Friday, July 31, 2009


I really didn't do anything today. Unless you count not sleeping and being really sick. /rolls eyes I got to spend some time with Patty though he wasn't feeling well either. What a pathetic pair. I talked to Dad a bit too, I hadn't talked to him in ages, but he was actually logged into WoW today when Pat and I were on. I would tell you how his life is going but to be honest he wouldn't let me shut up long enough about my confusing life for him to talk about his. Such a saint he is.

I read a bit today nothing amazing just some of my old writings. I found some old poems and crap I wrote when I was an emotional wreck of a pre-teen/teen. Some of them were utterly laughable. Others were not so bad. /shrug The picture I took is of one of my journals from when I was EXTREMELY young. I used to like Harriet the Spy when I was little. So of course, I had a journal just like hers. Its funny how my....odd personality has always been there. My sister Stacy called it "obsessive" personality. I find that..the wrong word to describe it. I'd go with passionate. Yes, thats it. In fact I think thats why most humans bore the living crap out of me. They have such a lack of passion, a lack of personality. Just because I have always had a strong personality I don't think that makes me obsessive. Though I guess I can be. Especially when I fall in love. /smirk

It seems I've always found alot of comfort in movies. Even as far back as a lil girl. Maybe even too much. I daydreamed alot about books and movies. And when I wasn't daydreaming about a movie or a book I was creating my own book or movie in my head.

Its truely laughable reading some of my journal entries about Patty from back when I was 15 years old. Its hard to believe somebody could deeply love somebody for so long when they haven't even met them in person. Though I think my thoughts and feelings about him now are way more mature than that of my 15 year old self. Ha. Maybe he is my La Tua Cantante. lol I crack myself up. Which I guess is good since nobody else finds me funny.

Even more hilarious are the things I would do when I was little to prove my toughness. When around my best friend Stephanie when I was little, I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything she could dare me to do that I wouldn't. I shiver at the thought of a 8 year old me eating a worm now though. Or that one time when I was much older and I had boy boxers and she dared me to try and stand up while peeing like a guy does through the lil hole conviently there. Lets just doesn't work well.

This is one of the few poems I read and have zero clue who its about. I truely don't even remember writing this. It says in the journal entry that I was inspired from a book. What book though I don't know. Doesn't say but yet its not half bad for the punk kid that I was at that age.

Blinded By Love

I saw that twinkle in your eye
The one you get after telling a lie
I saw the smirk on your face
No longer felt the warmth of your embrace
Got tired of waiting for a call that never came
You said things were fine said they were the same
I'm not that naive, I know when i've been replaced
I see the way you look at me with distaste
So spare me all your pathetic lies
Because you were the cause of your own demise
Its true you stole the key to my heart
But gave it to her without telling me we were apart
Who is to say you won't do to her what you've done to me
I hope for her sake she is smart enough to see
I was blinded by love on our first date
And that first kiss sealed my fate
I'd love to see you charm your way out of this one
But its over now and we are done
So take this tear stained letter and throw it away
Because I have let you go and moved onto a new day

P.s. - The word "reminisce" reminds me of the word Renesmee now.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Amy and the kids came over today but I felt too shitty to really spend time with them. I felt so crappy all day. We did go to the pet store, wal-mart and sonic though. But then I came home and went back to feeling crappy. After they left I continued my night by throwing up and throwing up some more. Oh and throwing up some more. And then I attempted to play WoW but started feeling worse and had to log and throw up some more yay! Going to bed now. Stay tuned tomorrow for possible throwing up some more.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Today I got an uber amount of dork points. I'm way ahead of Angela now. I think I have over 100. I got a bracelet just like Bella's (as seen above), I got Bella's travel bag like she has in the book. Only the travel bag I have has Edward scented linen spray, Alice scented lotion, and Bella scented lotion and body spray, oh and don't forget strawberry scented shampoo just like Bella's (even though I already use strawberry scented shampoo and always have..) and last but not least vampire lip balm. It totally burns when you put it on lol. I also got Amy and I's Twi-Tour tickets in the mail. And headbands just like Bella's! I got Twilight band-aids too. That was completely necessary. I was running really low on pirate band-aids. I've got alot of cool shit recently.

