Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sec = sex

Felt miserable and in pain all day. Sucked it up and went to Waffle House with Angela and Austin that was my big adventure for the day. Oh and going to Knight's grocery store to pick up the cash Joseph randomly wired to me since I spent all my money on medicine and that doctor visit. He sure does take care of me. =] So yay! I have money again. Lyke oh mah gawd I should lyke go shopping! Not really. But the other day Joseph was raiding and I didn't really want to go. But he was like trying to get the raid leader to invite me. Then I told Joseph I didn't really want to raid. So he told the raid leader nevermind she turned me down. And the raid told him to take me shopping it would make me happy. Lulz. Maybe that would make most girls happy. Kinda makes me wonder what the hell Joseph sees me. Because I'm not a typical girl at all. And I find it hard to believe that he likes that I'm not a typical girl. But maybe that is it.. /shrug

I have taken so much medicine today its crazy. That syrup shit is disgusting. And I swear if I have to take it one more time I am going to throw up. Speaking of which I'm all loopy on the syrup now so I'm going to go lay down as comfortably as possible with a sore ear. And I'm going to hope that I can actually sleep a dreamless, peaceful, non-painful sleep tonight.

Quotes of the day:
Austin: "So wait you met Joseph on a video game???"

Amy: "I told Adam to take a bath and he said 'Why don't you just spray me with air freshener instead.'"
Me: "Sassy!"

Me: "Can you call me?"
JoJo: "Sure hold on a sex."
/20 minutes later
Me: "That's one long sex."

Angela: "Popcorn."
Me: "Hm you haven't had popcorn in a long time.."
Angela: "I know. It was good."

Question of the day:
Almost half way through the first month of the first is it going for you?

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