be a part of the family, and well most importantly because of how much pain i caused you.
I may never talk to them again, and i dont think i really properly met any of them but i really am sorry."

Well..there you go. He says sorry to me and you guys. He never even really met you guys. So I don't think he really has any reason to be sorry. Unless he is saying sorry for not meeting you guys. Which I think he is too. Its a nice gesture anyway..

Time to call Joseph while snuggling up with my Edward blanket. My Edward blanket will just have to do until I get my werewolf in person. =]

Quotes of the day:
Me: "Fuck you the drunk monkey kicked their ass!"

JoJo: "Ask Karen about her good girl collar."

Me: "Drink more water!"
JoJo: "Diet coke okay baby."

Me: "What the french, toast?!"

JoJo: "eat your pie lol."

Me: "You should just have pie ready for me every wed."

Angela: "Ah that was a good one!" /points to self

Me: "I was rolling my eyes at Angela and Amy for wanting me to text them when I got home when I live 2 mins away. Then I stepped out of the car and slid on a patch of ice and fell on my ass."

JoJo: "You're a special haven't been around the block 20 times. That makes you special..different from other girls. You're not a slut. I like that about you." (Saving this for future reference if I ever get called a slut..bahaha.)

Question of the day:
Who invented the afro and why?


  1. First. I'm glad to see that you're consistantly placing photos in your blog.

    Second. I'm super excited about the movie marathon this weekend. I feel like I (we) really deserve this... it seems like we both have been let down alot lately by, well, I won't specify... but we really need to do something selfish, fun and just all around for US... and no one else. Sometimes I just get tired of being what everyone else wants me to be. MOVIES HOOOOOOO!

    Third. I'm glad your smiling now.

    Fourth. I totally kicked your drunk monkey ASS last night... like 2 out of 3 rounds... plus the rounds that I won were like 10 songs... and the ONE round you won... was like 3 songs (and you chose them!!!) *total cheater* yeah, you! Total cheater!!!

  2. oh. ps... i ate some of your cookies for breakfast....

    and the afro:

    Diasporic Black Africans in the Americas have been experimenting with ways to style their hair since their arrival in the Western Hemisphere well before the nineteenth century. In the U.S. following emancipation (between the late 1890s and the early 1900s), Annie Malone, Madam C. J. Walker and Garrett Augustus Morgan revolutionized African American hair care by inventing and marketing chemical (and heat-based) applications to alter the natural tightly curled texture.

    So this is a natural accurring state of hair in that culture, no one invented it.

    Look up>>>>>>> JEWFRO.... no joke, DO IT!