I had fun tonight at Wild Catz night. Even though it seems Lori was in a bad mood.. And nobody appreciated all my dorky twilight/bella stuff. They just made fun of me. But I'm used to that. /shrug I like the stuff. That's all that matters. I have been excited about it all day. And my bed totally smells like Edward now. Fan-fuckin-tastic! Even though Amy and Angela say it smells like beer and baby powder. Pfft. Edward smells like sun, lilac and honey. And Bella's stuff of course smells like freesia with a hint of lavander. I loves it!! But I think I like the bracelet more actually. It suits me.

I watched Push tonight. It was okay.. The ending sucked. Left you thinking, so they are going to make a second one..? /shrug

Next movie I'm going to rent is Knowing.

I think I'm going through a random growth spurt that shouldn't happen to a 22 year old. I can't stop eating (and I hardly ever eat) and I think I have gotten taller. Found a pair of jeans that used to be way too long. Now they almost fit. Also, whats the deal with me not being able to find jeans that fit me AND are the right length? Its always one or the other.

I heard a funny dumb blonde joke today.

What did the blonde's left leg say to her right leg?
Between the two of us, we can make a lot of money.

When I heard that joke I snorted from laughing and pictured Jake saying it to Rosalie and Rosalie growling.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Shhh....I'm having an epiphany here!

I'm going to lazyly and make this one huge paragraph of describing my day in a tired lazy sleepyish manneryayay! Babysat today. Dropped the kids off. Went shopping with my sister and mom. Went to IHop. Had eggs overeasy /shrug idk why I picked overeasy either so don't ask. But the ketchup on my eggs looked like a smiley..with a beauty mark. So I named them Rosealie eggs. They were damn good. Then we went to do more shopping /bleh. I got new converse though. Yes, it was necessary. They were on sale and lil boys converse and they were low top. I didn't own a pair of black low tops! But I do now! Then we went to sonic. Then we dropped Amy back at home. Went home. Got the movie. Went to hastings to return it. Rented another one. Went to BigLots for no real reason. I forget what we got there. Maybe nothing? Went home. The hours between when we came home and when I got in wow at 10 to raid are a blur to me.. But I did raid! And it was fun! 3 bosses killed and I haven't raided in forever!! I missed everybody. Especially Val and Patty. Mmm Patty's voice I missed so much. I got some boots too that dropped. And um I talked to Val. And I had an epiphany. Oh and then during my epiphany he was like talking and I was like "shh I'm having an epiphany here!" well actually I think I made two points and I can't remember what point one was. Oh wait I remember, I was explaining to him that this twilight convention wouldn't be the only one or the best one since there was three other movies coming out. One in novemember. And then my point number two was "shh I'm having an epiphany here!" And then just now while writing this blog I remembered..hey thats a mother effin Bella quote! Well the last part anyway not point one and two just the epiphany part. But I'm too tired to remember what her epiphany was. Or mine for that matter. But I am not tired enough to forget what Epiphany means. So take that!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monks shop at Wal-Mart

Today I woke up and went to pick up the kids. We stopped by Amy's house to talk to her for a while before coming back to my house for lunch. We watched the movie Coraline, by Tim Burton. I LOVED IT!! Tim Burton strikes again! Then we went to Hastings to return it and get a dollar credit. We rented Pink Panther 2. Yeah, I kinda phased out during it. But we got three different new Wii games, and some books. I got Wuthering Heights and Anne of Green Gables. I used to love alot of these classics when I was younger but I never owned them my sisters did. And they took them when they moved lol. Reading the Twilight saga has made me miss them all over again. Ironic Bella's favorites are also (some) of my favorites. The Wii games we got a pretty awesome too. I got Lego Indiana Jones, Ironman and MySims Party. It was buy two get one for a dollar so Ironman we got for a dollar. /shrug

We went to Wal-Mart for some food and such. We saw monks there in their robes and stuff with purses or something that matched their robes. And they had the short haircuts but they had cell phones. It was weird I didn't think monks could have cell phones. Or go to Wal-Marts for that matter..

