Thursday, January 21, 2010

Williams Sonoma

I got two hours sleep before finally giving up and went with Amy to Little Rock. We went to William's Sonoma. The best cooking/baking store I've ever been in! I bought tons of shit. I spent alot of money in there. And I got Ashley's birthday presents for tomorrow. I got to really talk to Amy. And it was nice. I understand where she is coming from. I feel like I'm kinda at the same point. I hope she realizes though that I feel closer to her than I am with most anybody in the family. That trip to Arizona really brought us closer. And I realized how much I actually have in common with her. We went to the container store too. But I didn't much care for that place..

We went to Olive Garden. I was glad to get some mango peach tea and some nice Italian food. Then we went back to the apartment and I hid Ashley's presents and picked up Zach and Ashley from school. As soon as Ashley got off the bus she bolted to my car. She jumped in the front seat before Zach could get a chance and yelled really loudly "LOOK AT MY SHIRT ITS JUST LIKE YOURS!!!" With a big grin on her face. She was really excited that her grandmother had gotten her a shirt just like mine. It made me really happy. It was cute. Then we got back to the apartment and I gave them a snack and a drink and we turned on Flapjack. And Ashley turns around and looks at me and says "I have something to show're going to be proud." And she shoves her converse in my face. And not only did she WRITE on it just like me..but she wrote TEAM EDWARD! I was so proud. I took a picture of it right away. She asked me if Joseph was coming to her party and I had to tell her he couldn't make it. I think that made her upset. But when I asked her about it she said "Its okay.." I hope she realizes that its not that he loves Austin more. Its that he doesn't know her that well yet. But he still likes her. Its all good though because he said he would get her a birthday gift and bring it when he comes. I think that will make her feel better. Gifts is for sure her love language. I showed her all the stuff I got from William's Sonoma and told her I got her gift from there. Her face lit up and she said "What you got you like it?" And I said yes..and she jumped up and down and said "Then I know I will love it!" I'm glad that I will always have good relationships with the kids in my family. They all really do love me.

Quotes of the day:
Me: "I don't like this store it smells like plastic and is too organized..not the good kind of organized either."

Me: "I can haz money treez?"

Alan: "It would only be awkward if he was a douche like Jason or Patrick."
Me: "He is a nice guy I don't think it would be awkward. Not as awkward as seeing Angela and I in hot topic anyway."

Zach: "Some things in life are free..for everything else there is Joseph."
Me: "That's horrible!"

Me: "I could tell that Cynthia didn't really want to meet him and I wish she would have just told me why. And I wish people would stop assuming I want Joseph for his money. Because its not like that at all."
Alan: "As long as you're happy and getting out of that situation you're in I'm happy for you."
Me: "But I'm not using him to get out of this situation."

Me: "I just want this whole store..can I just buy this whole store?"

Me: "You can never have too many silicone spatula's. Remember that..its useful information."

Me: "Pants on the ground..pants on the ground..lookin like a fool witcha pants on the ground!"

Angela: "Happy dance!"

Question of the day:
Do you write on any of your shoes? If so what do you write? And if not you fail.

1 comment:

  1. No...I don't write on shoes...i know fail. How could you not like the Container Store?! Fail! Love you!
