Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Ashley

I figured out if I put a pillow in place of where Joseph should be..I can sleep after a couple of hours of laying there with my eyes closed. I slept for a few hours this morning. Like 3 at the most. But I was out cold for once. Lori called me twice and text me. Then came by the apartment and rang the doorbell and knocked and still got nothing. She eventually went to Amy's house got a spare key came in and walked over to me and touched me and scared the shit out of me. I gave her a picture of Edward and Bella so she could make the cake. We went to the chinese place for lunch and then Amy, Lori and I spent all day cleaning her house and getting ready for the party. Lori accidently used liquid dish soap for the dishwasher and it got suds everywhere! We spent way too much time trying to clean that mess up. And I was forced to go up into the attic and put up christmas crap. It was scary.

I eventually picked up the kids from school and picked up the cake. Then we decorated for the party and I baked cookies. I left early because my head was killing me. My ear problem is driving me nuts.

My internet sucks lately.

Quotes of the day:
Ashley: "Did you do this??"
Me: "No I didn't paint it on the cake or anything but I gave your mom the picture for it."
Me: "I call Edward's face!"
Me: "Yeah but you and Agent Scully are the only two women in the world who can run in heels."

Ashley: "That came from a really expensive store!"

Angela: "Girls are funny."

Zach: "All girls do is buy each other what they would want or what they already have. I don't get it."

Question of the day:

Why do women want baby girls? ( I want boys mostly.)


  1. not all women do. for all intensive purposes, i enjoy having a boy... it's only when i want to dress something up that i want a girl... and to be brutally honest- i can't afford half the crap that i want to dress me up... a girl would just cut into what little bit i get for me... selfish, yes!

  2. I never once prayed for a girl...always wanted a boy :)