Ashley and I had strawberry soda today so that's how her tongue and mouth got all red. And the first picture is a logo I designed for my friend Dustin who is running for mayor for his city. I don't agree with him on anything politically though. I didn't spend more than 30 mins on this logo. And I refused to make it look like the Obama O logo. Seriously, Obama being a shitty person/president aside, look at his damn logo. Who did he have designing his logos? A 4th grader? I've splattered paint on dirt and come up with a better logo than that.

Today was tiring but fun. I got some cool stuff. But now its time for bed. Because tomorrow I have to go...SHOPPING UGH!!!!! The good news is..I have tomorrow and wed off! Woot!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Amy came over after church and brought Zach and Ashley with her for me to babysit. She stayed too we went to Wal-Mart and played phase 10. I totally kicked her butt! The kids got to swim even though it stormed this morning. And we found this pretty bird's nest outside. It was pretty much a lazy day. I was tired all day too. I'm not looking forward to babysitting tomorrow as well. The good news is even though it will be long hours tomorrow so they are spending the night.. I'm off on tues and wed! The bad news is that I have to go shopping tues! Bah! Oh well. I'm getting more and more excited about the trip as it gets closer. Can't wait for me to get my hair dyed and look more like Bella! All in all today was excelent! Or..Egg-celent! Ah-ha!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


The outfit I wore today was awesome. I looked super cute. Too bad all I did was lay around the house most of the day and then go to the movies with Lori and the kids. McDonalds and the dollar movies no less, Land of the Lost. Wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. And more vulgar than I thought it would be. I've been saying that alot lately, haven't I? Its because most movies these days suck. Not to sound old are anything.. But seriously, whats with the lack of morals in movies? Why is it all movies have to contain lots of cursing, sexual content, drugs or alcohol, and crude humor? And don't even get me started about how they have to put a gay joke or a gay character in every movie to be "politcally correct." And you know what? I bet even gay people get sick of that. Most of the time they are making fun of flamboyantly gay people. You would think that would be offensive to them. I can't really remember the last time I saw a GOOD family movie. Oh wait no, I actually lied. Zach, Ashley and I rented Inkheart the other night. It was really good. It was only rated PG. But seriously, I wouldn't recommend Land of the Lost. Way more crap in it than I thought. Not nearly as bad as Transformers 2 though /rolls eyes.

I also rented Confessions of a Shopaholic tonight. It was...cute. However, as far as romantic comedies go, it sucked. I can't relate to somebody who loves shopping so much. I mean are there seriously women out there that spend 1,000 dollars on a purse? What happens when your baby throws up on it so much that you have to get a new one? Do rich frivolous people not have kids? Do they have kids but just use a nanny? Do they realize that they could buy several cars and houses and feed a small country with their wardrobe? Do they OWN small countries? How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop???

Okay so the first picture is a picture of me as a vampire only with blue eyes. Because my friend Val said he liked the pictures of me as a vampire but not the eyes lol. And I was trying to see if I could still get the "Vampire look" without editing my skin at all like I did the others. I figured my skin was pale enough. And it was. I just had to edit my lips to take out the red. And my freckles of course, and the red in my cheeks. Other than that..and the warm golden eyes, I'm a real life pale faced vampire. How depressing. The second picture is my outfit. Cute shirts, right? I know right!

My sims character popped out two more boys. Twins! I have 6 boys now. Geez. Patty sim sure does never bed!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bella bloom

Today I babysat again. They stayed here at the house and hung out with Amy the kids and I until I took them home after dinner. We made that strawberry pizza dessert too. I took them home then went to Hastings to rent a movie and Wal-Mart to grab some stuff. I was looking for a deodorant with a mini travel size one with it so I wouldn't have to buy a travel size one for the trip later. I finally found one that wasn't degree (degree brand blows) and I didn't even smell it or anything I just threw it in the cart. Later after I got home I realized it was called "Bella bloom." I told Angela and she laughed and said I was a dork. I told her if I was a dork and she was my friend/sister what did that make her? She said the sister of a dork. And I said she was a dork too. So long story short we are texting each other each day with the dorky things we did and each thing is 10 points. The one with the most points at the end of the week is the biggest dork. So far its a tie, we both have 40 points.

I watched the movie Henry Poole was here. It was good, better than I thought it would be. Also slightly depressing. Too bad nothing that amazing happens in real life. As Jacob Black from Twilight would say - "Life sucks, and then you die."

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I find it ironic that even though today was really bad it was also really good. It was stressful, annoying, frustrating and upsetting. And yet everybody made me feel better. Amy made me feel better, and Angela, Zach, Ashley, Adam, Daniel and Caleb. Hell even Kevin made me feel better. As upset as I was I was able to still have fun today rent a movie (Inkheart) watch it, eat pizza spend time with the kids, Amy and Angela and still have a good day because of it. This is exactly the reason why I can't move. Everything I want and need is here. Even as much as mom and dad drive me crazy. This is where I want to be with the people I love. Anyway, at least mom said sorry.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Purple = Violet

Babysat all day 13 hours. Got paid 10 bucks. Sigh. Seriously stressing out about money for this trip. Beginning to think it was a big mistake. What if I don't end up having fun from all this stress and stuff? What if none of the stars can make it due to filming the next movie? Sigh. Anyway..the first picture is my shoes. The second is my favorite, I really like that picture not sure why though. Third picture is Ashley and Zach, look at the sky in the background! Anyway, had fun with the kids today and at wild catz night. And with Angela and Amy today. For some reason the word purple kept coming up today. And I realized that I say the word purple because I hear it all the time. But I honestly hate it. Its VIOLET not purple. So I'm going to try and correct myself everytime I catch myself saying purple instead of violet. Call it OCD, but I'm an artist for God's sake!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day off

Today was pretty eh. It was my day off. So of course I slept in. But then I had to go shopping and shop for clothes and bras (UGH)! I hate shopping. I make it a point to only have to shop for such things once every several months. It really blows. I got some cute clothes though. Just wish I could just shop for stuff online all the time. Its much easier. This picture is a close up of one of the shirts I got. Anyway, I'm tired and have to get up early night.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Color me happy

Worked today. Got to Lori's house at 9:20. Ashley was still asleep. Eventually she woke up and we went over to Amy's house. We all went over to the clothing store in Beebe. Amy and I both had money to pick up. I only had 6 dollars to pick up. Amy had like 14 lol. Money is money though when you're saving up for a trip!

After that we went to the library, then mom's house to eat lunch. Then we all went back to Beebe. Before meeting up again and going to hastings and the mall. That's when I got this awesome new messenger bag! Its twilight of course, and will be my carry on for the trip, of course. Amy and I also got some twilight jewelry and I got some lil hair bows. I'm going back to the mall tomorrow and hoping I can find some shorts. Since I only have like two pairs.

Looks like Lori and Angela won't be going on the trip with us afterall, sigh. I feel kinda guilty about going now and being excited. But I'm still trying to stay excited. They have been to plenty of things I haven't even dreamed of having the chance to go to. And I mean..I deserve this I think, maybe. A chance to do something I like for once, randomly. I don't know. Either way i'm going to try and be excited still. /shrug.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Forbidden fruit

Today I chilled at the house mostly with Amy, John and the kids. Amy and I did go to Wal-Mart though. And I got two Twilight t-shirts! They were only 7 dollars each, hell yeah! I also got some Twilight sweethearts. I can tell I will have to go back later and get more though for the trip. I am excited about the trip. I seriously can't wait. Which is out of character for me. Normally i'd be dreading it or not going at all. Although I am still a bit nervous. Okay, more than a bit. But I won't worry about that right now. Right now i'll just continue screaming like a lil girl and going OMG OMG OMG!!! Everytime I think about it.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I woke up today to Amy being at the house and telling me she is going to Phoenix, AZ with my mom in August. I was trying to decide if I should go or not. Being that this might be my last chance to see Nana and depressing as that thought might be.. I hate making decisions, especially tough ones. Though with me all decisions are tough..but still. I didn't know what to do. Then as I was going back and forth between to the two and thinking how depressing and hard this trip would be. I remembered back before my sisters came to visit when I was at Angela's house, we were looking at Twilight stuff online. I remembered coming across the Twilight Cruise along with a Twilight Convention that would be in Phoenix, AZ. So I quickly looked it up and realized it was a few days before my mom's flight. So long story short, my sister Amy and I are going to Phoenix, AZ a few days before my mom to go to the Twilight Convention! This is exactly what I need. Ironic that after talking to Amy about how I wanted to take a trip somewhere fun yesterday this would happen the day after! Angela and Lori might be coming as well. The more the fun!

I'm going to be working on saving money for my Bella costume before we leave. While I'm in Phoenix I'm also going to buy a lil catus just like Bella's. This is going to be great! It doesn't matter how horribly depressing or miserable the rest of the trip is. This is worth it already! And I'll even get to see Jasper and Alice IN REAL LIFE! And get pictures with them! Hell yeah! Not as great as Edward and Bella but second best.

Its like the sunrise after yesterday's horrible sunset and gloom that i've felt the past few days. Things are great.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Today was a horrible start. I got into a huge thing with my mom so I had to ask Amy to come pick me up and take me to Beebe to babysit. Thanks for that by the way, Amy. After that things got better. I got to spend a lot of time with Amy and the kids at her house. I talked to Amy about how I wanted to go on some kind of fun trip that will make feel like a teenager again. I feel horrible about the fact that I never really got to be a teenager. I feel like i've spent most of my life being responsible. Then I went back to Lori's house and the ice cream man was driving by so Zach, Ashley and I ran after him and got ice cream. Hell yeah! I got the batman one with gumball eyes. Mmm. Then we went to Angela's house and ate baked potatoes and watched Ghost Hunters. That is until Angela and I fell asleep. Then Lori came by. Angela and I watched the sunset while walking to Lori's house to spend time with her. Then Kevin drove me home and mom said sorry to me for this morning and we watched Harry Potter 4 together.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Half Blood Prince

Today I woke up to Angela asking me if I wanted to go see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Austin was sick so she had to take him to the dr in j-ville. Somebody keyed her car while she was there too, bummer. Then she came and picked me up because mom was out with the car. We went to Wendy's to eat then to Kmart to buy Austin shampoo. Then to the movies. The movie was...depressing. It was storming really loud toward the end which was the most depressing part too. It added to the intensity and sadness. I've never seen an audience leave so depressed and silent before. I'm wondering how the next movie will turn out after this depressing twist of events.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I do want to pounce you and suck your blood

Today I went to Lori's house and babysat for 12 straight hours. We watched 2 out of 4 of the harry potter movies I brought with me. And then we hung out at Angela's house. We had the most hilarious wild catz night in a while. And thats where I got my title from. It was a quote of Angela's tonight. We looked at a website tonight full of twilight t-shirts to find our favs. It was fun. I had alot of fun. Now i'm going to go watch the 3rd harry potter movie and go to bed. I would write more but I honestly can't think of all the things that were hilarious now. /shrug Girls who understands them, right? Not even other girls.

Oh, I found my lost license too. It was funny because I was looking for some letters Kim and Dee gave me to give to Amy, that I shoved in my bag. And I said "Well they were in here." As I looked through the bag for them. Amy said "Right with your license?" And I laughed and then when I found the letters, there they were wedged in between the letters! Maybe it WAS in my car and that was Kim's way of giving it back? Who knows? Either way I'm glad that's one problem solved.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Today I said goodbye to Kim, Dee and my nephew Zane. I spent all day trying to distract myself from depression without much sucess. I went to Hastings and just messed around. Not much of a distraction. I rented all the Harry Potter movies in an attempt to possibly distract myself. But then decided I didn't feel up to trying to watch any movies. So I just played Sims until Patty got on. But he wasn't feeling good so he didn't talk much. Then the raid didn't go off. Val was tired so I didn't get to talk to him much. I didn't even really take a picture today I just edited other pictures. I think it still counts though. I turned myself, Angela and Lori into vampires. The first is Lori as a newborn, or a thirsty non vegetarian vampire both have red eyes. The second is Angela as either one. Next is me as a non thirsty vegaterian vampire. Then me as a thirsty vegaterian vampire. Their eyes get black when they are thirsty. And then me as a newborn. /shrug. My favorite is the gold eyes. I look like a true Cullen. Angela says I look like Jasper's lil sister. But hey in order for that to happen I have to marry Edward and i'm okay with that!

The sad part is I didn't really have to edit my skin color much. I'm just naturally that pale. I was pale before twilight made it cool. /shrug

Monday, July 13, 2009

Breaking Dawn

Today Amy and I were both feeling sick. Her kids, Zane and Ashley and Zach were here. They spent most of the day playing wii and stuff. Ugh.. today was actually a pretty bad day considering all the family drama. But putting all that aside.. WHICH IS HARD TO DO.. It was a good day because it was our last night together with Kim, Dee and Zane. We played some badmitten. And we played password and Taboo after Amy and the kids left. Then Zach and Ashley went to bed and I watched some tv show online with Kim and Dee that they like. Called Arrested Development. It was pretty funny and stupid at the same time. During the day today in between me feeling like crap, I managed to finish reading the last chapter of Breaking Dawn. How ironic that I would finish this book on my last day with Kim, Dee and Zane? And add in all the drama and its pretty depressing. Like a hole inside me. I will have to really keep myself busy this week to try and fill this hole inside me. It was a really good ending.. Biggest twists ever. Things happened I never expected and I can't believe Angela was able to keep these secrets from me! But as happy as the ending was..I really think its the end. I really think the author won't write another book of my alter ego Bella and my beloved Edward. What a depressing thing.

I also have alot of family stress to think about that won't help at all with my..hole I'm feeling. Twilight was a good happy place to go to when I was feeling overwhelmed, depressed, stressed or even just bored. Now what will I do?

And as if God is almost wanting me to let my depression sink in..its storming outside. What a cruel joke, God!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Today I was feeling horrible still. Don't know whats wrong with me. Can't sleep right or anything. I pretty much just layed around watching tv with the kids. And I read a fairy book with Ashley. Then we played sims for a while. It seemed like a simish day. Tomorrow is my last day with Kim, Dee and Zane. Interesting how although this should make me sad it just kinda makes me feel numb? Is that a good word? /shrug I talked to Angela for a while today. She had a really rough day I feel for her. She was better after I talked to her though. She spent some time with her friends today to get her mind off of her depression. Then called and talked to me. She found a place in Little Rock that reminded her of La Push in Forks, WA.

I think I'm going to call Alan and talk to him for a while before I try to sleep. I miss him alot randomly.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Today I had to say goodbye to my sister Stacy, her husband Steve and my niece and nephews Laina, Leon and Lowan. After I said goodbye to them I realized how crappy I felt and went back to bed while Kim spent most of the day with Hank anyway. The only thing we really did today was we went bowling. Then we came home ate dinner and played the wii for a while. Once Zane was in bed we watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Now i'm back in my room debating on sleeping or reading more Twilight Breaking Dawn. I don't think I can sleep after how much that nyquil knocked me out last night and this morning. Maybe I should take more nyquil though since I still feel crappy. Maybe I just feel crappy because I had to say some goodbye today though. I don't know. I didn't cry though thats weird. When I was younger I would.

Friday, July 10, 2009

My world

Today was my last day with Steve, Stacy and Laina. Tomorrow morning I will say goodbye to them and who knows when I will see them next. Its been..forever since I had seen Stacy and them to begin with. But this is the first time in a long time that I have had all my nieces and nephews at one time. So I had to have somebody take a picture. Because who knows when this will happen again? I felt really crappy today, been sneezing, coughing and had a runny nose all day. Its been miserable. All we did was hang out at the house and go to the library but ugh. I felt bad all day. Luckly though when you spend time with such cute kids.. It doesn't matter if you feel like hell. They are still wonderful. And its easy to find whats right in the world.

Even though Amy took this picture I'm using it as my photo of the day because this is what I wish for all the time. My world. My nieces and nephews all together everyday. What a life that would be? And all my sisters too of couse would come along with that. Mmm..I wish.

From left to right Zachary the oldest, Caleb (in Zach's lap), Adam, Leon, Me, Lowan (in my lap), Zane (in front of me), Ashley, Daniel (in Ashley's lap), and Laina next to Ashley.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fairy tea party

Today I hosted a fairy tea party for the girls at Amy's house. We made fairy wings and colored fairy placemats. Then had fairy foods and drinks. The girls had alot of fun and the boys went fishing while we were doing this. After that we went home for lunch and everybody kinda did there own things games, swimming and naps until it was time for us girls to go out. We went to Outback Steakhouse then came home to do our nails. But before we came home we stopped by BestBuy and I bought a new guitar for my rock band 2 and some new drumsticks that will make the drums less loud. And its also softer for the drums, so less damage done. And of course they are friggin clear and light up blue when you bang on them! Bonus! It was a long day but a good day. The picture above is my niece Laina and I. If you knew me when I was a kid this looks JUST like me at that age. Everybody especially Stacy (Laina's mom) keeps calling me Laina and Laina Karen.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ice age 3

Today we went to the movies. We saw Ice Age 3. It was cute..not as funny as I thought it would be. It was more serious and intense than funny. Still good, the kiddos liked it. After that we chilled at home and played games. Stacy gave me my birthday gift, Leon picked out the cool pirate gift bag, Laina picked out the shimmering body lotion, and Steve and Stacy picked out the game Catch Prase: music edition. We played it a bit it was fun. It doesn't sound like we did alot but we did. The only thing that sucked was my throat hurt all day and I had a migraine for a bit. I need to take more pictures.. Its already the end of day 2 and I hardly have any pictures to show for it. I feel bad since Stacy leaves friday? maybe saturday. Either way I should have taken more pictures. But the picture today is a picture I took with my camera phone of my sister Stacy and I. Till tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today my two sisters Kim and Stacy came to visit from out of state. They won't be able to visit long so I really should take full advantage of every second with them. I'm sure you're wondering why my picture of the day isn't of them. But really its because I spent a considerable amount of time last night and today worried and nervous. I planned my outfit ahead of time (with some help from my own personal Alice aka Angela.) And I spent all morning finishing up my room. I was concerned to say the least, that I wouldn't be able to handle the socialness and um how should I say bonding..? with my two sisters that I rarely see. Especially since its been so long since I've seen Stacy. And her and I used to be able to relate to each other pretty well. We had alot in common. I can't say how things are going yet. Because it is the first day. But I think I might be able to handle it.. Hopefully, since this trip is so short..there won't be any terribly long awkward moments of talking.

We watched Twilight the movie tonight. My niece and nephew even watched it. I felt like I was able to share a part of me. But yet I still don't think they liked it as much as I do. And I doubt they know or understand how much I relate to the movie. But I did convince my sister Amy (who hates vampire stuff) to not only watch the movie but even read the book. I let her borrow it today. And Lori got the last book from Angela tonight and gave it to me. I'll read at least a chapter before I go to bed. But tomorrow is a big day. Every day for a week will be a big day. Hope it all works out well. Maybe I'm being paranoid and they will understand me more than I think? Maybe in order for that to happen I'll have to be more open..ugh..I cringe at the thought. Until tomorrow.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy dreams

I finished Eclipse in less than 24 hours. It was amazing. Edward and Bell are engaged. I knew it would happen. But still the page thats all white and blurry its because I couldnt keep my hand still. Its just too exciting. It was a really good book. I can't wait to read the last. And yet I find it depressing its all going to come to an end. I'll have just wait for more books...hopefully. *crosses fingers* Anyway, this is all I did today. Read, clean, read, clean, pause and sit down in pain, read, clean, pain, read and clean. And my room doesn't even look like I cleaned. So I'm going to bed in hopes I can wake up early and continue the pattern..without the reading part. I will dream happy dreams.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Today was exciting in a boring way. All I did was read Eclipse all day. The third book of the Twilight series. I was in alot of pain so there wasn't much else to do. I got up every once in a while and tried to see if I could clean my room without pain. But I just couldn't. I kept having to stop crunch up in ball. So I would always give up and go back to reading. But I was completely content in getting lost in this book. Unlike book 2 this one was not painful. When I read the painful book 2 I would have a hard time breathing or would end up crying and give up after just one chapter. With this book, I'm having a hard time breathing but not for the same reason. Because its so exciting! I find I can hardly put it down. I'm already half way through. I'm going to try and savor the last half. Maybe Kim and Stacy coming Tuesday will be enough distraction. Edward, sweet vampire Edward, sadly you will come second to my family. /sigh!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Today I played sims and wow with my nephews and niece for a while. We played some games with the family. Cooked out and shot off fireworks. I burned some of the hair off my arm. And somehow managed to get all bruised up lol. I had alot of fun though i'm really tired now. Anyway, the first picture is just those lil fountain fireworks. The second is right before that roman candle burned off some of the hair on my arm. Third one was one of the bigger fireworks. And it was night vision mode on my camera. I didn't like it because it makes it look lighter in the day than it is. Last picture is a wow screenshot, when I went to Shatt city they were blowing up fireworks. And the video down at the bottom was actually from last night. Its Adam looking at my pet collection in wow. Can you say future wow player? AND future pet collector? He even bought me a ring from the quarter machine today with his own money as a thank you for letting him play it.

Friday, July 3, 2009


Today I went to pick up the kids early in the morning to babysit. We went to Angela's house and hung out for a while. I gave her New Moon back and got the third book Eclipse. Then I had to go home so Mom would have the car for her hair appointment. But Amy and the kids were here so we spent time with them. Ashley and Zach wanted to see them anyway so it all worked out. We went to Wal-Mart and we went to the fireworks stand. I spent all money on fireworks. I'm excited about tomorrow. The fireworks in the picture isn't even half of it. I wish I could have spent time with Patty today. The kids are spending the night because they wanted to play sims and stuff some more. Looks like i'll be taking them home early in the morning so they can still spend time with Lori and Kevin during the day on their day off.

Adam and Daniel played wow by themselves for a little while tonight. It was hilarious! Adam was so freaking out over my pets and mounts. I filmed it for a min. It was too funny.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


So I actually ended up not sleeping last night. I have been up all night and all day. I just can't get my mind to shut up. On the plus side, I finished New Moon today! Tomorrow i'm babysitting since the kids came back from camp today. So I'm going to visit Angela on her day off tomorrow, and borrow book 3. I really need to start cleaning my room and finish up rearranging it before my sisters come tuesday. Doubt that will happen.. SIGH. I'm stressed out. And my mind is still going crazy with thoughts.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Movie night part duex

Tonight wcn (wild catz night) was canceled because Angela had to go pick up Austin from camp. So Lori, Norm and I watched a movie at her house. It would have been Kevin too but he didn't get home from work until late. It was an okay movie. It was called 12 rounds with John Cena. It was predictable and I don't that dude is that hot but whatever. It was fun. And I played Sims3 for a while today. It finally came in the mail and its AWESOME! I'm so glad Patty bought it for me even though I still think it was too much. It was really sweet and I love it. And now I can play it too when he is playing it!

I finally made it to a semi good chapter in the book New Moon. This book is really painful. I can tell the movie will be just as painful. Only a few seconds through the offical movie trailer and my eyes started to tear up. Lol good thing Angela is going to see it with me when it comes out. And I know she will probably cry before me! Hah. Okay back to my book!